Sooo, you want to be a model...


5 year old buck +
Hi there, come on in...
Step up and look into the camera....ok now look turn around.
Well, try coming back next year....if we have an opening we'll give you a shot, errr meant shout.....
MFDC3958 (Small).JPG MFDC3959 (Small).JPG MFDC3960 (Small).JPG MFDC3961 (Small).JPG MFDC3963 (Small).JPG
Nice looking buck! Hopefully he made it to this year for ya.
Actually dates are off since I changed the batteries, guess I gotta fix that. From about a week ago so he gets to enjoy another WI winter if the neighbors don't make him into hot sticks....
Pretty nice buck really. He couldn't have given you a better look at those antlers. Almost as if he was showing you that he just needs another year or two to become something you could really brag about. If you chose to let him walk I hope he finds a nice hidey-hole on your place so you can keep him safe this fall.