Made the trip home in the blowing snow without issue. Only saw about 6 vehicles in the ditch, but that wasn't for lack of trying on some peoples parts.
My last chore of retrieving my climber and placing trespasser cams proved that this year is no exception - once it snows, deer are pretty much history from my place. I did find a fresh yote track, so I've got that to look forward to. I'm done with gun hunting unless I go somewhere for it. Crossbow is still up north, so that might be an option if we're up for Turkey day or I head back up and try some public land in late season.
I've also never gone this late in the year without nailing a single coon. :(
2014 is shaping up to be the worst hunting ever for me. I am glad I passed the doe, fawn, and fork (twice). I'm not sure my neighbors did, but I did my part. Looking back I'll have my orchard to show for the calendar year, and hopefully that'll eventually turn the tide on how my place fits in the neighborhood. Next year will be hinge cutting galore and the spruce invasion.