Soy beans no tilled into clover

Southern Hunter

Yearling... With promise
Central Ms.
Was drilling soybeans this weekend and had a few bags left over. Thought I'd no till them into my clover plots to see how they'd do. Anyone else tried this?
If you have a drill and suppress the clover, it works. Probably not the best combination, legume on legume, but you can do it. I typically do it in the fall with Radish and WR. You can bushhog the clover flat to suppress it or use 1 qt/ac glyphosate.

If you mean T&M, it certainly won't now work in my soil.


Always had problems broadcasting seed (turnips, soybeans, etc.) into clover. Not enough sunlight to get any real germination.
SH - Curious how this is working out for you?
SH - Curious how this is working out for you?
Not to good. Also think I got sme bad seed because I didn't get a stand with them planting alone either. I bought some seed through a seed program and as usual, you get what you pay for. I will try it again next spring with some better beans. Lesson learned
Any chance that something maybe ate the seeds?
Any chance that something maybe ate the seeds?
well they were no-till drilled and I found a lot just rotten under 1" of soil. Even replanted with what I had left and got about 30% germinitation.
My bad, I guess I wasn't paying attention in your original post where it clearly says you were drilling them.
Probably planted to deep for old seed. And it was old seed....

I usually have good luck with year old seed but this year I had to replant 3 acres that was a bust.