I don't hate the U.S. - I hate unbridled GREED and moves made AGAINST American workers. What do you call the offshoring of American jobs that began when Ronald Reagan made his speech to the whole country?? He said, "We're going to change our economy from a manufacturing-based economy to a service-based economy. " I watched the speech, so don't try to allege he didn't say it. That's when the race to leave the U.S began.
How is that good for American workers??? Is offshoring America jobs and automation (which eliminates live workers) good for the economy as a WHOLE??? How can people gripe that we need more god-paying jobs here in the U.S. - - - and then cheer for the corporate titans (and the politicians who enable them) who move jobs overseas and automate everything they can??? Are those automated machines going to buy food, finished goods of all sorts, houses, clothing, buy a swimming pool, put on an addition?? So if you're a supporter of offshoring jobs and automation .................. I have to ask ..............
How is THAT pro American???