Stock Market is the bottom in?

Been an interesting thread to follow. Personally...never worried about a bottom/crash/top. Just keep adding to the kitty every month. After 30 years of investing, I can say that I can look back and almost always regret anything I sold. Pretty conservative with investment strategy...mostly funds that track the S&P 500. Been a good ride.
Been an interesting thread to follow. Personally...never worried about a bottom/crash/top. Just keep adding to the kitty every month. After 30 years of investing, I can say that I can look back and almost always regret anything I sold. Pretty conservative with investment strategy...mostly funds that track the S&P 500. Been a good ride.
X-2. Unless there's a complete, total collapse of the U.S. - and its economy, we sleep good at night.
Tesla delivered 308,600 vehicles in Q4 vs 266,000 expected by Wall St. About a week ago I was hoping Tesla was gonna get down to $850 cause I was a buyer. Never got that low and rallied nicely since. I've been holding 5 measly shares since about $670. I'm expecting a split coming fairly soon. I expect very big things from Tesla over the next decade.
Tesla delivered 308,600 vehicles in Q4 vs 266,000 expected by Wall St. About a week ago I was hoping Tesla was gonna get down to $850 cause I was a buyer. Never got that low and rallied nicely since. I've been holding 5 measly shares since about $670. I'm expecting a split coming fairly soon. I expect very big things from Tesla over the next decade.

Tesla has been good to me thus far. I only have 18 shares but 10 are at $300 (bought at$1500 before the 5-1 split). Another split would be great IMO!

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The fact that several major auto manufacturers in the U.S and around the world have gone in full-tilt on E-vehicles ought to tell us a few things. For one, they believe climate change is real (as do other industries), and things associated with / supplying the manufacturing of E-vehicles will rise in value. Now who are the players in that arena ...............
I bought Standard Lithium ten months ago at $2.50. Sold half of it at $7.75 and still holding the rest. Got up as high as $12 but now trading back and forth between $8 and $10
The fact that several major auto manufacturers in the U.S and around the world have gone in full-tilt on E-vehicles ought to tell us a few things. For one, they believe climate change is real (as do other industries), and things associated with / supplying the manufacturing of E-vehicles will rise in value. Now who are the players in that arena ...............
Has nothing to do with climate change. They know the government will subsidize them into huge profits. No free money and they would be perfectly happy with their dirty cars. That is why Musk is against subsidies, he is making it work without them. He also may not get them because he is non union. The government is paying all his competition to catch up.
Oil stocks have been great since Biden got in. I think the oil stocks will go up more, as he pushes to end fuel for cars, tractors, semis… etc.

Biden/Harris not making any friends in the trucking and agriculture industries.
He also may not get them because he is non union.
Bingo. If the greenies in charge actually gave a shit, they would have invited Musk to the White House along with the Big 3 union outfits to discuss going all electric. Brilliant, let's not invite the smartest guy in the room because he doesn't believe in union mediocrity....typical of the Dems.
he doesn't believe in union mediocrity.
Remember one thing friend - the assembly-line union workers ARE NOT the ones calling the shots in the boardrooms. It's a well-known FACT that CEO Roger Smith of GM - as did his contemporaries at the other auto companies - made the decisions to NOT spend more on engineering and product development. They instead decided to "go with the flow" and build a continuing flood of ever-more obsolete designs on the SAME OLD PLATFORMS. Those decisions weren't made by the union workers on the production lines. Elon Musk at least isn't afraid to break new ground. He's not resting on stodgy, old design work. He spends money on new engineering.

As for pro-worker sentiment (which is growing even in the non-union sectors) - How many of the folks on here think they're being paid too much for the work they do?? Think it's better for the economy to have the masses of working folks make less .... and the top executives make even more??? How many top executives come into your business and buy goods or services from you - or your employer?? How many corporate big-wigs buy homes built by you, get their cars serviced by you, have pools installed by you, or buy their recreational equipment from you????? And what about the flood of automation / AI that's eliminating millions of jobs??? Are those machines and computerized systems going to buy your goods and services??? Unions - at their core mission - have ALWAYS been standing up for the working people. That's what a union is - a group of workers standing up for themselves. No union worker made millions from being a union member. A decent living??? Yes, hopefully ...... but certainly not millionaires.

Or is it rather - the guy and gal down the street, the family up the road, the EMT who comes to save your life in an ambulance, the local office worker, or the farmer 10 miles away?? What would it do for the economy if the avg. working Joe was paid a bit more - not multi-millions like the ANNUAL salary increase of the CEO's and other big-wigs - but a decent living wage/salary?? As Warren Buffet has said before, sufficient money needs to be in the hands of the people who will put it back into the economy. Buffet also said, "people like me are not going to change our spending habits." (in reference to the rich buying more "stuff" to make up for what the masses cannot afford anymore.) The VAST BULK of the world's wealth is in the hands of a tiny percentage of the population - and I'm NOT talking about the folks who worked hard and amassed 1 million or 5 million. Even those folks are small potatoes in the big scheme of things. If anyone thinks folks like Bezos, Musk, Gates, or any of the other multi-BILLIONAIRES need more money , and should keep pay LOW to achieve that end .............

Send your money (by sacrificing decent 2022 pay level ) to ME. I think I DESERVE it more because all of you "working schlepps" are lazy and overpaid. (executive-think)

I watch the numbers of GOOD, HARD-WORKING Americans just roll over and get steam-rolled by the FEW who really pull the strings ........... as the economic pie we ALL eat from gets shifted more and more to the FEW .......... who are already swollen & engorged by their never-ending GREED. As Leona Helmsley (billionairess) once tagged us, "the little people" scramble for the crumbs left over of the pie ............
^^^I didn't read all of that, but what little I did read sure sounded reminiscent of a communist manifesto.
I think Elon might be putting some money back into the economy. Government is the problem, not the solution.
I'm damn sick of my tax dollars going to help people that are too lazy to work. The government steals 1/3 of everyones' paycheck and gives it away.
reminiscent of a communist manifesto.
Fair treatment for American workers = communist??? O............. M............. G.
I'll settle for FAIR TREATMENT. I'm sure the majority of American workers would rather be paid in 1984-scale dollars so they don't get tagged by you as a "communist" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing::emoji_laughing:
Everyone needs to look at the big number on their paychecks---that's how much your employer is paying you before the government steps in and takes 1/3. Talking about employers having all the money is just plain ignorant.
Everyone needs to look at the big number on their paychecks---that's how much your employer is paying you before the government steps in and takes 1/3. Talking about employers having all the money is just plain ignorant.
That is not correct either. On top of that big number your employer pays another 30% to the government for the privilege of hiring you. When I had my own business it always drove me nuts to pay the employment taxes. It seemed backwards that the government charged me for hiring people, I thought I should of got a tax break for hiring people. But we have to pay people not to work so the money has to come from somewhere.
I own a business. Wasn't looking to give a seminar, just point out government theft.
Just adding on for those that think corporations don’t pay taxes.
Oh - the LITTLE guy businesses pay taxes ................. but the BIG ones get away with paying zero - and it's been daylighted. So the Mom & Pop businesses are helping to subsidize all the infrastructure for the mega-corporations to make their untaxed multi-hundreds of BILLIONS.

I wonder how many American workers actually BELIEVE they're getting a really fair deal in taxes .... or pay ...... after seeing the TRUE big picture??
Have you seen their ACTUAL tax forms? Remember the dumb asses claiming Trump only pays $750 in taxes? That was how much it cost to file but people ran wild with that bullshit. Trump prepays his estimated taxes quarterly and the government would like me to do the same so they get my/their money early. I just pay the fine for not giving them my money early and I feel good about not letting them extort my business. How many people would even understand Trumps taxes? Not many. Big companies are paying.