Strange leaf coloring


5 year old buck +
This was a grafted tree that grew fine last year. This year the scion never leafed out, but the seedling rootstock grew several branches below the graft union. The leaves have very strange coloring. Anyone seen this and know what it is?

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Not saying it is for sure but could be a virus within the plant. We have worked with some historic trees in the past and some of those varieties we weren't able to propagate because of a virus issue that wasnt apparent until the second year. Could be a mineral deficiency of some sort, but the pattern doesnt seem right for that.
On another site I was told it is apple mosaic virus, and it matches the description. I'll have to pull it out and get rid of it.
Could be iron chlorosis, a physiological condition. You see it in Honeycrisp apple leaves and others under stress.
With Honeycrisp it is a "normal" condition expecially on dwarfing rootstock in high summer.
Yellow in general is nitrogen deficiency. Could be something else too. When my plants are under stress from a hot summer, they lack both water and nutrients. A mild dose of miracle grow in some water might steer her right.

A place I bought grafts from didn't do so well. He said a common grafting mistake is not treating the grafts with a bit of chlorine and bleach solution before storage. He's sending me another batch this winter for free.