Stock Market is the bottom in?

There shouldn't even be a mechanism or department. Dismantle all of it and go to a national sales tax. No more forms, no more audits, no more tax preparers, less bookeeping, visitors pay, illegals pay, no carve outs for the mega rich, pre-bate to everyone to offset the effect on the raging broke.

Fair Tax. It's about a 25 year old idea, but endures today.

If the national sales tax becomes reality, it will be in addition to the current confiscatory leviathon

Anyone with half a brain knows its MUCH higher then 7%. LETS GO BRANDON!!!! "Yeah, Let's go Brandon....I agree (Jill Biden hangs her head in disgust)"

Like everything else, most people won't acknowledge or understand that it's real and it's bad until it's way too late. jmho
When people can't afford to buy anything and are reduced to living on a budget the wheels are going to fall of the economy wagon. Now get back to work so the government can take more of your paycheck and piss it away!
Tesla and AT&T have been making me the most money in the market lately.
I tune into msnbc and cnn a few times a week just because I must hate myself, but it's crazy how many experts on those channels have made the comment that Brandon just had one of the best overall years in presidential history.
Even crazier is how many people believe it. Should we be learning how to write and speak Chinese?
Chinese message for Biden: GET PHUK OWWT!
Oh - the LITTLE guy businesses pay taxes ................. but the BIG ones get away with paying zero - and it's been daylighted. So the Mom & Pop businesses are helping to subsidize all the infrastructure for the mega-corporations to make their untaxed multi-hundreds of BILLIONS.

I wonder how many American workers actually BELIEVE they're getting a really fair deal in taxes .... or pay ...... after seeing the TRUE big picture??

A little late to this party and just want to point something out. All those "big" companies are heavily in bed with the democrats. With the Great Reset coming, that will just increase. It won't be long before you can't see where industries stop and government starts. They will be combined. Scary times.
Should pass a law to make it illegal to be in politics for more than a few years(career politicians are the most corrupt). Wouldn't hurt to actually hold politicians to the same laws everyone else has to follow. It's a long list of government workers that should be in prison for decades but will never even be brought up on charges. Faucci killed millions so far---still going with plenty of government support.
Term- limits would go a long way to righting the ship. What politicians would vote for their own limits?
Term- limits would go a long way to righting the ship. What politicians would vote for their own limits?
Exactly! They keep voting to give themselves a raise while everyone else is taking home less money while our tax dollars are pissed away.
A little late to this party and just want to point something out. All those "big" companies are heavily in bed with the democrats. With the Great Reset coming, that will just increase. It won't be long before you can't see where industries stop and government starts. They will be combined. Scary times.
Teeder -
With no anger or malice ......... the Republican Party over the decades has gotten MUCH MORE in corporate donations than the Democratic Party has received from "corporate America." The ratio is like 3/4 to 1/4 in favor of the Republican Party - and the figures are public record. The Koch brothers alone in the last election cycle openly said they were donating $800 million to Republican campaigns around the country!!! $800 million from one company!! Multiple BILLIONS have flowed into the Republican Party from big corporations - not even close to what the Democratic Party gets in total from all sources. And what have those "American companies" done in the last 40 years???? Moved offshore via tax subsidies and incentives written by REPUBLICAN Congress-people. It started with Reagan when he announced on a national TV broadcast this ...... "We're going to change our manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy ........" And the flood of offshoring began.

When I watch and listen to public evidence, see who votes to do what, who engineers laws to make moving offshore easier (and with tax breaks to do so), and who gets the biggest tax breaks, ............ When I see bear tracks in the snow - no one is going to tell me the tracks were made by rabbits. I don't listen to what flapping politician lips say ............. I watch who makes what moves legislatively to see where the tracks lead back to. Big money and the CORRUPTION it buys has ruined this country beyond repair. And who lost in the big stakes game??? The avg. guy and lady .......... Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Green Party avg. Americans. Party affiliation doesn't matter - if you aren't in the BIG MONEY CLUB - you're losing. Those with the most money get the laws written for their benefit.
There are "public" records and then there is reality. George Soros ring a bell? Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, the Clinton foundation and affiliates. Other countries trying to help certain candidates get elected so they have bought and paid for politicians. That's just scratching the surface. Getting screwed by China in trade deals(both ways), Giving Putin OUR pipeline and having to pay a premium on buying back OUR oil that Biden gave away. The list is lengthy!
Actually, there are some privately held companies that have political agendas that align left or right. For the most part, publicly held companies align Green...($$ That is). They are smart enough to play both ends. They have a fiscal obligation to their stock holders and with contribute where they believe it benefits their bottom line the most. Even shrewder large companies distribute their operations across as many strategic states as possible. This allows them to threaten multiple senators with job losses in their states.

Keep in mind, their is a difference between the billionaires that made their money and may still be large stock holders in some companies than the companies themselves. Some companies act between public and private in this case.

Follow the money and it will lead you to all political flavors...
Facebook helping ONE government party and banning the other.
Facebook was involved directly in election as well for Biden/Harris. In Wisconsin for example they helped turn the tide with large $$$$ concentrated in certain voting areas. It was very underhanded and may have tipped the election. (I personally think it was rigged) … but anyway-

Zuck bucks manipulated the 2020 election. He targeted the key swing states.
Misinformation has a tremendous amount of value that doesn't get reported to the IRS. MEDIA
Not much is new from an internal perspective., Misinformation has always been the purview of high dollar TV ads in the past. It has simply migrated to new platforms. The real threat is that these new platforms are subject to foreign influence much more than TV every was.