Stock Market is the bottom in?

I saw one particular population model the other day that showed the US going to 1.1 billion mostly through immigration post 1985 and their offspring. That'll be fun.
Here is a novel idea. Stop spewing the climate change agenda and encourage Americans to start having larger families again just like it was done in the past when this country actually was a great nation. A gen 2 baby boomer agenda is what should be pushed. ( To working 2 parent households that is )

It's not that simple. The economics of the US right now make young people worried about having children, especially more than one or two. It's a difficult time culturally and economically for most developed nations. We're lucky we have suburbs, so at least people have space to have families. However, when young people can't afford to live in suburbs, they tend not to have kids. And social media is tricking them into thinking they're all failures if their lives are not wealthy and perfect.
Wait. What? How does that work?

I'll revise a little. The study was referenced in this 40 minute video about mass migration, which you all should watch. It was a UN paper from 2000, and they quoted the year 95, not 85. They mention replacement migration being the solution to ageing populations.

I'll revise a little. The study was referenced in this 40 minute video about mass migration, which you all should watch. It was a UN paper from 2000, and they quoted the year 95, not 85. They mention replacement migration being the solution to ageing populations.

This message brought to you by immigrants that want to come here.
I find it interesting when folks talk about the USA getting good manufacturing jobs. A few decades back....I worked in sales for a large aluminum company. They had some primary aluminum production around the country with one of the biggest out in Washington State....with a ship port along shore. The plant was a "pot line" producing ingots of aluminum from shiploads of ore from Australia. These plants run 24/7/365 and you cannot afford to shut one down due to re-start costs. The unions forced several shutdowns in those days.....and now their is no plant there.

I believe the plant was dismantled and shipped to China. Since those times the USA has lost most of the prime aluminum it all goes to countries with lower cost power and lower cost labor.....few benefits and no OSHA running the show. Hard facts. The USA has so little prime aluminum production now......and I do not foresee anymore of these huge plants being built in the USA.....or perhaps much of the free world.

So this begs the question.....with all the prime production now in distant countries that have lower labor costs and lower power costs (a big element in producing aluminum) why would you make more machining centers and secondary op's centers here in the US......when the material and labor is there in Asia?

We've exported all our industry in the 70's 80's and 90's. Wont be back here in our lifetime. We didn't want it then. Not sure how you can have jobs without the upstream production.

Here is a list of where Aluminum is being smelted. Scroll down to China and the USA. You should be frightened.

I'll revise a little. The study was referenced in this 40 minute video about mass migration, which you all should watch. It was a UN paper from 2000, and they quoted the year 95, not 85. They mention replacement migration being the solution to ageing populations.

That is propaganda, which makes it unreliable.
It's not that simple. The economics of the US right now make young people worried about having children, especially more than one or two. It's a difficult time culturally and economically for most developed nations. We're lucky we have suburbs, so at least people have space to have families. However, when young people can't afford to live in suburbs, they tend not to have kids. And social media is tricking them into thinking they're all failures if their lives are not wealthy and perfect.
Might be a good message/lesson in there about not believing everything your told?
Might be a good message/lesson in there about not believing everything your told?

Maybe for you and me. The problem is how we convince a generation of Americans to have more kids. I'm over 40, so it probably won't happen for me.

With age comes wisdom, bout not fertility. One of life's great ironies.
Maybe for you and me. The problem is how we convince a generation of Americans to have more kids. I'm over 40, so it probably won't happen for me.

With age comes wisdom, bout not fertility. One of life's great ironies.
Tell them NOT to have kids and they'll all have a dozen just to prove they will do whatever they want. hardy har har
That is propaganda, which makes it unreliable.
Lol, ok. What part is unreliable? Did you watch all 40 minutes in 8 minutes? Where do you get your news?
It's not that simple. The economics of the US right now make young people worried about having children, especially more than one or two. It's a difficult time culturally and economically for most developed nations. We're lucky we have suburbs, so at least people have space to have families. However, when young people can't afford to live in suburbs, they tend not to have kids. And social media is tricking them into thinking they're all failures if their lives are not wealthy and perfect.
Yet women on welfare have no problem having 6 kids.
Lol, ok. What part is unreliable? Did you watch all 40 minutes in 8 minutes? Where do you get your news?
I watched it. I think it accurately reflects what is happening......and I don't like it. We will become a Banana Republic before long.
Yet women on welfare have no problem having 6 kids.

Another one of life's great ironies.

You do touch on a good point though. We can probably reverse this trend through policy. If we stop giving unwed women extra money for each kid and start paying welfare queens to get an IUD, maybe there would be fewer people on welfare. Likewise, if we gave women paid maternity leave, maybe working professionals would be more likely to have kids.
Lol, ok. What part is unreliable? Did you watch all 40 minutes in 8 minutes? Where do you get your news?

Don't get me wrong, I do believe most of what they document in that video is accurate. I have personally travelled from Caracas to Mexico City, mostly overland. I chose to fly from Cartagena to Panama City because the Darien is just as sketchy as they suggest in that video. Hell, Tica Bus will drive you from Panama City to Tapachula in a luxury coach for a hundred bucks. Personally, I crossed into Mexico from Guatemala by boat, driving past crocodiles and all manner of jungle creatures, only to arrive at an unmanned border station. My brother in law is a border patrol agent out of Nogales, and he has filled me in on the shenanigans going on down there.

What I take issue with is the conclusions they draw on websites like Muckraker and Vice. They seem to have an agenda, which makes them unreliable.

I get my information from various sources, but I don't generally read the news. I know people from work and social life who know things and clue me in from time to time. Most of what I know about the border situation and immigration/asylum policy comes from my brother in law, as I mentioned. If you want an online source for world events, Al Jazeera is probably the best source for news, excepting the Middle East. Otherwise, Peter Zeihan has a YouTube channel that gives a lot of thoughtful analysis of world events, but I wouldn't call it news per se.
Doing some research this morning. Came across a few interesting articles.

There's a chance that the majority of gen z and whomever comes after them will end up being on more than one of these drugs, and i'd say it's entirely possible they will all have at least one. Nowhere to go but up far as I can see. I always wondered why these drugs were advertised on TV. Once I learned what they charge for them, it's no wonder they own all of network TV and news ad space.

I've already have NVO, probably gonna pick up GILD today. Merck is too high right now, but I'll probably start working a put position on ABBV.

If you go from left to right, here's where the biggest revenue generator is coming from:

1. Cancer
2. Blood clots
3. Diabetes
4. Arthritis
6. Autoimmune disorders
7. Autoimmune disorders
8. HIV
9. Cancer
10. HPV
Won't we be too busy fighting off Skynet to worry about our lost jobs?? 😉
Won't we be too busy fighting off Skynet to worry about our lost jobs??


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I watched it. I think it accurately reflects what is happening......and I don't like it. We will become a Banana Republic before long.
After the 2020 elections and the last 3 years I’m pretty sure we could embroider a banana on our flag now.