Stock Market is the bottom in?

These kinds of instantaneous, behind closed doors, another-country & time zone maneuvers can wreak global financial havoc. Such instantaneous moves here in the U.S. and elsewhere can ruin folks financially without the SEC and other agencies that we've had for decades to protect investors. Such moves affect all of us, regardless of political affiliations, amounts invested, and where our money is invested. The only ones who know about, and can profit from such moves, are the insiders. The rest of us find out after the insiders have fleeced the us and / or markets.

This kind of thing is why we need the SEC, FDIC, and other regulatory / protective / oversight agencies. Today's biggest thieves wear suits, drink single-malt scotches, and puff on hand-rolled Havanna's, while their private jet fuels up. A keystroke, or signature on a document, can ruin any of us financially.

Everybody sleeping soundly?

The SEC could ban the carry trade with the wave of a hand if they wanted to. And they just might, but only after the insiders make their money.
The payouts in California will be unbelievable! There are thousands of Californians that had high deductibles as well . I would not doubt if some had 50,000 deductibles ?

The cost to rebuild, the personal property, & then to pay the insureds to live somewhere for a year ? It will be a giant $$$ number !
NC & TN Inhabitants are still sleeping in tents. F*** those rich sob's in CA.
What is your experience with Accuity? Our hail damaged roof got rejected. The claims guy was inspecting our roof while the neighbor's roof was being replaced 15 ft away from him. We requested a 3rd party engineer inspection, who said our roof had "man made damage". I knew I shouldn't have been hitting 9 irons off my roof! F-ers!!

I used to have them for my business insurance. I got rid of them. Have never run across a homeowner with them.

Did you have a contractor or storm chaser look at your roof before the insurance company looked at it?? Someone that you really really trust?? There is a reason I ask. Last year a storm skirted my town again and did LOTS of damage outside of town. That didn't stop 100 companies from going door to door inside town and trying to get everyone with the same zip code to turn in a claim. There was a couple hundred pea sized stones that fell across our entire town. Outside of town they had baseballs and tennis balls moving 80-90mph.

A couple people in my neighborhood had me look at their roofs after other contractors told them they had storm damage. Out of the 12 roofs I looked at in my development 3 of them were intentionally vandalized by other contractors. These MFers were going onto these roofs and creating mechanical damage to try and get the homeowners to turn in frivolous claims. Some of it was really obvious. For people with lots of experience its quite easy to differentiate between actual hail damage and mechanical damage. Not saying this is the case with yours. Sometimes the insurance is just a bunch of assholes like State Farm is about 100% of the time.

Other thing to keep in mind is that age, condition, ventilation, brand of shingles and density/velocity of the hail make a big difference in a storm. Also the insurance company makes a big difference. I have told people right next door to each that one should make a claim and that the other should not. If you have a crappy company and very marginal damage you probably wont be very happy. If you have a good company and a little older roof things are most likely gonna go your way.

I will end with insurance in general is REALLY pumping the brakes hard in MN. They are rapidly switching from low deductible replacement cost policies to high deductible actual cash value policies and they dont want to pay jack shit. If you are gonna get a storm you dont want to get marginal damage. You want to get the big stuff so you get wiped out and there is no doubt about it.

Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. Hopefully some of this was helpful.
I used to have them for my business insurance. I got rid of them. Have never run across a homeowner with them.

Did you have a contractor or storm chaser look at your roof before the insurance company looked at it?? Someone that you really really trust?? There is a reason I ask. Last year a storm skirted my town again and did LOTS of damage outside of town. That didn't stop 100 companies from going door to door inside town and trying to get everyone with the same zip code to turn in a claim. There was a couple hundred pea sized stones that fell across our entire town. Outside of town they had baseballs and tennis balls moving 80-90mph.

A couple people in my neighborhood had me look at their roofs after other contractors told them they had storm damage. Out of the 12 roofs I looked at in my development 3 of them were intentionally vandalized by other contractors. These MFers were going onto these roofs and creating mechanical damage to try and get the homeowners to turn in frivolous claims. Some of it was really obvious. For people with lots of experience its quite easy to differentiate between actual hail damage and mechanical damage. Not saying this is the case with yours. Sometimes the insurance is just a bunch of assholes like State Farm is about 100% of the time.

Other thing to keep in mind is that age, condition, ventilation, brand of shingles and density/velocity of the hail make a big difference in a storm. Also the insurance company makes a big difference. I have told people right next door to each that one should make a claim and that the other should not. If you have a crappy company and very marginal damage you probably wont be very happy. If you have a good company and a little older roof things are most likely gonna go your way.

I will end with insurance in general is REALLY pumping the brakes hard in MN. They are rapidly switching from low deductible replacement cost policies to high deductible actual cash value policies and they dont want to pay jack shit. If you are gonna get a storm you dont want to get marginal damage. You want to get the big stuff so you get wiped out and there is no doubt about it.

Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. Hopefully some of this was helpful.
This happened to a friend of mine. He had a guy show up telling him about storm damage (we had pretty significant hail) and said the insurance company would cover a new roof and to let him inspect it and then he would put on a new roof after the insurance ok'd it.
He needed a new roof so he was like sure go for it. The guy said yes you have a lot of damage so he called his insurance and they came out and said this was all man-made damage and we're not covering it.

Turns out this guy was doing it all over and ended up a huge mess with the cops and insurance.
I used to have them for my business insurance. I got rid of them. Have never run across a homeowner with them.

Did you have a contractor or storm chaser look at your roof before the insurance company looked at it?? Someone that you really really trust?? There is a reason I ask. Last year a storm skirted my town again and did LOTS of damage outside of town. That didn't stop 100 companies from going door to door inside town and trying to get everyone with the same zip code to turn in a claim. There was a couple hundred pea sized stones that fell across our entire town. Outside of town they had baseballs and tennis balls moving 80-90mph.

A couple people in my neighborhood had me look at their roofs after other contractors told them they had storm damage. Out of the 12 roofs I looked at in my development 3 of them were intentionally vandalized by other contractors. These MFers were going onto these roofs and creating mechanical damage to try and get the homeowners to turn in frivolous claims. Some of it was really obvious. For people with lots of experience its quite easy to differentiate between actual hail damage and mechanical damage. Not saying this is the case with yours. Sometimes the insurance is just a bunch of assholes like State Farm is about 100% of the time.

Other thing to keep in mind is that age, condition, ventilation, brand of shingles and density/velocity of the hail make a big difference in a storm. Also the insurance company makes a big difference. I have told people right next door to each that one should make a claim and that the other should not. If you have a crappy company and very marginal damage you probably wont be very happy. If you have a good company and a little older roof things are most likely gonna go your way.

I will end with insurance in general is REALLY pumping the brakes hard in MN. They are rapidly switching from low deductible replacement cost policies to high deductible actual cash value policies and they dont want to pay jack shit. If you are gonna get a storm you dont want to get marginal damage. You want to get the big stuff so you get wiped out and there is no doubt about it.

Feel free to ask more questions if you have any. Hopefully some of this was helpful.

Yes, we had a contractor look at it before the insurance guy. He's from a decent size company but it's possible he dinged it up. My wife and I talked about being a possibity. We were home when he looked, but I wasn't on the roof with him. It's a 2006 roof so it's showing some wear anyway.

Unfortuately, we are getting ready to list house so we'll be taking a hit. Two of the quotes to replace it were about $21,000. One outfit out of St. Cloud quoted $61,000! I asked the young lady if the price included a reach around but got a firm NO.
Yes, we had a contractor look at it before the insurance guy. He's from a decent size company but it's possible he dinged it up. My wife and I talked about being a possibity. We were home when he looked, but I wasn't on the roof with him. It's a 2006 roof so it's showing some wear anyway.

Unfortuately, we are getting ready to list house so we'll be taking a hit. Two of the quotes to replace it were about $21,000. One outfit out of St. Cloud quoted $61,000! I asked the young lady if the price included a reach around but got a firm NO.
A $40,000 reach around still seems excessive.
What you guys think about The Quantum stocks in this market. I have been riding up and down but starting to think might be better off just picking a day I am up say 25% on quantum average and bale. Then I think all the upside is still there so maybe I should stay on the ride, even if it continues to fluctuate widely. I don't believe it will be 20 to 30 years, I think it will be solid contributor 2 or 3 years or it will go to 0
Also what American company is in the best position to pick up the TiK Tok pieces and profit off that closer
Quantum can be played to buy low and sell high and repeat IF you can find a pattern to the fluctuations in price. No comment on the TIK TOK shitshow.
On quantum I plan on a core position and a trading position.
They're still building like crazy here in central PA and reasonably priced houses off the market in a week. Just got an email today have to go look at a sinkhole in a lot. They need us out there immediately, can't hold up the build. It's going to be single digits next week. Glad it's not my house. But at $650K, it's way out of my price range anyway.
The SEC could ban the carry trade with the wave of a hand if they wanted to. And they just might, but only after the insiders make their money.
That's been my point. The "insiders" have all the timely info and connections access - which 99% of us don't have .... and never will. Unless we "peons" - of any / every political party - band together to set up a regulatory environment that levels the playing field more, the ultra-rich insiders will take away / weaken any protections that already exist (which will benefit them!). That, my friends, will affect the overwhelming majority of savers, investors - the workers of America - and not in a good way. Those are the kinds of protective regulations we need, regardless of party affiliation.
Car market is similar. The manufacturers kept raising prices of units during covid (because people were dummies and paid over msrp for a vehicle they likely didn't need, but the news made everyone scared with headlines that cars will be in short supply) so now people have realized that $800/month car payments aren't a good thing and now the manufacturers are trying to figure out what to do to sell more cars.....
I don't watch news or listen to the radio. What little bit of news I get is from other people or social media which is scarry i know. My understanding was that all of the insurance companies dropped the fire insurance when California cut the budget for the fire departments and residents affected arent getting squat. Correct me If Im wrong please.
FSI is on FIRE!!!
They got a U.S. contract that is in the edible food sector……guidance of 15 to 30 million in revenue.