5 year old buck +
These kinds of instantaneous, behind closed doors, another-country & time zone maneuvers can wreak global financial havoc. Such instantaneous moves here in the U.S. and elsewhere can ruin folks financially without the SEC and other agencies that we've had for decades to protect investors. Such moves affect all of us, regardless of political affiliations, amounts invested, and where our money is invested. The only ones who know about, and can profit from such moves, are the insiders. The rest of us find out after the insiders have fleeced the us and / or markets.
This kind of thing is why we need the SEC, FDIC, and other regulatory / protective / oversight agencies. Today's biggest thieves wear suits, drink single-malt scotches, and puff on hand-rolled Havanna's, while their private jet fuels up. A keystroke, or signature on a document, can ruin any of us financially.
Everybody sleeping soundly?
The SEC could ban the carry trade with the wave of a hand if they wanted to. And they just might, but only after the insiders make their money.