Stock Market is the bottom in?

The US already has a relatively good system for population growth. It's economic growth plus suburbs that are attractive places for young couples to raise kids and grow old. The younger generations have been getting blasted in the ass from every direction, and they're exhausted and insecure in almost every way. We have a real chance to turn things around and get Americans to start having kids again, but there's still a bit of pain that comes with that, specifically inflation. The damn politicians and journalists are trying their best to erode what is left of wholesome American society, so my guess is there needs to be a community-based change, or we just sit around and wait for the politicians to hopefully figure it out. There are a few things going right, like the onshoring of important industries. The new Intel facility in Ohio will breathe new life into a state that has been basically Rust Belt for decades. If we can keep doing this across the country, we will probably end up Making America Great Again and eat everyone else's lunch. We tried globalization, it had its effects, both positive and negative, and now we will try deglobalization, with whatever that brings. It has the potential to bring a lot of those jobs we lost overseas back to the US. If we can get a decent amount of manufacturing back to the US, it will likely stay there for at least 100 years. There isn't a second China. The China boom/bust will only happen once, so after the bust, there's really nowhere else to send jobs. Even if you combine Indonesia and Vietnam, that's maybe a third of China's population. And you can write off most of Indonesia anyway, because it's a very unattractive place for investors.

Growing our population the natural American way, i.e. a healthy middle class living in suburbs enjoying comfortable economic growth, is a hell of a lot better for the long-term cultural and social stability of our country. Immigration is a distant Plan B, as far as I'm concerned. But at least we have Latin America as our neighbor. Europe is suffering on account of its proximity to Africa and the Middle East.

I tend not to get that wound-up about this kind of thing, but the upcoming election bullshit has me pulling my hair out. As an American living abroad, it is thoroughly embarrassing. I consider the US to be the greatest country that ever existed on Earth. But watching the political insanity happening now, it's an absolute circus. Makes us look like a bunch of fools.
We are one small step from adding a banana to our republic
I think the free money handouts is completely out of control now days too. I know a husband and wife that make close to $100k a year and piss money away on things left and right and they were at the social services office today trying to get assistance. How that could even be possible is beyond what my tiny brain can handle. Makes you wonder if it pays to even get out of bed and waste most of your life working when you can have every day off and walk around with your hand out for free shit. END OF RANT
7million working age males in America that have no interest in working already.
Word came out yesterday that Buffet picked up 15 million shares of chevron last quarter.


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Bought back into CIFR @ 2.22 and it sold this morning @ 4.44. Not bad for 3 weeks. I may have sold too soon, but it's hard not to when you double up like that.
Love listening to him speak. Hoping maybe to learn anything from his experience. Warren and Elon Musk are the two that I will go out of my way to hear whatever they have to say.
Bought back into CIFR @ 2.22 and it sold this morning @ 4.44. Not bad for 3 weeks. I may have sold too soon, but it's hard not to when you double up like that.

I did the same with Amazon in the 90's when it split. Bought a duck boat.🤬

I wish I forgot I had that stock until today....
Bought a duck boat.🤬
A boat? A boat is always a great investment. You never know about these things. I diligently put money into my retirement when I first started working in the 1990s. After losing a great deal in the early 2000s, I was mad at myself for not taking the money I had put towards retirement and using it to buy a boat instead. At least then I would have had something to show for it. Those investments came back, but I could have bought the boat in the 90s and then increased my contributions in the early 2000s and probably been better off. If I only knew then what I know now.
I did the same with Amazon in the 90's when it split. Bought a duck boat.🤬

I wish I forgot I had that stock until today....
I'm going to cut my losses on a couple others and hope that CIFR drops back into the two's, maybe low 3's, then go in big. This is the 3rd time I have doubled my $$ in less than a year.
Word came out yesterday that Buffet picked up 15 million shares of chevron last quarter.


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Warren also bought a bunch of SiriusXM stock.
Thinking about building positions in.


please school me

education is expensive
I'm of no help with those. I'm not a believer in the crypto stuff at all myself. Looks like crypto is doing well currently.
It seems the selling point to bit coin is the gi normus debt the printer of the dollar is amounting.
The bitcoin and the AI stuff is all a bit much for my tiny brain. I'm still amazed that somehow they got everyone to buy bottled water.
I'm of no use on crypto either.

The entire stock market is riding on 7 stocks that aren't producing much more profit than they did last year. Maybe it's not a problem. Money has to go somewhere, might as well buy something before the next 20 trillion gets printed?

The 10, 7, 5, or what ever number/name you wish to attach to them have been essentially the "game" over the last 7+ years; that's why I -tongue and cheek - admonished Angus for taking a position in Fidelity Blue Chip Growth Fund ... it is super loaded with "magnificent" tech stocks. It is a highly volatile fund but is great for loooooog-term investors who don't feel comfortable buying individual stocks or moving funds among sector choices. It was up over 55% last year and is up 10+ YTD ... check that against the S & P 500 Index (the darling of many because of low fees).
I'm all for people that will work and pay their fair share. I'm totally against anyone getting a free ride and being forced to pay more taxes to help someone else. I worked for my money and shouldn't be penalized for it. People that are not here legally and people that don't pay taxes should not be able to vote for our next president or vote in any election in this country. Getting a president that cares about this country and it's citizens would be a step in the right direction. Stock markets aren't even operating based on logic and facts anymore. Funding foreign countries should NOT be our responsibility. jmo
My $0.02 FWIW

I truly believe the problem is nothing more than a money issue. All of the illegal immigrants are and will continue to be a burden on the tax paying American. It is obvious the government isn't willing to cut government jobs, government programs, or foreign aid. My assumption ( and I have a pretty dam good track record with my assumptions ) The people are not being told this but, The USA is in debt over its head and pretty soon will not even be able to cover the interest on the loans. Our spending has exceeded our population growth. The US government is able to borrow X amount of $ for every person living in our country. More people = more borrowing power. Why do you think there are so many people locked up in prison serving life sentences?
My $0.02 FWIW

I truly believe the problem is nothing more than a money issue. All of the illegal immigrants are and will continue to be a burden on the tax paying American. It is obvious the government isn't willing to cut government jobs, government programs, or foreign aid. My assumption ( and I have a pretty dam good track record with my assumptions ) The people are not being told this but, The USA is in debt over its head and pretty soon will not even be able to cover the interest on the loans. Our spending has exceeded our population growth. The US government is able to borrow X amount of $ for every person living in our country. More people = more borrowing power. Why do you think there are so many people locked up in prison serving life sentences?
So it's over right? Any way to fix it? I don't see the welfare crisis changing, only worsening. My kids had a couple neil diamond songs playing on youtube, and then Coming to America auto played. I threw up in my mouth.
My $0.02 FWIW

I truly believe the problem is nothing more than a money issue. All of the illegal immigrants are and will continue to be a burden on the tax paying American. It is obvious the government isn't willing to cut government jobs, government programs, or foreign aid. My assumption ( and I have a pretty dam good track record with my assumptions ) The people are not being told this but, The USA is in debt over its head and pretty soon will not even be able to cover the interest on the loans. Our spending has exceeded our population growth. The US government is able to borrow X amount of $ for every person living in our country. More people = more borrowing power. Why do you think there are so many people locked up in prison serving life sentences?
Poverty is the third biggest government racket behind killing people (war) and killing people (modern medicine).

The more useless they are, the more federal money gets injected into S&L governments and NGO's, and is available to be stolen. Big poverty is 49% matched by federal dollars. Medicaid - 49% federal match, subsidized housing - 49% federal match, food stamps -49% federal match, SS disability for kids that can't read, autism, etc. I have to imagine NVO (see this is a stock post) is gonna profit hugely off any new people that arrive here and discover our system of all-you-can-eat enriched wheat flour, fried in soybean oil, dipped in corn syrup and artificial flavorings, and send the bill to the taxpayers.

A useless eater (A term coined by the those pesky globalists) will bring 10x more money for state and local governments to skim than any middle class worker, and never cause problems like demanding law and order, or protest open promotion of castration and pedophilia in schools. All they have to do is walk into the pen and put their heads in the feed bunk and the pharm is in business.
I'm thinking that borrowing our way out of debt isn't the answer. Even if you use SOFI. A healthy society doesn't do much for drug companies. Not even JNJ. Keeping people sick with something is a money maker. Take a look at PFE.
TELL is up another 10 cents today. Still under $1 but going up everyday lately.