Don't know if anyone read the recent article by Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Investments. Ray Dalio is a billionaire, and his comments are a dire warning for all of us.
He looked at all the societal ills - from the huge wealth gap, to political extremism on both sides, the lack of political moderates (those leaving and those NOT running for office) who seek actual REAL compromise, to China & Russia agreeing to act in tandem economically and militarily (while both are building huge military forces and building bases around the world, to the global pandemic and its impacts. Dalio is extremely worried that the widening political gap, and the intractable positions of the fringes of both sides, have made compromise impossible. He also points out the lies and propaganda spreading here in the U.S. that are even further dividing this country to the point that anger levels are so high, violence is now seen as desirable. Dalio said he sees the U.S being on the path to a real civil war. Dalio is no idiot, and he has billions of his own money invested.
Think about this for JUST a second ............. before the inevitable drawls of "it'll never happen here" come out of the woodwork.
Everything we've ALL worked for, and what we THOUGHT we'd leave to our kids & grandkids ............ will disappear quick as a mouse-click. A shooting civil war - as insane as that would be - will destroy our economy, stock markets, and China & Russia will scoop up the U.S. from 2 directions. Both bull-headed political sides LOSE, the U.S. will disappear after China and Russia (licking their chops) attack with all they have from our east and west. Dalio isn't the only one thinking this way. Lots of other "brilliant" financial / economical / societal minds see the writing on the wall. Think you've got a good nest egg saved up??? That'll disappear in seconds. Look at how much was lost to Facebook in 1 day. Look at how quick the crash of 1987 sunk the markets, or the deregulated financial services meltdown that started in 2007 put us in a recession. Markets HATE uncertainty - always have. What do we think will happen to our stock markets (and our nest eggs) when a shooting, violent civil war breaks out????????
So before we all strap on our "tough guy" costumes ......... maybe we ought to look at T-R-U-T-H and F-A-C-T-S, and re-gain our heads before supreme idiocy ruins the U.S.A for good.