5 year old buck +
Good points
Which brings into question; How much is enough to retire the way you want?
5M ?
Do you want to live off the interest or live off the actual money saved?
How long do you really think you will live? And after a certain age what can/could you even spend it on?
Is leaving a bunch of money to family in your plan?
For me, the next egg is a gap filler. Predicting future cost is problematic for me. The big question is "What is the cost of boredom?" That is not too tough for me as I've got hunting and the farm to manage that I've been doing for years. But my wife, who is younger and working, it is another story. She likes to travel and stuff and her weekend warrior activities revolve around sports. She played basketball a few times in the senior Olympics, but after knee surgery and with age, contact sports are not in the cards for the long term. I myself had to give up basketball in my mid-50s due to knees.
So, the amount of money she spends has been limited by her time available to spend it as she is working full-time plus and travels for work fairly often. So, once she has time in retirement, what will it cost to stay off boredom?
At any rate, I made an estimate of what I think our annual outlay will be. From there, I started with our fixed income. We both have small pensions and social security will kick in as well. That leaves a gap between my annual guestimate and our annual fixed income that the nest egg needs to fill. I'm figuring, if I balance cash and stocks in the long run and the stock market continues to earn at long-term averages, I hope to be able to live on the earnings. This would allow the money to last in perpetuity. That is my goal, but I doubt I'll reach it. Things need to go well with our current house sale and retirement home build.
I don't have kids of my own. We decided rent versus buy in that arena. Beyond that, large sums of money can really screw up young folks, so if I was worried about it, I'll look into a trust.
So, if everything goes right, my nest egg should be preserved we we pass away, but if there are issues, at some point, we will start eating into it.