You guys are all discussing investments, and success in investing. Well, I have had pretty crap luck in my investments.
A little history, my mid 20's I finished most of my schooling, had a good paying job, 6 figures, 401k maxed out, employer matched to 5%. Fast forward 3 years, and I was 27, wife left me, took the kids, and half of my 401k, stuck with an upside down house, and a bunch of lawyer bills, and child support. Cashed out more of the 401k to pay the lawyer bills. At 35, thought things were going good, found my future ex wife, kids were getting older, and wanted to live with dad, so I hired a lawyer, fought for them, and won, and won a $45,000 lawyer bill to go along with them. At 40, I had a bad injury to both my shoulders, which effected my job, and had to find a different job, and it payed less. Future ex wife became ex wife and took half of the 401k, and half the equity in the house, in a hot market. Market crashed, house not worth crap, back to upside down, and my 401k was switched to an IRA when I changed jobs, so no more big investing. Now I am 50, and sold my house, to build a house on my hunting land, which I will be moving to this summer. I am remarried happily, have been for 6 years. Will have a smallish loan on the new house, but still not much in for retirement. After being burnt a couple times, I have been hesitant to go back in.
We talked to our financial investor last week, we are doing better then we thought, but not anywhere close to where we should be. Talking to her, she thinks the market will go into overdrive this fall, when things return to normal. She doesnt think that we are in a bubble, and once life returns to normal, the stock market will shoot up for another record year. I have my doubts, and am expecting a crash soon, and very hesitant to invest heavier then I have been, which isnt very much.
Are you guys thinking the market will shoot up this fall, next winter after life returns to normal? Or are you expecting a crash this summer, like I am?