Stock Market is the bottom in?

Is there a company to invest in that performs ass transplants? I'm going to need a new one due to the fact that I worked most of my ass off working for a living and then it looks like I'll lose the rest of it in the markets. Ass transplants, maybe I can get a government grant for a new ass and start all over?
Is there a company to invest in that performs ass transplants? I'm going to need a new one due to the fact that I worked most of my ass off working for a living and then it looks like I'll lose the rest of it in the markets. Ass transplants, maybe I can get a government grant for a new ass and start all over?
I'm not sure if they will give you a new ass....but I am quite certain they will provide a reamer. lol
Is there a company to invest in that performs ass transplants? I'm going to need a new one due to the fact that I worked most of my ass off working for a living and then it looks like I'll lose the rest of it in the markets. Ass transplants, maybe I can get a government grant for a new ass and start all over?
I will take one. Met with our planner today. We gave him our money in 2018. We were up 25% in 2020 and are now up 1%. If only I could figure out what happened in 2020 To give it all back. At least I haven‘t seen a mean tweet in awhile and get to enjoy $7 eggs.
I will take one. Met with our planner today. We gave him our money in 2018. We were up 25% in 2020 and are now up 1%. If only I could figure out what happened in 2020 To give it all back. At least I haven‘t seen a mean tweet in awhile and get to enjoy $7 eggs.
Here are a few clues....from 2020

Trump may be the most accomplished President in our nation's history:
1) He got conservative judge Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.
2) The stock market is at an all-time high.
3) Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.
4) He created millions of jobs by undoing Obama’s regulations.
5) Mortgage applications for new homes is at a 7 year high.
6) Unemployment rate is at a 50 year low.
7) Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act.
Gutted over 800 Obama era regulations thus freeing up companies to hire again and get the economy moving once again.
9) Ended the war on coal and caused a new mine for coal mining to open that will mine clean coal. He also put the miners back to work.
10) Weakened Dodd-Frank regulations.
11) Promotes buying and hiring American.
12) Investments from major businesses such as Foxconn, Ford ,Toyota, Intel and others will build here now.
13) Building the border wall as promised.
14) Fighting against sanctuary cities.
15) Changed the rules of engagement against ISIS.
16) Drafted a plan to defeat ISIS.
17) Worked to reduce the cost of the F-35 fighter jets.
18) Imposed a five year lobbying plan.
19) Sanctioned Iran over its’ missile program.
20) Responded to Syria’s use of chemical weapons.
21) Reduced tax reform plan.
22) Renegotiated NAFTA and replaced with the USMCA.
23) He withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here.
24) He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords thus saving us millions of dollars every year.
25) Created a task force to reduce crime.
26) The DOJ is targeting dangerous gangs like MS-13.
27) Signed independence and economic growth law.
28) Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels.
29) Signed an executive order for religious freedom.
30) His administration is working on sending education back to the states.
31) He’s fixing the dept. of Veterans affairs so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers and allows VA to terminate bad employees.
32) Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. The Dakota pipeline is up and running without harming the environment.
33) Created commissions on election fraud and opioid addiction.
34) Food stamp use is the lowest level in decades along with government dependency.
35) Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
36) Has donated his Presidential salary to various causes.
37) Signed over 52 pieces of legislation.
38) Cut 600 billion from UN peacekeeping mission.
39) Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.
40) Making NATO allies pay billions of their fair share of dues owed.
41) Signed Criminal Justice Reform, “First Step Act"."
42) Negotiated the USMCA trade deal with Mexico and Canada and eliminated the disastrous NAFTA.
43) Brokered the biggest trade deal in history between the United States and China.
And he did it while fighting the haters every step of the way. Think how much more he could have done with some support.
we all are participating in the greatest Ponzi scheme ever with the fed being able to magically print money.
The USA has been on this inflation journey and monetary "Ponzi scheme" a long time. Most ordinary folks really never understood inflation until about the 50's or 60's. One book I read a long time ago (when it felt like these times) gave the advice: "Buy quality things of lasting value". This pretty much becomes real estate or quality colletables IMO......tho stocks in great companies would be another. ....And I would add to "trade up" or invest more as your finances allow. Not many young people going that direction today. They shun real estate and collectables.....and are more into instant gratification. I dunno why that is. I suppose we have failed to indoctrinate them in our schools or families?

Looks like every 50 years prices go up 10 fold. Every 100 years: 100 fold....due to the magic of compounding. For example a new home was about $2,000 (or less) in the 1920' its about 100x more. Hamburger 10 ents for a good one.back in the 20's vs $10 today. Premium farm land $50+ / acre in the 1920's vs $5000+ today. (I realize all values are debatable....but they are "in the ballpark").

Were seeing a big spike now......and some say it's the "great reset". Unsustainable? Maybe?? I dunno (it feels like dire times....but so did it in the 70's.). Not many are prepared for the inflation that is occurring now. Especially young people and retirees. If this is "the great reset" I would hate to have my savings tied up in T-Bills. Not much you can do to ease the pain if that is what transpires. As the crafter of this Ponzi scheme has said: "In the long run.....we're all dead."
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Lotsa pain in one of my stocks today. SIBV is a bank in California that got shud down. And that stock sank like a rock. Ouch.
Silicon was the 17th largest bank in the US .
Silicon was the 17th largest bank in the US .
Yeah but they operated more like a VC than a traditional bank. I think it’s a big deal but it’s not like a normal bank defaulting
Days like these is why i don't keep wealth in banks.

The same company that brought you such hits as:

"You can keep your doctor"
"Safe and effective"
"No, we don't have 46 biological weapons labs in Ukraine"
"Transitory inflation"

Feel good for who.? 😉 .....I got creamed on that POS stock. Cost me bigly.

That sucks ! I think it was down 60% before anyone knew what was happening!
That sucks ! I think it was down 60% before anyone knew what was happening!
These things happen. Hopefully not too often. At least you can use the losses against the gains. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch.
The article I am reading is that 85% of the banks money is uninsured due to it being all startup / vc money. Will the non insured money get a bail out? They shouldn't bail them out. However the government will do anything to avoid citizens losing confidence in the system. I still don't know why anyone would invest in bonds.
The article I am reading is that 85% of the banks money is uninsured due to it being all startup / vc money. Will the non insured money get a bail out? They shouldn't bail them out. However the government will do anything to avoid citizens losing confidence in the system. I still don't know why anyone would invest in bonds.
I dont have money on deposit in that bank.....that would likely be FDIC insured.....but nobody is going to insure the stock investment....whch is what I got. I likely got 30 cents on the dollar back. Coulda bought a new tractor with the money lost. OTOH....I got some others that the gains have paid for that new tractor too. Chit happens. OH....and I don't need a new
The article I am reading is that 85% of the banks money is uninsured due to it being all startup / vc money. Will the non insured money get a bail out? They shouldn't bail them out. However the government will do anything to avoid citizens losing confidence in the system. I still don't know why anyone would invest in bonds.
Bonds of any duration right now are dangerous. It's looking more and more like the fed is gonna send this right into the gorge with high rates. Now, high rates can cure high rates, but it may be a bumpy ride to get there. I still like extremely short duration bonds (180 days or less) because I can hold them to maturity and get all my money out of them no matter what happens to the underlying bond value. That ain't the case with longer terms.

If things are going to get ugly while the fed is busting the debt bubble and debt class, a guy might as well try to earn some interest on the side while we wait for the new normal to emerge.
This is a neat read on what happened with Silicon Valley Bank. Amazing how quickly this went from darling to dead.
