Spruce advice


5 year old buck +
I'm looking for some advice on my spruce trees--30 acres or so in NW Minnesota.

These trees were planted as part of CRP plan in 90's.I bought the farm in 2006. It totals 228 acres.
I have 60 tillable, 60 wooded, and the balance is CRP--good switch etc...

On the 30 acres I'm looking to either thin out some trees or tip a few over to create space and bedding.

Looking at these photos, any advice on how to make it a bit more attractive.
It is a good sanctuary right now, about 12-15 deer move in and out of it.

We rarely step foot in it. I will attach photos.
image.jpg ] There are about 28-30 rows total the entire length of the 1/4 section
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Some rows the trees are close to touching, others are like the above picture
I wouldn't do a thing. They look perfect to me. The branches will hold good after they start touching and give you another 15 years at least.
Good looking sactuary!
In another 20-25 thin them out heavy and you will get your regenerstion. At least you will get a couple sticks and make a little $.
I would also leave it alone for the most part-- However dropping a few trees to feather the edges or guide movement may be useful.
I agree with dipper. I wouldn't do a thing with it. I'd love to have a section of spruce like that on mine.
Deer Prefer evergreens that are in random order and not in rows. I would add some pockets of shrubs both inbetween the rows and outside the rows to widen the outside of the row and to fill within the row. If this is bedding use something they won't eat so they can grow quickly. Plant something that suckers and they will thicken up.

You could wait several years + and they should grow together but I still like the idea of planting pockets of shrubs for quick cover. You could also hall in a bunch of logs and build visual barriers.
Ok thanks guys!

Shrubs might be an option, also like idea of possibly cutting down a few trees and leaving logs or brush to block some rows ...

How about tipping a few random (like a hinge) to break up rows??
You could easily cut down trees in the center, that would be the quickest way to block the rows and create pockets.
I don't think I would do much in that area as the guys above have suggested. Some things are best left alone. If you do decide to do anything, I would start small this year and feel out how the deer are reacting to your changes, you can always do more next offseason and you won't have jacked the place all up right out of the gate.
If it were my patch, I'd cut the lower limbs off random trees here & there up to about 30" off the ground to give an umbrella effect for bedding in heavy snow or sleet. Not many trees, but a few. Like Freeborn said - in my experience deer like some randomness, so I'd drop only a few spruce in there - and I'd pick the ones that were crowding others for cutting. If one was a little thin & spindly, and it was tight to another tree - I'd drop that one & allow the better tree to prosper. The few trees you drop you could use for screening w/ in the rows, or build a more secure bedding spot. If you create a few small openings by dropping a few trees, you could plant some native grass or shrubs in them to add a little diversity to the row - upon - row layout. But bottom line - I'd let 98% of those spruce as is. Great thermal cover / windbreak / security cover.

Just as I posted this, I saw what Whip posted above me. He's right - I wouldn't bother it NOW. If deer are hanging out in there this winter for shelter / security, I'd wait until beginning of April so the worst of winter is done and the deer will be out roaming looking for green food.
I would turn that into a hinge cut spruce maze. Deer would enter it and not know how to get out;) but seriously you could definitely enhance the amount of bedding security by tipping quite a few over and it would be an ultimate sanctuary.
One thing I will do for sure is plant soybeans and brassicas close to the trees.

As good as the sanctuary is, we have only shot two 3 year old bucks (130/135 inch) near it.

It is MN so what can I expect?
sounds like that patch of trees is going to be an island in a sea of wide open mn terrain. Even though it will be a twisted snag of dead branches in 10-20years, it will be a bedding magnet, but what do I know......
It's your place, your call.
Hey can u cut in there anyway since it is in a crp program?
Dipper brings up a good point about cutting if its in a CRP, but from reading your post I'm guessing it's out of the program now. I'd love to have going on what you do now. Like just about everyone has said, leave it or make very few changes. On another note has anyone ever tried to hinge pine or spruce?
I have removed a few spruce where they are too thick. I should have removed more.

You can cut lower limbs to create and focus entry and exit at specific locations. Arrange these locations for favorable winds and stands.

I also like to leave a gap of 50-150 feet and then plant random small spruce. The gap could be clover, crab apples trees, shrubs, or just grasses.