Stealth Cam Revolver

i just bought my first trail cam and its a revolver 360, and just set it out yesterday and i got a couple photos last night but they are solid black, i cannot find anything in the settings on the app to adjust ot turn on or off the IR, any ideas what i did wrong?
Hummm…that’s a first. Did your test photos come out OK? I would double check the settings to make sure they are what you want, then in the evening (after dark) take an on-demand photo. If it comes out black, put in a call to StealthCam.
This is another good example of how the revolver helps inventory the herd…the smaller buck was picked up on camera at a site where I traditionally had a Cuddeback pointed north towardx the oaks. I put the Revolver in this location. While the 10 point buck was captured several times, I would have missed the 8 point to the left.

So far the Revolver is functioning well.


Looks like they have shed their velvet.
ok, so an update , i called tech support and told them about the issues i was having and they told me i needed to change my memory card because i was using a 128 micro with a adapter he said they wont work in the camera and said i needed to use a 10-32 gb only, well in short my buddy went out to the camera and pulled the batteries and reset the camera and it started working correctly, and so far i am impressed with the camera and the quality of the pics, ive got it set to 16mp,
the only issue im having is the camera is way to sensitive and im not sure how to adjust that, its taking a bunch ip pics of nothing just picking up limb movements
Any updates on this camera? Huntstand had a deal where you get a free one with upgrade/renewal. I use Huntstand anyway, so it was a no brainer.
Any updates on this camera? Huntstand had a deal where you get a free one with upgrade/renewal. I use Huntstand anyway, so it was a no brainer.
I continue to be impressed. DeerCast had the same offer, so I went ahead and did the renewal and will swap out one of my traditional steathcams for another Revolver. Be sure to get a GOOD solar charger, as these eat through the batteries.

This picture from yesterday is another example of capturing deer that would have been missed. The first picture is the camera facing north. It shows a doe in the oaks. The next one shows a doe walking the edge that never was picked up on the north camera.

I will be adjusting the location next season now that I have a better understanding of the capacity of the Revolver. I do think it has more potential to spook older class deer, as the bucks I had on camera in May never showed up on this camera again.

I almost bought one yesterday on a Black Friday sale... till I realized it was a Muddy one, not Stealth Cam.
They're tempting me, but the battery requirements/consumption scare me. It can be 3-4 months between trips sometimes and they'd be long dead, even with a battery pack, and I don't think I have the sun to make much of a difference with a panel.
I almost bought one yesterday on a Black Friday sale... till I realized it was a Muddy one, not Stealth Cam.
They're tempting me, but the battery requirements/consumption scare me. It can be 3-4 months between trips sometimes and they'd be long dead, even with a battery pack, and I don't think I have the sun to make much of a difference with a panel.
the same on both the purchase and back out rationale.
Any updates on this camera? Huntstand had a deal where you get a free one with upgrade/renewal. I use Huntstand anyway, so it was a no brainer.
I have had no issues running 2 of them and really like them. As others have stated make sure to have a good solar panel or decent size external battery to power the beat. I am using dakota lithium 12v 20Ah batteries on them and get thousands of pictures per charge.
What's a good solar charger for these? I leave my Tactacams running 365 days and charge once per year.
I’ve had good luck with both of these.

SOL-PAK Solar Battery Pack 5000 mAH (generally around $60)

Trail Camera 12v / Solar Auxiliary Power Pack (generally around $60-70)

I have one SOL-PAK Solar Battery Pack 1000mAH that does not keep up. The newer 5000 mAH never gives me a problem..
Thanks. I like the idea of the 360 view. I could use that. I just don't know if I want to add another brand in because of the cost and multiple apps. I use Tactacam XBs with solar panels now, and like them ok. I'm not sure whether I want to sell/trade this one for another Tactacam or keep it and move to Stealth.
The Muddy and Stealthcam 360 “Revolver” cameras are the same units, and both use StealthCam’s Command software, which is pretty good. The AI software is much better than StealthCam and Cuddeback—the other cameras I use. Picturing sharing is another feature I use.

As far as batteries, I have enjoyed good success with the 12v Solar Auxiliary Power Pack. Fully charge it before deployment and you should be good for months on end. My ONLY issues had to do with a critter unplugging the camera (and breaking the T-post mount), which required a trip out to the camera for repairs.
The Muddy and Stealthcam 360 “Revolver” cameras are the same units, and both use StealthCam’s Command software, which is pretty good. The AI software is much better than StealthCam and Cuddeback—the other cameras I use. Picturing sharing is another feature I use.

As far as batteries, I have enjoyed good success with the 12v Solar Auxiliary Power Pack. Fully charge it before deployment and you should be good for months on end. My ONLY issues had to do with a critter unplugging the camera (and breaking the T-post mount), which required a trip out to the camera for repairs.
That's one of the problems that keeps me from buying one; animals will rub it if its out in the wide open and the only thing standing.
That's one of the problems that keeps me from buying one; animals will rub it if its out in the wide open and the only thing standing.
Here is an easy solution. First, use four t-posts....three 6' placed in a triangle 18" into the ground as guards and one 5' for the camera about 18"into the ground. This allows allows for better "brushing in" of the camera. This also allows a "roof" of tin, plastic or wood to be put over the camera, eliminating the camera from becoming a perch for birds.
I deployed a second Revolver (a freebie for renewing DeerCast). Stealthcam provided a promo code that allowed me to replace an annual account that had a failed Matrix camera with the Revolver. So far it is taking some great pictures of birds and squirrels. I am running a Stealth Sol-Pak to hopefully extend battery life.