Some discounted trees available


5 year old buck +
I found this on another website.

We have some left over habitat trees and wild rice seed we would like to find good homes for.
Habitat trees - 50 cents each (well below cost)
Red Osier Dogwood (bundles of 25)
Plum (bundles of 25)
Chokecherry (bundles of 25)
Cherry (bundles of 25)
Black Hills Spruce - these are 8-12" plugs (dirt around root...all you have to do is use poke a hole in the ground and put the plug in)(boxes of 300)
Wild Rice seed - $2 per pound (usually $4 to $8) 50lb or more bags. Just throw seed over 12-36 inch water depths with mucky is that easy to seed. We have about 1,000 to 1,500 lbs left.
Located at our warehouse in Sedan, MN (near Glenwood) or you can arrange shipping if you need.
Thanks and let me know if any questions.
Kyle, PLM(Prarie Land Management)
I'd be interested in the plumbs.....what variety are they? and how much for the 25?

They would need shipped, would that be an issue?
I'd be interested in the plumbs.....what variety are they? and how much for the 25?

They would need shipped, would that be an issue?

I think biglakebass is just reposting that from somewhere else. Here is the website for the business that is having the sale:

Here is the contact info from their website:
PLM, Prairie Land Management, Inc.
201 Franklin Street S
Glenwood, Minnesota 56334

Phone 320-760-9355
TOLL FREE 1-888-479-1760