Snow amounts


5 year old buck +
With the front moving through the northern part of the states I was wondering how much you have accumulated in your area.
I have about 2" that stuck. Most of it was north of me. The weather map doesn't give a good outlook for up north. Winter looks to be here to stay.
weather map.jpg
Crazy, it has skirted to the north of us here in La Crosse. We haven't received anything except enough drizzle overnight to barely make the ground wet, and it was drying with the wind before 5am this morning. North of LaX in the Arcadia area, they did have some snow that stuck on the cars, but not on the ground. Nothing in the forecast for us now until around midnight tonight. Temps are looking like whatever we get might just stick around though. Highs in the low 30's to mid 20's and even a few days with teens for highs in the 10 day outlook.
I have a pop up blind on a platform over a food plot that I am nervous about. I drove into town yesterday before I left the cabin to get a pole to support it on the inside. No idea if it will make it or not. My wife is supposed to sit there during gun season.
I just took a nap after plowing all the big drifts back, looks like are now twice as big!:mad:
Just plowed second time today and got the tape measure out. 11-12 inches all throughout my yard in Rockville.
Looks like a least 10" here. 100_2529.JPG
Over 12 here on the table on the deck now. Son has plowed 3 times today. The winds are really whipping it around now. Looks like more coming later with another band. Sheesh.
North of LaX in the Arcadia area, they did have some snow that stuck on the cars, but not on the ground. Nothing in the forecast for us now until around midnight tonight.

Any snow we got last night in this area melted. (I'm east of Arcadia)
Got about 3" on the property today. Left early this afternoon since I ran out of propane and decided to head to town to stock up on groceries. About half way into wadena I did a 360 on hwy 71 and ended up in the ditch. I was about 10" from my truck being on its side. Put it in 4 wheel and drove up and out of the ditch. I was shaking for a while after that.
Got about 3" on the property today. Left early this afternoon since I ran out of propane and decided to head to town to stock up on groceries. About half way into wadena I did a 360 on hwy 71 and ended up in the ditch. I was about 10" from my truck being on its side. Put it in 4 wheel and drove up and out of the ditch. I was shaking for a while after that.
Wow Wkl.....slow down till you get your winter "feet". It takes a few drives to learn how to drive in this stuff every year. Gotta wonder what I'm still doing here?? AZ is calling! :D
Wow Wkl.....slow down till you get your winter "feet". It takes a few drives to learn how to drive in this stuff every year. Gotta wonder what I'm still doing here?? AZ is calling! :D

lol, I was doing good foggy. Speed limit was 60 mph and I was doing 50. Came around a corner and I was in the ditch before I could think. I realized after I got back to the house that my tire pressures were way high so I let some air out of them. Hopefully this helps keep me on the road.
Just finished another 3 hrs of plowing here and at the kids place. Has to be at least 12" if not closer to 15" Was not ready for this crap!

And since the ground ain't froze, I will have a dump truck load of class 5 to rake out of the lawn as well!:mad:
Made the trip home in the blowing snow without issue. Only saw about 6 vehicles in the ditch, but that wasn't for lack of trying on some peoples parts.

My last chore of retrieving my climber and placing trespasser cams proved that this year is no exception - once it snows, deer are pretty much history from my place. I did find a fresh yote track, so I've got that to look forward to. I'm done with gun hunting unless I go somewhere for it. Crossbow is still up north, so that might be an option if we're up for Turkey day or I head back up and try some public land in late season.

I've also never gone this late in the year without nailing a single coon. :(

2014 is shaping up to be the worst hunting ever for me. I am glad I passed the doe, fawn, and fork (twice). I'm not sure my neighbors did, but I did my part. Looking back I'll have my orchard to show for the calendar year, and hopefully that'll eventually turn the tide on how my place fits in the neighborhood. Next year will be hinge cutting galore and the spruce invasion.
Thirteen inches and deer are hitting the standing corn.