I know in my own business we are having to try to implement automation anywhere we can because we can't find any people that are willing to do manual labor. Huge cost upfront for the automation but eventually it pays for itself and then becomes profitable but that certainly won't happen over night. From that perspective the people not willing to work are pretty much forcing us to become automated to keep putting out product. American workers cost a lot and keep costing more every year. Machines are an initial investment and a lot less headaches. We've been struggling to find workers before covid was ever even thought of. Have to keep the manufacturing costs as low as possible to make enough profit to keep the lights on and the doors open. That's just the world that I am currently living in. Don't see things turning around any time soon.
Respectfully, Jsasker007 -
That may apply to
your particular business, but it's not the case for millions of American workers who are currently working at their jobs - and have been for years. They're going to lose their jobs through no fault of their own, despite their dedication to their companies. When all of a sudden, thousands start to get laid off / fired, they can't "re-train / re-tool" for a different line of work overnight. Even programmers who write computer code are going to be terminated by AI, so what field of endeavor should the millions of people who will lose their jobs train for that pays a decent living wage??? Even the most ambitious person can't train for another skill set quickly. Most professions that pay decently require several years of education, so in the meantime, who pays their daily / weekly / monthly bills??? With self check-outs increasing in stores, robotic waiters, automated manufacturing (increasing even more), self-driving vehicles (once they work all the bugs out), robotic investment "counselors", automated voice prompts everywhere these days (you can't talk to a live human being anymore), etc. - those jobs didn't go unfilled by so-called "lazy " Americans. They were turned off like you turn off a light switch. Gone. And now, the business community is openly stating that millions and millions of jobs will disappear because of AI. I read
loads of financial & investment info every day (and have been since I was a senior in HS), so I'm not pulling these statements out of thin air. The WSJ, Fortune, Investors Business Daily (IBD), Barrons, Markets Insider, Kiplinger, Forbes, and many other financial publications trumpet the blossoming of AI into more & more places. When those info sources say that millions & millions of jobs will be lost ....... believe it. They don't even try to hide that fact anymore.
I have nothing against you or any other person on here. I just wonder where all those millions of currently-working folks are going to go to earn a decent living for themselves and their families. I wonder about all those men & women who studied hard at college to learn the latest technologies - and racking up huge college debt in the process - only to have the rugs pulled out from under them suddenly due to AI. How will they pay off their college debt (hard enough to do even at a higher-paying job) when they're forced out of their well-paying jobs?? If the skills you have acquired are suddenly no longer needed, how does anyone pick up the reins the next day and never miss a financial beat?? How rapidly will so many people be expected to change course in their lives - and how will new training be paid for??
If people have a nest-egg saved up for retirement - and now must use that money to pay for more college / training, how will they be expected to retire with no financial "drain" on the system?? Many folks don't want retirees to be counting on government help to help them survive - so how do people who've been displaced earn & keep saving for their own retirement years when many of the better-paying jobs are being eliminated??
For those who tell younger folks to "just get a second or third job" - who then cares for their kids ....... when talking heads are yapping that kids aren't being "parented" as they should be?? Absentee parents working 2 or 3 jobs ....... how does anyone "parent" their kids doing that?? Many of those types of jobs are low-paying, part-time, with no benefits. The math does not add up to success - no matter how ambitious or hard-working one might be.
Here's a thought for everyone - will those machines, computers, AI processors, robots be buying any of your products and / or services?? Will they buy homes?? Food?? Vehicles?? Insurance or investment products?? The more humans are put out of work - the worse it's going to get. There are
NO easy, quick answers to numerous complex problems.
No animosity or anger here, Jsasker. I wish you a good day, friend!!