Stock Market is the bottom in?

Statistically The average is you will live 10 years longer than your parents.
As to planning, I've never been too good at it. But I have tried my best to get done what I want to do before reaching retirement age. Life plays tricks. Health can go south. Friends you hang with pass. I've got my stuff paid for. The HD and sports car are 10+ years old and will out survive me. I've hunted and fished most the country and Canada. I've ridden the Harley across 44 states and Canada. I've visited what countries I wanted to see. So anything from here on is a bonus.
Watch and you will see MOST people do a major slowdown once they are in their 80s. And with that goes a lot of their spending.
My point, do while <60 yo. Plan to do plenty of stuff yet from 60-80. Then do what one wants from there on. And with that in mind, plan your monies accordingly.
Advisers don't want you draw on your retirement, as it hurts them. You are smart guys, just sit with paper and do the hard, sometimes painful math of what you truly need.
And plan ahead to some degree. I just sold my business, financing it myself at a respectable 6%. Leased the building I built 21 years ago to said buyer for 10 years. I can live on that but have filed to get some of my money back from the govt/social security. I am building down sized house after selling 26 yo house for decent profit. I sold an extra lot I paid $16000 for 65000. I will owe nothing but perhaps purchase a new car and the taxes on the farm and house. My current wife still works, and I will support another wife of past poor choices for some time to come!
I will perhaps draw 5%/yearly from my retirement nest egg but have no plans for that yet.
Plan ahead. Work your ass off without ignoring family. Do what you can when you are young enough and health doesn't rob you. Then slide into your October and ride the flow. Good luck to all.
Anyone else have a goal to live off dividends and other income/social security instead of selling off assets?

Yes, but it is no longer a goal. We have put ourselves in a position where we could retire today and live off just the interest comfortably. Still not sure why we are still working ... guess that is what got us here.
And now we've come full circle to the benefits of investing in non-fiat based investments (gold, silver, bitcoin).
I think this comment brings an interesting point into the investing conversation. I am young, I would like to think that typically kids my age are far from worried about retirement; but it bugs the crap out of me. One question I have asked my advisor is what kind of makeup should I look to for investing? Is it worth having a good amount of precious metals? What about cyrpto? Advisors tend to have a rather narrow mind. I make decisions here and there but I try and let him do his thing. It is his job afterall.

P.S. I could go off on crypto. Personally, I love it. All the older guys give me funky looks so I tend to stay away from crypto conversations
Anyone else have a goal to live off dividends and other income/social security instead of selling off assets?
I've got enough time to get that done. I don't see any reason not to. Hopefully leave a legacy for my kids. What's the point of selling off the hunting land and house you worked so hard to provide? JMO

Is anyone here, under 50, planning on getting social security? I think that's the scariest part of your previous sentence.
I've got enough time to get that done. I don't see any reason not to. Hopefully leave a legacy for my kids. What's the point of selling off the hunting land and house you worked so hard to provide? JMO

Is anyone here, under 50, planning on getting social security? I think that's the scariest part of your previous sentence.
This thread really taking a turn from the markets, which are up today. Speaking of which, if you get your ducks in a row, you can still sit mildly agressive in the market after retirement.
I forgot to mention, get a good disability insurance while you are young and they can have lots of exclusions. One never knows what life throw out. I just lost a much younger friend /work partner to CA this past wk and had he not had that insurance, the last 3 years would've been tough. Try to get one the pays if you can't do your actual job but allows another occupation. And of course a life ins policy goes wo saying.
And I've listened to the SS debacle for decades. Don't count on it supporting you but it will stay around, regardless of the drama.
I've got enough time to get that done. I don't see any reason not to. Hopefully leave a legacy for my kids. What's the point of selling off the hunting land and house you worked so hard to provide? JMO

Is anyone here, under 50, planning on getting social security? I think that's the scariest part of your previous sentence.

No. SS will not exist for us. If it does it’s just a bonus. I’m more worried about the country falling apart and the dollar being worthless than how much I need at retirement.

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I've got enough time to get that done. I don't see any reason not to. Hopefully leave a legacy for my kids. What's the point of selling off the hunting land and house you worked so hard to provide? JMO

Is anyone here, under 50, planning on getting social security? I think that's the scariest part of your previous sentence.
I am 45 and always assumed there would be no ss. Still not counting on it but I think there is a chance. They just print money for everything now so it should continue on. Once the boomers are gone it should be able to be funded without over time on the printing press.
Anyone else have a goal to live off dividends and other income/social security instead of selling off assets?

Less than dividends. I’d prefer to live off 90% of what my portfolio generates, so in case I don’t die on time, I don’t get taken out by expansionary fiscal policy. Let the other 10% reinvest to keep pace with the printers.

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I think this comment brings an interesting point into the investing conversation. I am young, I would like to think that typically kids my age are far from worried about retirement; but it bugs the crap out of me. One question I have asked my advisor is what kind of makeup should I look to for investing? Is it worth having a good amount of precious metals? What about cyrpto? Advisors tend to have a rather narrow mind. I make decisions here and there but I try and let him do his thing. It is his job afterall.

P.S. I could go off on crypto. Personally, I love it. All the older guys give me funky looks so I tend to stay away from crypto conversations
I brought up Bitcoin earlier in this thread. I'm pretty bullish on Bitcoin, have been steadily buying in, and will be for the foreseeable future. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
I brought up Bitcoin earlier in this thread. I'm pretty bullish on Bitcoin, have been steadily buying in, and will be for the foreseeable future. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
Smart man, I will for sure PM you. Not many options for talking about crypto yet. Just me, google, and anyone I have half interested.
Rest of the guys, feel free to ask about it. I’m knowledgeable but I’m no guru.
A curious survey; who among us owns shares of FAANG stocks and for how long? I'll discuss further after replies.
Bitcoin goes over my head. Please give us the bullet points on why I should be buying it. Is there other cryptos to get into that may overtake bit coin?
Bitcoin goes over my head. Please give us the bullet points on why I should be buying it. Is there other cryptos to get into that may overtake bit coin?
Bitcoin was originally developed to conduct peer to peer transactions (like Venmo). That was it’s original intended use.
It may take a while to understand why you should be buying some. The biggest advantage is that it is decentralized. There is zero control on the governments behalf. An equal advantage to this is that it combats inflation. Your dollar is worth less every year. Your bitcoin will increase in worth.

If you own bitcoin your buying power will perpetually increase because there is (reason number 3) finite amount of them. The code that makes up block chain means that there can only ever be 21 million coins. No more, no less. In circulation at the moment there are only 18 million.

As for crypto that may surpass bitcoin, I am not entirely sure. Bitcoin has majority market share. That does not mean that other coins will not eventually hit the same market cap. Which means that bitcoin may not always be the predominant crypto. Ethereum is on their way up right now. They’re second largest market cap. These other coins are difficult to navigate and require some research. Be careful with coins that are not in the 6 or 7 most traded/highest market cap.

As for the risk, I do not believe crypto will be going away. I think it is something that we will have to live with. Mind as well own your little slice before everyone else wants in on it. Be an early adopter. Some even say we’re still in the innovator stage.

Some reasons I think it is here to stay
-now get Visa cards with it
-visa is talking accepting payments
-buy physical gold and silver on some of the larger exchanges (JM Bullion) with crypto
-some non-profits are accepting donations in crypto
-many private entities are accepting crypto dabbling anywhere from jewelry to guns to lap dances and BK whoppers
A curious survey; who among us owns shares of FAANG stocks and for how long? I'll discuss further after replies.
What else is there? They are the market
Bitcoin was originally developed to conduct peer to peer transactions (like Venmo). That was it’s original intended use.
It may take a while to understand why you should be buying some. The biggest advantage is that it is decentralized. There is zero control on the governments behalf. An equal advantage to this is that it combats inflation. Your dollar is worth less every year. Your bitcoin will increase in worth.

If you own bitcoin your buying power will perpetually increase because there is (reason number 3) finite amount of them. The code that makes up block chain means that there can only ever be 21 million coins. No more, no less. In circulation at the moment there are only 18 million.

As for crypto that may surpass bitcoin, I am not entirely sure. Bitcoin has majority market share. That does not mean that other coins will not eventually hit the same market cap. Which means that bitcoin may not always be the predominant crypto. Ethereum is on their way up right now. They’re second largest market cap. These other coins are difficult to navigate and require some research. Be careful with coins that are not in the 6 or 7 most traded/highest market cap.

As for the risk, I do not believe crypto will be going away. I think it is something that we will have to live with. Mind as well own your little slice before everyone else wants in on it. Be an early adopter. Some even say we’re still in the innovator stage.

Some reasons I think it is here to stay
-now get Visa cards with it
-visa is talking accepting payments
-buy physical gold and silver on some of the larger exchanges (JM Bullion) with crypto
-some non-profits are accepting donations in crypto
-many private entities are accepting crypto dabbling anywhere from jewelry to guns to lap dances and BK whoppers
Government regulation will kill this. And maybe sooner than people think
I see bitcoin and the like being a way to push a global currency. The only way I can see it working is if it gets us back on the gold standard.
Government regulation will kill this. And maybe sooner than people think
It is my understanding that they can not physically tap into the network to track how much you have/make/buy/sell. They would have to mandate all cryptocurrency a security (which admittedly portrays failure on their behalf to regulate their own currency; USD).

Even if they did make it a federal security, they can not track your assets. IF you do it right. There are some exchanges that are not decentralized and your information would likely be obtainable.

Only option left, make it illegal. I do not doubt this would happen but again, if you want, it would be impossible for big brother to find out what you have.
I see bitcoin and the like being a way to push a global currency. The only way I can see it working is if it gets us back on the gold standard.
It is backed by fiat currencies (like USD) which they say is backed by gold but I do have my doubts.
Government regulation will kill this. And maybe sooner than people think
There are too many investment groups and corporations that are buying in and treating it like a treasury reserve for it to be outright killed by regulation. There's just too much money involved (and soon to be much much more) for these groups to let that happen.