Stock Market is the bottom in?

At this point i'm hoping for civil war---looking like it's just a matter of time. might as well get on with it. jmo
Kiss your money and the country goodbye. Smart ............ real smart. Ego's top intelligence.
Stop you're scaring me. Are you wearing your tough guy costume or your pink panties?
Kiss your money and the country goodbye. Smart ............ real smart. Ego's top intelligence.
Should everyone wait until they have taken all means to defend ourselves. Lets hear it, you like to lecture everyone like you have all the answers.
Anyway, the market is going back up. I've been waiting for Black Rifle Coffee to go public. They are committed to helping and employing veterans, so I would like to join that cause just because it's helping our veterans who in my opinion don't get nearly enough credit for what they have done for the rest of us.
Should everyone wait until they have taken all means to defend ourselves. Lets hear it, you like to lecture everyone like you have all the answers.
Just what are they "taking"?? I don't see any jack-boots coming to take my guns. For the last 40+years of fear-mongering that "Big Brother" was taking all my guns ............. I still have all mine. I have no fear of someone from said government kicking in my door to take them either. In the event that ANYONE kicks in my door ----- that'll be the last thing they do on planet Earth. I'm more than ready.
Stop you're scaring me. Are you wearing your tough guy costume or your pink panties?
About what I'd expect. A childish response. The "tough guy costume" is a metaphor for guys who specialize in bluster - (to utter menacing things) they're going to "show" everyone how big and tough they are. They're going to storm through the countryside like a swarm of locusts and "straighten out everything." Simple answers to complex problems won't cut it.

The violent, ever-widening, extreme posturing is exactly what Ray Dalio is referring to in his article comments. If civil war DOES happen -------- kiss everything ANY OF US has worked for goodbye. Reality.

And for the record ------ when I posted about Ray Dalio's comments ------- it was in the context of markets and what'll happen - as Ray Dalio sees it - if this idiotic path toward civil war actually leads to it. It wasn't MY lecture --------- it's Ray Dalio's.
Just what are they "taking"?? I don't see any jack-boots coming to take my guns. For the last 40+years of fear-mongering that "Big Brother" was taking all my guns ............. I still have all mine. I have no fear of someone from said government kicking in my door to take them either. In the event that ANYONE kicks in my door ----- that'll be the last thing they do on planet Earth. I'm more than ready.

It is funny how easily we all fall prey to manipulation. It is so easy for any particular interest group to take a kernel of truth and exaggerate it far beyond reality. I hear so much rage about "The Government". Many conflate parts of "The Government" (which in the end is still us). I recall a friend who was all up in arms about the president and how those horrible democrats had closed down business in his state with all the lockdowns. He was completely oblivious to the fact that the president has no such powers. Indeed, he had lockdowns in his area put in place by the republican governor of his state. A governor that he voted for.

Many have no idea that we a democratic federal republic where state and the federal government have different powers. Most of the things that affect us in our daily lives are instituted at the state level. When there is a conflict between state and federal powers it is resolved by the court system and ultimately the supreme court which is clearly right leaning now. Folks that are unhappy with the laws in their state should either become politically active at he state level or move to another state that is more aligned with their philosophy. We do have 50 of them.

Both sides do their best to "fire up the base" leading us all further and further apart. Politics is how we negotiate between the interests of the many against individual interests within the framework of the constitution. That constitution has done a pretty good job over the years of establishing a balance and the rule of law is where that is worked out.

I find nothing more sad than seeing otherwise rational folks so animated by hyperbolic talk from both sides that they are ready to throw out our democratic federal republic. They mistake trying to protect their own interests for protecting the our constitutional democracy. I don't care if they are on the radical left or radical right, they have fallen prey to manipulation. That manipulation is now amplified from the outside with foreign governments using information warfare. All of the "war" energy should be focused at defending ourselves from the influence of foreign governments that stoke the coals on both sides of any divisive issue.
Just what are they "taking"?? I don't see any jack-boots coming to take my guns. For the last 40+years of fear-mongering that "Big Brother" was taking all my guns ............. I still have all mine. I have no fear of someone from said government kicking in my door to take them either. In the event that ANYONE kicks in my door ----- that'll be the last thing they do on planet Earth. I'm more than ready.

Not only do I still have all of mine, I have all the ones that they didn't take away from my dad.
About what I'd expect. A childish response. The "tough guy costume" is a metaphor for guys who specialize in bluster - (to utter menacing things) they're going to "show" everyone how big and tough they are. They're going to storm through the countryside like a swarm of locusts and "straighten out everything." Simple answers to complex problems won't cut it.

The violent, ever-widening, extreme posturing is exactly what Ray Dalio is referring to in his article comments. If civil war DOES happen -------- kiss everything ANY OF US has worked for goodbye. Reality.

And for the record ------ when I posted about Ray Dalio's comments ------- it was in the context of markets and what'll happen - as Ray Dalio sees it - if this idiotic path toward civil war actually leads to it. It wasn't MY lecture --------- it's Ray Dalio's.
You really do think you are the smartest person in the room no matter where you are don't you? Clueless idiot
It is funny how easily we all fall prey to manipulation. It is so easy for any particular interest group to take a kernel of truth and exaggerate it far beyond reality. I hear so much rage about "The Government". Many conflate parts of "The Government" (which in the end is still us). I recall a friend who was all up in arms about the president and how those horrible democrats had closed down business in his state with all the lockdowns. He was completely oblivious to the fact that the president has no such powers. Indeed, he had lockdowns in his area put in place by the republican governor of his state. A governor that he voted for.

Many have no idea that we a democratic federal republic where state and the federal government have different powers. Most of the things that affect us in our daily lives are instituted at the state level. When there is a conflict between state and federal powers it is resolved by the court system and ultimately the supreme court which is clearly right leaning now. Folks that are unhappy with the laws in their state should either become politically active at he state level or move to another state that is more aligned with their philosophy. We do have 50 of them.

Both sides do their best to "fire up the base" leading us all further and further apart. Politics is how we negotiate between the interests of the many against individual interests within the framework of the constitution. That constitution has done a pretty good job over the years of establishing a balance and the rule of law is where that is worked out.

I find nothing more sad than seeing otherwise rational folks so animated by hyperbolic talk from both sides that they are ready to throw out our democratic federal republic. They mistake trying to protect their own interests for protecting the our constitutional democracy. I don't care if they are on the radical left or radical right, they have fallen prey to manipulation. That manipulation is now amplified from the outside with foreign governments using information warfare. All of the "war" energy should be focused at defending ourselves from the influence of foreign governments that stoke the coals on both sides of any divisive issue.
Blue states versus Red states there is obviously different things taking place. Where were the majority of the "peaceful" protests? The differences are night and day between what goes on depending on what "color" the state is. The President is the one getting credit for good or bad that takes place under their term. To say the president is blameless or has zero control is not accurate. jmho
Blue states versus Red states there is obviously different things taking place. Where were the majority of the "peaceful" protests? The differences are night and day between what goes on depending on what "color" the state is. The President is the one getting credit for good or bad that takes place under their term. To say the president is blameless or has zero control is not accurate. jmho
Yep, there's definitely a degree of follow the leader in many cases.
We are already seeing negative effects from the outcome of the last election. Stock markets are in turmoil because damn near everything is unravelling in our economy. Printing trillions of dollars was not a good idea. Now we(only the people that actually work and pay taxes) get to pay back all of the "free" money. I heard Joe Biden tell everyone that 3.5 trillion dollars equals zero. Anyone who will argue he didn't say that is beyond hope. I will give credit where it is due.
Just what are they "taking"?? I don't see any jack-boots coming to take my guns. For the last 40+years of fear-mongering that "Big Brother" was taking all my guns ............. I still have all mine. I have no fear of someone from said government kicking in my door to take them either. In the event that ANYONE kicks in my door ----- that'll be the last thing they do on planet Earth. I'm more than ready.
Now you're living out some fantasy about someone kicking in your door. Where the hell did that come from? Speaking in riddles.
I been told several times the market prefers a deadlocked clueless government that can’t get anything accomplished.

Looks like we gonna run with the bulls with the clowns we got 4 now.
Blue states versus Red states there is obviously different things taking place. Where were the majority of the "peaceful" protests? The differences are night and day between what goes on depending on what "color" the state is. The President is the one getting credit for good or bad that takes place under their term. To say the president is blameless or has zero control is not accurate. jmho

Where did I say a president is blameless or has zero control? The office of president has limited executive powers that are a subset of the powers the states granted to the federal government at formation. Presidents are responsible for the actions they take and the lies they tell, but they are not unchecked. What my post said was the many don't understand our form of government well enough to place blame for the things they don't like where it belongs. Much of what we credit or blame any administration for is well out of their actual purview.

We spend way too much energy jousting at windmills rather than looking at the source of the discontent and those fomenting it on both sides.