I did plant both but sugar beets were a little late so my bulbs didn't get very big.
What date did you plant the beets and how big did the roots get?
I think it was the end of July but I'm not positive. I planted 1/4 acre of turnip/rap mix and a 1/4 acre of sugar beets. Everything came up great but I never saw the big white sugar beets sticking out of ground. When it thaws I will dig some up. The turnips were the size of a small pumpkin.
To purple top turnips and sugar beet seeds look alike? I think there may have been a screw up.
Also, do u plant your sugar beets on the same plot every year?
I have always planted Roundup Ready sugar beets which come with a blue coating. Uncoated (and non RR) are brown, irregularly shaped seeds.
Not just blue!!
Blue, green, red, yellow & purple are common colors of RR sugar beet seed that I have had.
If any of you have some extra RR sugar beats, I would like some.
The Technology Use Guide still says ... "Planting Limitation: Grower must not plant Roundup Ready Sugar Beets in any wildlife feed plots,". Same for RR Canola, and RR Alfalfa. The question is, will Monsanto or Bayer ever attempt to enforce it?
2019 Monsanto Technology Use Guide
It's out there.