Sugar beet tailing nutritional value


5 year old buck +
so roughly 2 weeks ago I got a semi load of tailings (25 tons). our beans were all gone early so we needed supplementary food. I'm wondering how valuable it would be to spread it all over our fields as fertilizer. these things should be loaded with nutrients right?
Sounds like a great idea. Come spring any leftover tailings and all that deer crap gets worked back into the soil.
I'm wondering if it's worth the money to have a few deliveries of this so I can have unlimited winter food as well as the added benefit of amending the soil. There is also some soil coming from the fertile sugar beet grounds as well as adding OM content from the tailings. Once we get our plots to produce enough food, this will supplement the winter feeding. We may have missed the migration, as we've only had up to 6 deer on the tailings at a time. Curious to see how many more decide to start feeding from the endless pile.
I did this with Brooks last winter on the MN ground he has since sold. With how wet it was in 2014, we weren't able to get grain plots established on that really bailed our butts out and seemed to help a ton. There was some left over come spring....just spread it out and work it in.
Was there a high concentration of sheds found around the pile?