Stock Market is the bottom in?

My longshot stock is ICON. My average share price is .12 cents. Maritime shipping company. Figured for that price I'd throw some money at it and hope for the best.
I'll piggy back. I like when I can buy 200 stocks for under $20. Not much risk
I'll piggy back. I like when I can buy 200 stocks for under $20. Not much risk
That's my thinking too. Probably not going to retire with my earnings from it but worth a shot. Also there's a chance that a bigger company buy's them out and adds them to their "portfolio".
I do not own Dollar General stock, but it’s looking kind of attractive . I think the ladies shopping there with pajama pants will still show up !

If it drops more, I might be in …
That's my thinking too. Probably not going to retire with my earnings from it but worth a shot. Also there's a chance that a bigger company buy's them out and adds them to their "portfolio".
Do you know what caused the drop in January? Looks like it was around $2 then it crashed to 10 cents.
Do you know what caused the drop in January? Looks like it was around $2 then it crashed to 10 cents.
Saw something about being investigated for something along the lines of fraud to shareholders. See smear campaigns like that a lot actually. The bad publicity can do a lot of damage to even the strongest companies. They've been after TSLA for almost as long as TSLA has been around. I just figured for the price I'll roll the dice on the 10 shares for a dollar price right now. 1 analyst actually has a $7 target price with a strong buy rating. No idea where they figure that. Doesn't have much room to drop anyways.
I saw a post of him saying now's the time to buy on everything. I thought oh we're screwed now. haha
He's been flip flopping more lately than ever before. I would like to speak with someone who is in his investment club and see what they really think about his advice. His show is more about entertainment and having the viewers I think. Not very consistent advice at all. One day NVDA is the best and the next day he's saying it's extremely over valued. His ass kissing interviews is where I have to turn the channel. jmo
I feel like BBAI has got to be very near the bottom and is ready to start climbing back up. Loaded up on it. jmo
Amen. Being a business owner is 24/7. Workers punch a clock and their day is done. Owners have never ending stress on future issues. The only way anyone can really know what that's like is to do it for themselves. Most usually go back to working for someone else. Being responsible for every aspect of keeping the doors open when the workers are desperately trying to figure out how to work less or not at all(work comp claims) is an up hill battle. Taxes are insane. jmho

Double Amen to you and Foggy... I started my business from nothing more than a wet dream and built it up all by myself. Now that I finally turned it into something the bastards murder us in taxes. My wife has about 15 years experience as a critical care nurse and now she works in the ER. With all the taxes we paid for 2024, she would need to work for about 2.5 years just to pay the damn tax bill. I'm so f******g sick of MN. And now with the new laws they passed in the state from high command it looks like they are going to try and bankrupt every small business across the state. I took 100% of the risk to get my business started and now 50% still isnt good enough for these greedy f*****s.

I could have paid off the last 11 years of our mortgage and covered my daughters college tuition. Nope, send it to us in taxes, and we want to be paid every 90 days. Then at the end of 1 year you owe us 4 times as much cause you worked to hard.

The land of equal opportunity has turned into the land of equal outcomes with a bunch of vassals and lords plundering the treasury to enrich themselves.
We desperately need a change of leadership here in Minnesota. Everything is catered to people who won't make an effort or those who game the system here. Totally backwards and has to change or there won't be any businesses left for them to tax. Seems like that's their goal.
I have a lot (for me) bet on QBTS and TEM. QBTS missed there Q4 revenue but are expecting a huge Q1 for this year. Pelosi bought TEM a while ago and now some other big hitters are buying it on the dip.
Yep, guys that had the vision to create the worlds largest companies can get a reward at the end of the day. And guys like Bezos made allot of jobs for others along the way. Can you begin to imagine how many people are employed and contributing to the American dream as a result of Bezos taking a risk with Amazon? All those mom and pop operations that exist because they have a way to market their goods via Amazon and the internet?.....and make damn good earnings and pay taxes that all contribute to our society?? What about all the FedEX and UPS employees that deliver most of those good?? they not have good wages and benefits? And do you not think that Bezos has not paid allot of taxes along the way to the top? 'Merica baby. Foresight/Risk/Reward. if you do not have some foresight or take some risk then you do not reap a big reward. The free enterprise system works....if you work with it.....IMO.

EDIT: And what if....after someone like Bezos was taxed at 70% of his income once he reached $100,000 / year (as we did in the 70's) ? What then?? Can you imagine how slowly he would have grown that enterprise....and how few people he could hire to grow that biz and furnish work for so many others....when you taxed away all his ability to grow that dream?? ....or how many would "give up" as it "doesn't pay" to grow or take more risk. <-------THAT is precisely what happened in the 70's when business owners were paying exhobinate tax rates. "Why take the risk if there is no reward?"
I agree with this to a point. But when does "the reward" become so crazy exorbitant, and the people who helped build said company still struggle?? How many yachts, helicopters, private jets, multiple mansions, and even private islands does one need, to feel they're aptly "rewarded"?? This is just me - but if I had the kind of loot some of these billionaires have - I'd take great care of the people who helped me get there. They wouldn't have to pay from their own pockets for health insurance, and I'd set them up with retirement accounts with 6-figure seed money. I have to live with myself.

FedEx and UPS delivered goods before Amazon started. They would still be delivering if there was no Amazon. I'm not saying Amazon is bad at all - but I think it's greedy beyond greedy to make employees pay out of pocket for their health insurance coverage considering those employees helped build the company to where it is, and Bezos is worth hundreds of billions. The Turkish man who started the Chobani yogurt company made all his employees millionaires with stock in thanks for making him rich and the company a big success. And you know what? The business community as a whole hated him for doing that. Business executives said he "set a bad example" for the rest of them. I'll bet those employees of Chobani would do just about anything for the owner and the company since he "shared the reward." I'm not against business ..... I'm for fairness.

And as for the "highest tax rates" so many believe they richest pay ...... they also have many loopholes written into the tax code that 99% of us have no access to. Even Buffet says the richest don't pay taxes like people of lesser means pay. Buffet also says the tax code is written to favor the richest - and that it should change to make it fairer to those of lesser incomes. Buffet's words - not mine. The ultra-wealthy can write off or hide much of their wealth by a number of ways written into the tax code specifically for that 1% of the population. Can any of us on here open a shadow office on an island somewhere and claim that as our business address to avoid taxes here?? That's just one example. Halliburton did that and was caught at it by a news organization. A desk and a chair were all that were in that "Headquarters" offshore. That was verified and video-taped. The ultra-rich try to keep all those tax loopholes a secret, and hidden from the public. Being "in" the top tax bracket doesn't mean they "pay" that rate. Fact.
I agree with this to a point. But when does "the reward" become so crazy exorbitant, and the people who helped build said company still struggle?? How many yachts, helicopters, private jets, multiple mansions, and even private islands does one need, to feel they're aptly "rewarded"?? This is just me - but if I had the kind of loot some of these billionaires have - I'd take great care of the people who helped me get there. They wouldn't have to pay from their own pockets for health insurance, and I'd set them up with retirement accounts with 6-figure seed money. I have to live with myself.

FedEx and UPS delivered goods before Amazon started. They would still be delivering if there was no Amazon. I'm not saying Amazon is bad at all - but I think it's greedy beyond greedy to make employees pay out of pocket for their health insurance coverage considering those employees helped build the company to where it is, and Bezos is worth hundreds of billions. The Turkish man who started the Chobani yogurt company made all his employees millionaires with stock in thanks for making him rich and the company a big success. And you know what? The business community as a whole hated him for doing that. Business executives said he "set a bad example" for the rest of them. I'll bet those employees of Chobani would do just about anything for the owner and the company since he "shared the reward." I'm not against business ..... I'm for fairness.

And as for the "highest tax rates" so many believe they richest pay ...... they also have many loopholes written into the tax code that 99% of us have no access to. Even Buffet says the richest don't pay taxes like people of lesser means pay. Buffet also says the tax code is written to favor the richest - and that it should change to make it fairer to those of lesser incomes. Buffet's words - not mine. The ultra-wealthy can write off or hide much of their wealth by a number of ways written into the tax code specifically for that 1% of the population. Can any of us on here open a shadow office on an island somewhere and claim that as our business address to avoid taxes here?? That's just one example. Halliburton did that and was caught at it by a news organization. A desk and a chair were all that were in that "Headquarters" offshore. That was verified and video-taped. The ultra-rich try to keep all those tax loopholes a secret, and hidden from the public. Being "in" the top tax bracket doesn't mean they "pay" that rate. Fact.
On the other hand......go to any large city hospital......and look at the folks that have donated to build those '"cancer units", Heart surgery centers, and specialty clinics for children etc. Also who do you think funds the sports centers at colleges and the theaters, parks and much more. More often than not you will see the biggest and most wealthy in those communities that have given back to the community they will leave. Usually foundations created pay huge amounts of the costs. You wont find many Joe Lunch Buckets names on the list of those donations.

I can agree to a point that there is some abuse out there......a few have created money machines like we have not seen in some time. But many of those titans of time gone by provided libraries, schools, colleges, parks and so much more. I'm thankful for their success. You dont see any armored trucks following a hearse. i.e. You can't take it with you....and sooner or later it filters back to the economy. How would a yacht

builder provide a yacht for Joe Lunch Bucket? How many Jaguar's is Joe buying? How many jet planes? .....and who will profit if this stops? not those employees that build that stuff. 'Merica.....MAGA. I don't see where coveting other peoples stuff or jealousy of others prosperity has done anyone any good. You won't hear many wealthy folks apologize for their hard work and good fortune. Get out there and earn it. My 2 cents.

EDIT: And for every greedy wealthy guy you can list....I could list you scores more that wont get off the government teat or lift a finger to help themselves. What about those guys? I think some of those folks could pay their fare share too? I rest my case.
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