Covid indeed started in 2020. But it didn't end in 2020, nor the global effects of the Covid pandemic. Many countries are still trying to dig out from the lingering financial / market effects of the global pandemic. If you look at market charts from other countries starting in 2020, they all go downward for the next 2 1/2 years - so it wasn't just the U.S. that had economic difficulties. It was a global shock - not a strictly U.S. / Biden-caused problem. That would have also been true if a Republican was in the White House during that same period. A global pandemic isn't red or blue - it is what it is - horrible. All kinds of professional market analysts said that the U.S. was in the best shape of any country as it shook off the economic effects of the Covid pandemic. Even the gloomy recession mongers finally admitted that the U.S. economy was in good shape. Even crabby, conservative, pro- business curmudgeon Larry Kudlow on CNBC admitted publicly that he was wrong when he said the U.S. economy was in a shambles. He said that our economy was "in pretty good shape" by all metrics. Kudlow's comment was in 2024.
Numbers are what the numbers are. My wish is that the 99% of the U.S. population that continues to struggle with economic security, despite working full-time - even at possibly 2 or 3 jobs - gets a better shake out of our U.S. economy. Saving & investing for our retirements require one thing - having enough disposable income left after paying bills - to do that investing. Too many folks - of any political party who work hard and dependably at their jobs - get screwed over by policies and paid-for laws that favor the 1%. Most of us on here do not fall into that top 1%. I also believe most of us on here don't need $$$$$ billions $$$$$ to live a decent, secure life. (Just a thought here ..... today's metric by financial analysts and certified financial planners for being able to have a decent, secure retirement - is to have accumulated $1.5 million of saved / invested money - in their entire lives. That's up from $1 million as stated in 2018.) Bezos made over $$$11 billion in one day recently. All his workers don't deserve to have their medical coverage paid for in full though - gotta have those out-of-pocket expenses and high deductibles paid by the peons. They didn't help build his companies - he did it all by himself.