Jack -
First thing. When I posted what I did in post #1443, I wasn't lecturing anyone about political red or blue anything. This thread is about markets. I merely posted about what Ray Dalio said in his recent comments. Mr. Dalio has been looking at the big picture of where this country is heading, based on clear-eyed evidence and also statements made by certain factions here in the U.S. Mr. Dalio has billions of his own money invested, as well as billions of other people's dollars he's managing. Dalio is VERY interested in what may happen to the WHOLE market economy if this hate-filed, vitriolic posturing escalates into a real civil war. I posted the info by Mr. Dalio because his fears are for where we seem to be headed - and how that'll ruin everything we've ALL worked for. I posted it (Dalio's thoughts) in that context of what will happen to our markets if his fears become reality. Any investment moves that ANY of us have made will all be for naught.
Another person on here chose to take my post as lecturing and got all heated up & began a verbal attack. My post wasn't lecturing - only posting what a very well-regarded investment manager has valid fears about. My initial reference that it was RAY DALIO'S thoughts went un-noticed - or ignored for the sake of arguing. If Mr. Dalio fears for our economic system if we end up in a civil war - which he clearly states he thinks we're heading for - I think Ray Dalio will be proven correct soon enough. I do not think Ray Dalio is manipulating me or anyone else. He made clear comments about what he sees happening - and he has billions of $$$ of skin in the game. Does anyone believe that if a real civil war breaks out, that the economy will remain unfazed, markets will remain stable, and we all keep our saved & invested money??? That WILL NOT happen - we'll all be broke. Look at history anywhere that's had civil war.
When I post anything on this forum, I'm not in a rage, I'm not angry or foaming at the mouth with hate. (I'm not suggesting that YOU think I am - but some here seem to jump at the chance for verbal attacks. If people in this country actually start shooting at other Americans - that's on them. My post at #1443 was only info-sharing from Ray Dalio's comments ...... it wasn't political lecturing by me.
I agree with you 100% on the foreign propaganda / hacking assaults from Russia, China, and Iran. We ought to be focused on those problems BIG-TIME, IMO. Undermining free democracies is their focused goal.