Stump shredder project

Being 5 miles from the tower seems to be slowing my upload tonight. It's at 63% and an hour left.

Took this pic just for Foggy. It's the tooth most exposed, just after grinding a stump at the edge of the taconite tailings. So this was shoveling gravel for 4 stumps.

Not a chip in any of them. :)

How did you find Taconite tailings?
Oddly enough - through my hydraulics guy in Brainerd. He told me about my tailings supplier when I was having the ends crimped on for my 3rd function diverter valve.

My guy bought the mine from the mining company after they'd ceased operations. He's got mountains of the stuff.
Looks good Jim. Nice video.
It can punt a half cut stump 25yds too. :eek::D:eek:
Great job! Thanks for the video, really shows how impressive the thing is.
Looks really solid Jim. Hope it meets your expectations. Nice work.
Very impressive! You are taking some significant bites with that thing. It's hard to tell from the video- how much is it bogging down the grinder RPM's when it swipes through solid wood? It doesn't seem too bad, and it's not bouncing at all by the looks of things. Two thumbs up!
It doesn't bog at all until I get deep into the center of a hard stump with lots of cutter engagement, and I'm only running it at 2000 engine rpm which translates to 657 at the wheel for 4,125sfm.

This was a bad stump candidate for the video since there was so little solid wood left. I'll do another one on a fresh oak.

It doesn't bounce at all. It'll vibrate when you get into the hard stuff, but the chatter is minimal.
Looks like you got your hydraulics slowed down some. Much better feed. Just take it easy for a while. ;) We are impressed. ;)
I'm just manipulating the valve. My ball valve is wide open since all it seems to do is heat my fluid.

Next project on the machine will be plumbing that valve directly into the tractor so I can stop using my rear SCV on it. Or I might build a tilt cylinder. :D
She works good!

Paired up with the root grapple, I got a lot of trees out of the ground. Sure, a dozer could do this, but not on my budget. :)

Not as much fun having someone else do it either.
I can rent a D6 from Zeigler 7 miles away. Delivery/return is $300 plus the machine time. :eek:

The 5065e does this stuff with ease. Having some more loader lift would help popping stumps, but she gets them out anyway. And you're right about it being fun. :D
Popping stumps with your grapple puts lots of stress on a loader. Especially when you have the weight and traction of a tractor like you have. Those long tines of a root grapple can add alot of leverage to the equation. I do this sometimes too.....but have begun limiting this activity. I'd hate to spring my loader.....and I have broken my QD loader mounts once.

A public service announcement from one "tyro operator" to another (but your far worse than I am, and have larger equipment :p). Just saying.
The Woods has little teeth on the tines, so if it doesn't sever it, and you can't get it to lift, it'll actually tug on the roots as you back out if you hold the pressure right.

I pulled 4 somewhat large stumps today not realizing how big they were until the dirt shook off. These trees have been dead 2-3 years. The bigger stumps break up easy once you gut the centers out. No risk to the loader.
More trees fell, and more stumps got erased. Then I drove my truck up the hill to refuel the tractor and atv in the garden - something that's never been possible before. :D


Proud moment for sure. The cargo container gets moved tomorrow morning. :D