The average car loan is now ~6 years long. This means people are buying what they cannot afford, and the depreciation happens fast enough that they cannot sell and break even on what they owe.
Reminds me of the early 80's when automakers started producing high end sports cars (camaro, firebirds, vettes). They only way for kids who could not afford them was to take out 5 year loans. They were very surprised when they tried to sell the car only to learn that they got paid less than what they owned. Sucked to have sold the car and still owe payments on it.
What do you think is going to happen when people have little or no savings, have racked up high CC debt (btw ave cc interest is now 19%), extended car loans, mortgage rates that have almost doubled on homes that they overpaid for ... not sustainable. I think the above could lead to a collision between the Fed and the so called soft landings they are hoping for.
If the fed succeeds in slowing the economy (crashing it is a real possibility) lots of folks are gonna be in a real bind. Banks I am sure are getting real nervous with level of debt.
Hard to slow the economy when people are accelerating purchasing and debt build-up. Things will change and many are not gonna like the ride ...