I agree with this to a point. But when does "the reward" become so crazy exorbitant, and the people who helped build said company still struggle?? How many yachts, helicopters, private jets, multiple mansions, and even private islands does one need, to feel they're aptly "rewarded"?? This is just me - but if I had the kind of loot some of these billionaires have - I'd take great care of the people who helped me get there. They wouldn't have to pay from their own pockets for health insurance, and I'd set them up with retirement accounts with 6-figure seed money. I have to live with myself.
FedEx and UPS delivered goods before Amazon started. They would still be delivering if there was no Amazon. I'm not saying Amazon is bad at all - but I think it's greedy beyond greedy to make employees pay out of pocket for their health insurance coverage considering those employees helped build the company to where it is, and Bezos is worth hundreds of billions. The Turkish man who started the Chobani yogurt company made all his employees millionaires with stock in thanks for making him rich and the company a big success. And you know what? The business community as a whole hated him for doing that. Business executives said he "set a bad example" for the rest of them. I'll bet those employees of Chobani would do just about anything for the owner and the company since he "shared the reward." I'm not against business ..... I'm for fairness.
And as for the "highest tax rates" so many believe they richest pay ...... they also have many loopholes written into the tax code that 99% of us have no access to. Even Buffet says the richest don't pay taxes like people of lesser means pay. Buffet also says the tax code is written to favor the richest - and that it should change to make it fairer to those of lesser incomes. Buffet's words - not mine. The ultra-wealthy can write off or hide much of their wealth by a number of ways written into the tax code specifically for that 1% of the population. Can any of us on here open a shadow office on an island somewhere and claim that as our business address to avoid taxes here?? That's just one example. Halliburton did that and was caught at it by a news organization. A desk and a chair were all that were in that "Headquarters" offshore. That was verified and video-taped. The ultra-rich try to keep all those tax loopholes a secret, and hidden from the public. Being "in" the top tax bracket doesn't mean they "pay" that rate. Fact.