Stock Market is the bottom in?

I been told several times the market prefers a deadlocked clueless government that can’t get anything accomplished.

Looks like we gonna run with the bulls with the clowns we got 4 now.

I wouldn't say markets like a clueless government, but they certainly prefer a divided one. When government is divided, only those things which have broad support from both the center left and center right become law. That makes things more stable and predictable. Business loves predictability and stability. When we swing back and forth between unified government when either the left or right holds both the presidency and both branches of congress, policies yoyo back and forth.
I been told several times the market prefers a deadlocked clueless government that can’t get anything accomplished.

Looks like we gonna run with the bulls with the clowns we got 4 now
We need something positive soon!
You really do think you are the smartest person in the room no matter where you are don't you? Clueless idiot
This illustrates my point. So much mistrust and animosity whose fire has been stoked but outside forces, that folks with similar passions for deer, hunting, firearms, habitat management, and the outdoors in general, can't even have a civil discussion of issues and have to resort to ad hominem attacks. Men of good conscience can have significantly divergent views on particular issues and still treat each other with respect.
Where did I say a president is blameless or has zero control? The office of president has limited executive powers that are a subset of the powers the states granted to the federal government at formation. Presidents are responsible for the actions they take and the lies they tell, but they are not unchecked. What my post said was the many don't understand our form of government well enough to place blame for the things they don't like where it belongs. Much of what we credit or blame any administration for is well out of their actual purview.

We spend way too much energy jousting at windmills rather than looking at the source of the discontent and those fomenting it on both sides.
I may have chosen the wrong wording there. Wasn't a direct quote just going by what seemed to be implied. Making excuses for a president who should be removed from office because he is unfit for ANY office is what I should have addressed. CNN isn't looking so great lately---wonder why. Fox has gained many viewers lately---wonder why. Right now I'm just trying to stay ahead of all the stock market manipulation.
This illustrates my point. So much mistrust and animosity whose fire has been stoked but outside forces, that folks with similar passions for deer, hunting, firearms, habitat management, and the outdoors in general, can't even have a civil discussion of issues and have to resort to ad hominem attacks. Men of good conscience can have significantly divergent views on particular issues and still treat each other with respect.
I'm not here to be lectured.
I may have chosen the wrong wording there. Wasn't a direct quote just going by what seemed to be implied. Making excuses for a president who should be removed from office because he is unfit for ANY office is what I should have addressed. CNN isn't looking so great lately---wonder why. Fox has gained many viewers lately---wonder why. Right now I'm just trying to stay ahead of all the stock market manipulation.
I have not made any excuses for any presidents. Both Trump and Biden, in my opinion have done very foolish things. I personally lean strongly conservative. Trump did no favors to conservatives in the long run except that he happened to be in office and had a republican senate and was able to make some appointments to the supreme court. Of course, an republican president that happened to be in office under those circumstances would have done the same. Trump has divided the republican party which used to be in the trait that kept the democrats less effective. Biden, who came into office promising to unify the nation, has done everything in his power to advance the agenda of the far left. Both have contributed to our division.
I'm not here to be lectured.
Are you here to express your opinion and listen and consider the opinions of others and ponder where you may be wrong? I am.
I have not made any excuses for any presidents. Both Trump and Biden, in my opinion have done very foolish things. I personally lean strongly conservative. Trump did no favors to conservatives in the long run except that he happened to be in office and had a republican senate and was able to make some appointments to the supreme court. Of course, an republican president that happened to be in office under those circumstances would have done the same. Trump has divided the republican party which used to be in the trait that kept the democrats less effective. Biden, who came into office promising to unify the nation, has done everything in his power to advance the agenda of the far left. Both have contributed to our division.
You have your views and I have mine. I can agree to disagree and that's what I'm doing.
Are you here to express your opinion and listen and consider the opinions of others and ponder where you may be wrong? I am.
And if they tell you that you're wrong in being a strong conservative?
Are you here to express your opinion and listen and consider the opinions of others and ponder where you may be wrong? I am.
Like I said before, not here for a lecture. My opinions are mine only. If someone else agrees with me or not is up to them.
And if they tell you that you're wrong in being a strong conservative?

That is what I want to hear, not that I'm wrong, but why. Why would I want to spend my time listening over and over to folks spouting positions I agree with? I'd never learn anything or ever change my mind. This is true whether we are talking about habitat or politics. I have some strong views on both. The only thing the listening to conservative dogma does is to make me think that liberals are evil folks with evil intentions. Now I know that is not true. Some of my best friends are liberal and they are folks of good conscience.

Instead, the radio station I listen to most on my commute is NPR. They have a very significant left lean, but they do provide civil discourse rather than shouting matches and name calling. I want to hear and consider liberal thought. If and when I disagree, I need to know why. What is my logic? What is theirs? How much do my life experiences differ from their experiences? If I stood in their shoes, would I still hold my position or would I adopt theirs? Am I being selfish protecting my own interests? Are they? Is there middle ground?

In most arguments, both sides spend more time considering how to respond rather than actually listening to the other side. I don't want to make that mistake.
Like I said before, not here for a lecture. My opinions are mine only. If someone else agrees with me or not is up to them.
That was a question, not a lecture. :emoji_smile:
the market is probably reacting to the Ukrainian uncertainty lately. I do wonder why the republicans seems to be going along with the Brandon narrative on Ukraine. War is good for all their checkbooks never mind mystery solved.
That was a question, not a lecture. :emoji_smile:
See, that's one of the annoying things right there. You have to keep things going when others are already past it and TRYING to move on. To me(my opinion only) you just come across as someone who loves the sound of his own voice. But that's just me. Also the reason why you won't see me around here anymore. I think my time here has run it's course. There, now you have some feedback and something to consider working on/changing. Would like to thank all the guys who are helpful and share tips, tricks and honest feedback on their personal experiences
See, that's one of the annoying things right there. You have to keep things going when others are already past it and TRYING to move on. To me(my opinion only) you just come across as someone who loves the sound of his own voice. But that's just me. Also the reason why you won't see me around here anymore. I think my time here has run it's course. There, now you have some feedback and something to consider working on/changing. Would like to thank all the guys who are helpful and share tips, tricks and honest feedback on their personal experiences

Sorry it did not come across the way it was intended. I wasn't trying to "keep things going". I was simply saying that I was not trying to lecture you, I was just asking a question for you to consider. Whether you answer it or not was up to you. I did not intend it to be disrespectful. It was a question I often have to ask myself.
You really do think you are the smartest person in the room no matter where you are don't you? Clueless idiot
Have a nice day, jsasker.
It is funny how easily we all fall prey to manipulation. It is so easy for any particular interest group to take a kernel of truth and exaggerate it far beyond reality. I hear so much rage about "The Government". Many conflate parts of "The Government" (which in the end is still us). I recall a friend who was all up in arms about the president and how those horrible democrats had closed down business in his state with all the lockdowns. He was completely oblivious to the fact that the president has no such powers. Indeed, he had lockdowns in his area put in place by the republican governor of his state. A governor that he voted for.

Many have no idea that we a democratic federal republic where state and the federal government have different powers. Most of the things that affect us in our daily lives are instituted at the state level. When there is a conflict between state and federal powers it is resolved by the court system and ultimately the supreme court which is clearly right leaning now. Folks that are unhappy with the laws in their state should either become politically active at he state level or move to another state that is more aligned with their philosophy. We do have 50 of them.

Both sides do their best to "fire up the base" leading us all further and further apart. Politics is how we negotiate between the interests of the many against individual interests within the framework of the constitution. That constitution has done a pretty good job over the years of establishing a balance and the rule of law is where that is worked out.

I find nothing more sad than seeing otherwise rational folks so animated by hyperbolic talk from both sides that they are ready to throw out our democratic federal republic. They mistake trying to protect their own interests for protecting the our constitutional democracy. I don't care if they are on the radical left or radical right, they have fallen prey to manipulation. That manipulation is now amplified from the outside with foreign governments using information warfare. All of the "war" energy should be focused at defending ourselves from the influence of foreign governments that stoke the coals on both sides of any divisive issue.
Jack -
First thing. When I posted what I did in post #1443, I wasn't lecturing anyone about political red or blue anything. This thread is about markets. I merely posted about what Ray Dalio said in his recent comments. Mr. Dalio has been looking at the big picture of where this country is heading, based on clear-eyed evidence and also statements made by certain factions here in the U.S. Mr. Dalio has billions of his own money invested, as well as billions of other people's dollars he's managing. Dalio is VERY interested in what may happen to the WHOLE market economy if this hate-filed, vitriolic posturing escalates into a real civil war. I posted the info by Mr. Dalio because his fears are for where we seem to be headed - and how that'll ruin everything we've ALL worked for. I posted it (Dalio's thoughts) in that context of what will happen to our markets if his fears become reality. Any investment moves that ANY of us have made will all be for naught.

Another person on here chose to take my post as lecturing and got all heated up & began a verbal attack. My post wasn't lecturing - only posting what a very well-regarded investment manager has valid fears about. My initial reference that it was RAY DALIO'S thoughts went un-noticed - or ignored for the sake of arguing. If Mr. Dalio fears for our economic system if we end up in a civil war - which he clearly states he thinks we're heading for - I think Ray Dalio will be proven correct soon enough. I do not think Ray Dalio is manipulating me or anyone else. He made clear comments about what he sees happening - and he has billions of $$$ of skin in the game. Does anyone believe that if a real civil war breaks out, that the economy will remain unfazed, markets will remain stable, and we all keep our saved & invested money??? That WILL NOT happen - we'll all be broke. Look at history anywhere that's had civil war.

When I post anything on this forum, I'm not in a rage, I'm not angry or foaming at the mouth with hate. (I'm not suggesting that YOU think I am - but some here seem to jump at the chance for verbal attacks. If people in this country actually start shooting at other Americans - that's on them. My post at #1443 was only info-sharing from Ray Dalio's comments ...... it wasn't political lecturing by me.

I agree with you 100% on the foreign propaganda / hacking assaults from Russia, China, and Iran. We ought to be focused on those problems BIG-TIME, IMO. Undermining free democracies is their focused goal.
I’m still not following you on this. If this great economic collapse happens and everybody loses everything, what can you do? Everybody’s in the same boat. I’m interested though in this civil war thing. Who are the 2 sides?
The fact that they're trying hard doesn't worry you guys? They've said they're coming for them.
Creating gun laws that keep guns out of the hands of convicted violent felons and mental cases doesn't bother me at all. I NEVER saw any statement that "We, the government folks, are coming to confiscate all your guns." I HAVE seen attempts to enact the laws mentioned above ^^^.

Also for the record - in a televised interview a few years ago, Biden advised people who want to protect their homes from thugs to buy a shotgun. Because it's easier to hit a home invader. He said he bought one for his wife, Jill, for when he's away for any reason. I watched his interview. He publicly advocated for owning guns on TV. I believe he went further and said he tells anyone who wants to protect their home to buy a shotgun. Doesn't sound like confiscation to me - saying this peacefully and non-confrontationally.