Spring Has Sprung!


5 year old buck +
For those in colder climates just a few pictures to show spring has sprung down our way and hopefully will be headed your way soon!

Most photos from a park within walking distance of my office, but with the last few pictures of the bluebirds scouting nesting sites and live oaks surrounded by greening grass captured at my place.

must of missed that memo...


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Ha! ^^^^^^^^^

Great pics bigbendmarine.
Still snow at camp too. :emoji_frowning2: Thanks for the green pix Big Bend Marine.
I was out yesterday and the daffodils are popping up, and an elderberry bush was showing a little sign of green as well......the spring peepers (frogs) are singing as well....we also have the sandhill cranes heading north as well. Early signs of spring are in my part of the world!
My pear trees are starting to bud out. Last year this happened and I lost all my pear blooms.
It's 51 degrees and sunny here today....gorgeous afternoon. Snow is gone, ice is out I would sure rather be crappie fishing right now!
A lot of places may have seen the temps in the 70's and 80's this last week but believe me it won't last. We still have the entire month of March before spring makes it's entrance. Trees are budding, grass is greening up, wild blackberries have started greening up but we still will see some freezing temps. I'm afraid the apple and pear trees are going to get hit hard.
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Yep - weather forecast here says we will be back to lows below freezing come this weekend......still nice to have some glimmer of the end of winter.....
Yep daffodils are starting to show in Cape May, NJ. But they might regret it.
Awesome pics! My martins showed up here today btw. Had to get my gourd houses up with the what daylight I had remaining after work.

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Bill - You aren't slathering on the sun-tan oil at Cape May are you ?? Storm coming to set up off the Jersey coast this weekend.

Camp 2 Dukes - ^^^^^^^^ looks like spring is right around the corner for you too, huh ???:emoji_astonished:
Bill - You aren't slathering on the sun-tan oil at Cape May are you ?? Storm coming to set up off the Jersey coast this weekend.

Camp 2 Dukes - ^^^^^^^^ looks like spring is right around the corner for you too, huh ???:emoji_astonished:
The groundhog said six more weeks. :-0. We made the most of this weekend as it is supposed to be getting warmer this week. We love the snow and winter. Taught my 6 yr old daughter to ski. She loved it. We were on the hills for 7.5 hrs and she did not want to leave.
Several smoke columns today, spring is just around the corner and hopefully it brings rain.
Seems some of y'all northern fellas are a wee bit skeptical (and cold!)... but promise y'all spring IS heading your way (eventually!). Joking aside, just a couple of more pics to help warm everyone up and some apple flower pics at that! :emoji_slight_smile:

Blooms from one of two big ornamental crabs in my front yard. Wish I knew exact name of it. Produces small yellow fruit no bigger than a pea -- flowers sure are pretty though.


Walking around my place this weekend came across a single native crabapple blooming in the woods.


One of the branches was still holding a single apple on it.


Last picture is view of my front yard captured this morning... simply awe-inspiring how quickly the Master Painter turned everything green this year. Less than two weeks ago our grass was still brown with few signs of spring. Now all the grass is green and most fruiting trees are blooming as are the Bradford pears along our driveway. Almost like He threw an off-on switch for us this year. So green right now you'd almost think that everything outtside would glow at night.
But lest it all sound perfect and rosy... few folks might remember me crying about having to cut a nice sized fig tree to the ground last year due to ambrosia boring beetles attacking it in the spring. Well, this year the #*@! bastages attacked a contorted mulberry I purchased four years back from local Just Fruits and Exotics (actually seen a few other distant folks talk about ordering from them). It had grown up to about 12' high and had an incredibly neat form. Pretty sure I'm going to have to cut it level with the ground too if I'm to have a chance of regrowing it. REALLY might cry while doing the deed. At work now but might post a pic of it before cutting down just to show how interesting of a form it has.
Bigbend, I guess I would rather spring come in slowly. The last couple years, we had above average temps in the late winter/spring, and the apple trees blossomed, and then winter decided to show that it wasnt over yet, and I lost any chance at apples. I have high hopes this summer for a nice apple crop. I have several trees in the 4th and 5th year that havent produced yet, and a couple early risers last year that bloomed late.

Those pictures sure look nice, I love spring, almost as much as I love fall.