Stock Market is the bottom in?

I don’t think any sector, stock or strategy is safe as long as we have these bombastic, nonsensical, unpredictable policies happening sometimes by the minute. I’d have a hard time jumping in to anything outside of just gambling with a couple bucks for a while. We had a pretty good cpi report and yet that wasn’t enough for the Dow to turn positive and the nasdaq is giving up its gains quickly. Canada just implemented more reciprocal tariffs which I’m sure the market doesn’t like cause they know there will be a response…or maybe not. Who knows.
Covid indeed started in 2020. But it didn't end in 2020, nor the global effects of the Covid pandemic. Many countries are still trying to dig out from the lingering financial / market effects of the global pandemic. If you look at market charts from other countries starting in 2020, they all go downward for the next 2 1/2 years - so it wasn't just the U.S. that had economic difficulties. It was a global shock - not a strictly U.S. / Biden-caused problem. That would have also been true if a Republican was in the White House during that same period. A global pandemic isn't red or blue - it is what it is - horrible. All kinds of professional market analysts said that the U.S. was in the best shape of any country as it shook off the economic effects of the Covid pandemic. Even the gloomy recession mongers finally admitted that the U.S. economy was in good shape. Even crabby, conservative, pro- business curmudgeon Larry Kudlow on CNBC admitted publicly that he was wrong when he said the U.S. economy was in a shambles. He said that our economy was "in pretty good shape" by all metrics. Kudlow's comment was in 2024.

Numbers are what the numbers are. My wish is that the 99% of the U.S. population that continues to struggle with economic security, despite working full-time - even at possibly 2 or 3 jobs - gets a better shake out of our U.S. economy. Saving & investing for our retirements require one thing - having enough disposable income left after paying bills - to do that investing. Too many folks - of any political party who work hard and dependably at their jobs - get screwed over by policies and paid-for laws that favor the 1%. Most of us on here do not fall into that top 1%. I also believe most of us on here don't need $$$$$ billions $$$$$ to live a decent, secure life. (Just a thought here ..... today's metric by financial analysts and certified financial planners for being able to have a decent, secure retirement - is to have accumulated $1.5 million of saved / invested money - in their entire lives. That's up from $1 million as stated in 2018.) Bezos made over $$$11 billion in one day recently. All his workers don't deserve to have their medical coverage paid for in full though - gotta have those out-of-pocket expenses and high deductibles paid by the peons. They didn't help build his companies - he did it all by himself.
I agree that all the laws, rules, and exclusions favor the 1% but that doesn't necessarily inhibit anyone from living within their means and saving for retirement. There has to be some personal accountability that comes into play as well.
Paying interest is a killer. Most people don't know how to handle money. Supposedly it's a very high percentage of people who don't even have $1,000 in case of an emergency. That's just sad. jmho
Covid indeed started in 2020. But it didn't end in 2020, nor the global effects of the Covid pandemic. Many countries are still trying to dig out from the lingering financial / market effects of the global pandemic. If you look at market charts from other countries starting in 2020, they all go downward for the next 2 1/2 years - so it wasn't just the U.S. that had economic difficulties. It was a global shock - not a strictly U.S. / Biden-caused problem. That would have also been true if a Republican was in the White House during that same period. A global pandemic isn't red or blue - it is what it is - horrible. All kinds of professional market analysts said that the U.S. was in the best shape of any country as it shook off the economic effects of the Covid pandemic. Even the gloomy recession mongers finally admitted that the U.S. economy was in good shape. Even crabby, conservative, pro- business curmudgeon Larry Kudlow on CNBC admitted publicly that he was wrong when he said the U.S. economy was in a shambles. He said that our economy was "in pretty good shape" by all metrics. Kudlow's comment was in 2024.

Numbers are what the numbers are. My wish is that the 99% of the U.S. population that continues to struggle with economic security, despite working full-time - even at possibly 2 or 3 jobs - gets a better shake out of our U.S. economy. Saving & investing for our retirements require one thing - having enough disposable income left after paying bills - to do that investing. Too many folks - of any political party who work hard and dependably at their jobs - get screwed over by policies and paid-for laws that favor the 1%. Most of us on here do not fall into that top 1%. I also believe most of us on here don't need $$$$$ billions $$$$$ to live a decent, secure life. (Just a thought here ..... today's metric by financial analysts and certified financial planners for being able to have a decent, secure retirement - is to have accumulated $1.5 million of saved / invested money - in their entire lives. That's up from $1 million as stated in 2018.) Bezos made over $$$11 billion in one day recently. All his workers don't deserve to have their medical coverage paid for in full though - gotta have those out-of-pocket expenses and high deductibles paid by the peons. They didn't help build his companies - he did it all by himself.
Yep, guys that had the vision to create the worlds largest companies can get a reward at the end of the day. And guys like Bezos made allot of jobs for others along the way. Can you begin to imagine how many people are employed and contributing to the American dream as a result of Bezos taking a risk with Amazon? All those mom and pop operations that exist because they have a way to market their goods via Amazon and the internet?.....and make damn good earnings and pay taxes that all contribute to our society?? What about all the FedEX and UPS employees that deliver most of those good?? they not have good wages and benefits? And do you not think that Bezos has not paid allot of taxes along the way to the top? 'Merica baby. Foresight/Risk/Reward. if you do not have some foresight or take some risk then you do not reap a big reward. The free enterprise system works....if you work with it.....IMO.

EDIT: And what if....after someone like Bezos was taxed at 70% of his income once he reached $100,000 / year (as we did in the 70's) ? What then?? Can you imagine how slowly he would have grown that enterprise....and how few people he could hire to grow that biz and furnish work for so many others....when you taxed away all his ability to grow that dream?? ....or how many would "give up" as it "doesn't pay" to grow or take more risk. <-------THAT is precisely what happened in the 70's when business owners were paying exhobinate tax rates. "Why take the risk if there is no reward?"
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Paying interest is a killer. Most people don't know how to handle money. Supposedly it's a very high percentage of people who don't even have $1,000 in case of an emergency. That's just sad. jmho
I was really happy that my youngest (10) is doing a project this year where they had to apply for a job, then they get a paycheck and learn about taxes and budgeting.
Bought some Ethereum. It's down over 50% from a couple months ago. If trump goes into crypto like he says, might be worthwhile.
I was really happy that my youngest (10) is doing a project this year where they had to apply for a job, then they get a paycheck and learn about taxes and budgeting.
When I went into biz....I was a sub s corporation. That is both a curse and a blessing....depending how long you want to operate it. In my better years....I was paying about 50% of my profits to my partner....the US Government. But I somehow budgeted to pay my employee's a fair wage, provided the payroll taxes, provided insurance and provided a safe work environment and made a profit after working pretty hard to make it a go. Had I not planned on the tax payments early on.....those first huge tax payments would have tanked the biz. I grew quite slowly as a result and often wished I was a regular corporation that would have been taxed at about 1/2 that of the Sub S designation.

However upon selling my company years later, I already had paid the tax....thus did better at the sale time than my partner: The US Government and State Government. I paid my fair share.....IMO.
What I was told two weeks ago was…..the best days in the Stock Market tend to be really close in timeline with the worst days.

Also after 10 years of performance data, very few if any money management guys/ teams can beat the raw data of the market.

I also have been told that if all the money I’d divided equally amongst the population. Within 20 years it would be distributed as it is now.

Life ain’t fair, and humans are flawed.
Often times money can be a curse. Teaching people how to manage money is important. Making money isn't nearly as hard as keeping it. I do alright but really can't see how I will ever retire and be comfortable. How long will I live? How much will things cost in the future? Seems like all it takes is one major health issue and people are stuck trying to pay off medical bills for the rest of their life. The struggle is REAL.
A lot of Democrats hate Musk now, after loving him for many years . Tesla stock is down, but up 8% today .

Where is that bottom ?
A lot of Democrats hate Musk now, after loving him for many years . Tesla stock is down, but up 8% today .

Where is that bottom ?
Doesn't seem that long ago that TSLA was almost down to $100 a share. Just a few months ago TSLA was pushing $450. I think they gain back market share after a few EV competitors throw in the towel. TSLA is the EV pioneer and has the best tech from what I hear about EV's. jmo
A lot of Democrats hate Musk now, after loving him for many years . Tesla stock is down, but up 8% today .

Where is that bottom ?
I think Elon recently made the biggest "gift" charitable ever given. I cannot remember the details....but it's huge. Also, I dont know how well he treats his employee's.....but I bet he hires the best and brightest.....and they dont come for free. Seems to me he has done as much for this country as any other 10 people.....yet he is coming to be despised by the lefty's. makes no sense.

I place Elon in the same category as Edison, Einstein, Ford, etc. We have not had someone of his talent and wisdom in a long time.
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I think Elon recently made the biggest "gift" charitable ever given. I cannot remember the details....but it's huge. Also, I dont know how well he treats his employee's.....but I bet he hires the best and brightest.....and they dont come for free. Seems to me he has done as much for this country as any other 10 people.....yet he is coming to be despised by the lefty's. makes no sense.

I place Elon in the same category as Edison, Einstein, Ford, etc. We have not had someone of his talent and wisdom in a long time.
I don't think the left even knows what they stand for anymore. TDS is strong for what reason? Anything legitimate? Not that I can see. jmo