Spring 2017 fruit trees


5 year old buck +
Many guys order early so as not to miss out on stock. What does everybody have planned / ordered for next spring ?? I only have 3 apples ordered for camp next spring.
1 - Goldrush on B-118
1 - Sundance on B-118
1 - Crimson Topaz on B-118
SLN didn't have the usual crabs we wanted THIS year, but say they will for spring 2018.
Had to scale back this yr still have trees to plant from last yr...

2 Yates
1 Arkansas black
From Chris at Turkey Creek

few grafts that I did this yr to be spring planted
1 centennial
1 horse
2 Dolgo
So does SLN have thoughts of having similar crabs from a few yrs ago in 2018? Would like to try some of the late hangers but with fruit 1" dia or bigger that they sold and maybe exclusive to them since not finding elsewhere. Would like to add more trees that benefit the turkeys as much as deer so even if they dont drop not an issue, turkeys can fly!
Most of my fruit tree plantings are done and I know some people never stop but, I am just buying 3 Chestnut crabs this year from Cummins on B118 stock.
Rocksnstumps - SLN owner Conner Hardiman told me via e-mail that they plan on having the regular crabs they always had for the spring of 2018. They don't have them ready for this next spring's planting. (2017). The All-Winter-Hangover, Winter Wildlife crab, Violi's hanging crab, Dolgo, Chestnut, etc. should be available for fall 2017 ordering - spring 2018 planting. I'm waiting for those crabs myself. I want more of them too !! ( the crabs mentioned above are all 1" dia. and larger, up to 2 1/4" ).

If you're looking for smaller crab apple fruits that hang on into winter, Centurion, Prairie Fire, Golden Hornet are 3 good ones. If you want another tree that puts on fruit that hangs - plant some Washington Hawthorn. TOUGH TREE. We have them at camp and they draw turkeys and grouse like a magnet. Small ( 3/8" dia. red fruits ) ripen in early October here and hang on thru winter to feed all kinds of birds. Fruits that drop will sprout & give you free seedlings that you can transplant to where you like. They form dense thickets.
Thanks for the update. I do have a dozen or so smaller fruited crabs that hang pretty tough and have a couple of prairefire still too small to do much yet. The golden hornet variety has caught my eye too but last couple of years has been mostly apples vs crabs for me to plant. Next spring might try to graft a few local wild apples that hang into Nov and than back to more crabs since they are a good late food source for the turkeys. I have a couple now with larger fruit that hang late but could use some more
I generally don't order trees. I prefer to build them myself. So, for apples, I'm growing trees from seed. Some I'm growing out and others I'll field graft. I also plan to do some more grafting to M111 (good fit for my soil) next spring. As far as varieties, I currently have ordered Kerr, Dolgo, Centennial, Liberty, Wickson, and Collumbia scions from GRIN.


This year I have 9 more pear trees and 1 apple coming from Turkey Creek. Pears are a mix of Doc's special, seckel, keiffer, and moonglow. The apple is an Arkansas Black. The pears I planted this past Spring have done very well, so I decided to go heavy with them this year.
My first year planting fruit trees and I will have 60 of them going in the ground. Most on B118 with a few p18/m111. Enterprise, Liberty, wine crisp, crimson topaz, honeycrisp, goldrush, dolgo, chestnut crab, wickson, galarina, florina, and maybe one other I am forgetting.
Silver - Great mix of apples !! You should do real well with those. ^^^
Here's my 2017 order from Cummins (cider related all on B.118 root stock):
26 - Franklin
16 - Golden Russet
10 - Hewes Crab
5 - Kermerrien
3 - Liberty
25 - B.118 bare rootstock (Grandpa's Orchard)
Ordered the following for 2018:
26 - Yarlington Mill
10 - Empire

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Here's my 2017 order from Cummins (cider related all on B.118 root stock)

Always though that cider topic would be interesting to explore sometime. Got any sources of info good for cheesehead area folks to check up on?

Silver Yummies
Sure hope you have lots of help with that list. More like a several yr project or one really long week if you do the planting routine that some do for apples....
Here's a great book to start with: The New Cider Maker's Comprehensive Guide for Craft Producers by Claude Jolicoeur. The author's orchard is in zone 4 - lots of helpful info on all aspects, including selecting trees, equipment and making hard cider.


Always though that cider topic would be interesting to explore sometime. Got any sources of info good for cheesehead area folks to check up on?

Silver Yummies
Sure hope you have lots of help with that list. More like a several yr project or one really long week if you do the planting routine that some do for apples....
Always though that cider topic would be interesting to explore sometime. Got any sources of info good for cheesehead area folks to check up on?

Silver Yummies
Sure hope you have lots of help with that list. More like a several yr project or one really long week if you do the planting routine that some do for apples....
Yep, I will have some help and an auger to dig my holes. Also have everything bought to protect the trees - I have been reading up on the forum to know what all needs to be done on planting day. Can't wait to get them in the ground. I will be planting another 500 seedling trees and bushes next spring - swamp white oak and dogwood with some white spruce.
We have 20 Anatova, 6 B118, 11 ohxf 97, and 2 flowering pears I had given to from Lowe's I plan to graft over.

For apples plan on grafting: Kerr, Hewes crab, brushy mountain Limbertwig, black Limbertwig, winter Jon, white Limbertwig, red royal Limbertwig, bevans favorite, Kinnairds Choice, stellar, white Buckingham, Owens Mullins Red, cherryville black, Mitchell, Virginia beauty, Tull, pitmaston pineapple, Arkansas Beauty, pristine, Priscilla,kidds orange red.

For pears: Orient, Maxine, acres home, pineapple, tennossie.

This is my list so far anyway
Here's a great book to start with: The New Cider Maker's Comprehensive Guide for Craft Producers by Claude Jolicoeur. The author's orchard is in zone 4 - lots of helpful info on all aspects, including selecting trees, equipment and making hard cider.


Thx will have to check that one out...
I just finished up with my fall tree planting.

For next spring I've only got a few fruit trees to add yet to complete the orchards:

2-Liberty on MM111
2-Enterprise on MM111
1- Johnny Appleseed on MM106
2-Golden Hornet crabs on G222
2-10 point crabs

2- Anjou pears
1- MoonGlow pear
1- Chapin pear on OHfX97

1-Renier cherry on Gisela5
2-Bing cherry


Added 2-Galarina MM111
and 2 Korean Giant OHfx97
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So does SLN have thoughts of having similar crabs from a few yrs ago in 2018? Would like to try some of the late hangers but with fruit 1" dia or bigger that they sold and maybe exclusive to them since not finding elsewhere. Would like to add more trees that benefit the turkeys as much as deer so even if they dont drop not an issue, turkeys can fly!

Northern Whitetail Crabs out of PA has some crabs that hold late. I've planted most of their deer varieties offered they just aren't old enough to have fruited yet, all survived and they all had great root structure and most were feathered when I received them.

Thanks for the info, H20.
Daughter buys new property. Property needs apple trees. I'm back in the apple grafting biz. B118 rootstock on order along with scions for Spy, Golden Russet and Dolgo. Some other favorites will be grafted as well. This puts me at 52 trees of my own. 17 at the neighbors that I manage too. Oh - Elderberry seedlings on order as well. 2017 = Busy springtime.