Small Town Habitat Project.....

Greetings Ladies & Gentlemen, habitat enthusiasts of all ages. Here's the latest tree development at the 'ol Bacon Orchard.

These photos were taken this morning before I came to work so they are updated to the minute. :)


Native Nursery Hybrid Crabapple

Leconte Pear

Chestnut Crabapple

All in all I gotta say its been pretty neat seeing the success of these trees to date. I have to spray again in the orchard soon as the native growth around the trees is starting to get a little crazy. Lots of ferns, white oaks, and misc.
Gotta agree - seeing growth & progress on your property gives a good feeling of satisfaction! Nice looking groceries you have growing there. That trail looks like you have some customers moving in. COOL! Keep us posted.
Hey guys here what things look like in late July here in NW MI. I took these last night July 27th, this is the 2track plot update pic here. Its not thick like the eagle plot but it does has some standing clover and Chicory amongst the Rye stubble so I mark this a success.

We'll mow both these plots in about 2 weeks and broadcast more WR, Oats, Clover, & Chicory seed.


Here is the full view of what is known as the eagle plot. This is looking at the man entrance from S to N. I gotta say I'm so very impressed by this food plot. Its chalk full of Clover and Chicory and other forbes and great canopy from the WR.

This plot being mowed and broadcast again, I just can't imagine what this thing is gonna pop into this next growth year.


Here is a closer look of all the planted and some wild edibles as well growing in this plot. Whats great about it is there is fern cover (4-5 foot tall ferns) that border this plot so its a really good travel corridor coming from the giant oaks that surround it and then to the river/creek for water to the E and South.


You can see a good mix of the Alsike and Med Red Clovers going here. Sure am happy to see this go from just nothing last year to a good little bite to eat on the way to where they are traveling too.


Looky here, we have located the Chicory in the eagle. It is actually growing well through out but this pic depicts a good representative of the stand within the eagle plot. This is sandy/gravel ground, odd combo right? However the PH was somehow 6.5 last year when I decided to plant it, who knew?


Here we have a white tail bed, you know what they say, its good way to gain weight if your sleep walking into the kitchen. This bed is actually in the eagle plot. HA! You can see a tree tube in the background where i have 3 crab apples planted and growing well I might add. Amongst the ferns in this area. As I stated before ferns are really tall, that tree tube is a 5 foot tube and the ferns are in close competition w/ that height. So the deer decided to bed down underneath the fern canopy where they could just stand up walk 2 feet and devour more clover.


So in the orchard amongst the trees I have planted I have some other things growing in between the orchard rows. I figured this year as long as its 3 feet away from the trees that I planted I'll let it grow and then I'll get rid of it all next spring. and broadcast some oats and clovers.

Here is a white oaks being browsed heavily into a bush style.


Here is a small oak tree I cut down last fall to shed more light on the 2 track plot (I can cut down oaks and feel ok about it because where I cut down a tree 40 oak trees reappear, I'm not joking!).

The new shoots on this thing are just being ravaged by the deer, you gotta love seeing stuff like this!


Well check this out the Hazelnuts are growing! Actually the beaked I got from Woodstock nursery in WI have dove off a cliff. I don't have any pics but most of them just have a little 2 inch bud growing at the bottom of the tube while the AM Hazelnuts from Coldstream are killing it.

Here is one of the American Hazelnuts.


As I was entering the Hazelnut grove I discovered another deer trail. This one is sneaking along the tubes into these pines beyond them. Inside these pines I have trophy rock mineral station and a primos camera that I deployed on 7/13 (I put the mineral out in April).

I am going to wait until the 2nd week of august before I change the cards on the cameras and I can't wait to see what we might have hanging out here this year.


Don't forget I planted a American Plum thicket to if you can remember, well I can't call it a thicket cuz it was only 4 of them but I'm gonna plant a bunch more next spring. I had no idea how this would work out if they would grow well or if they needed fenced. Well they have no blown out of the tops of the tubes and the deer apparently like to brows plum trees. Whoopsie!


So on to the orchard, do we have any news developing there? Why yes my good man, we do!

Here is a good update on the sweet crabs growing real well from both sources (Coldsteram and Oikos). I have not lost a tree yet except for the TSC Kiefer Pears because they never woke up. One of them through shoots up from the roots below the graft and its suggest they use Bartlett rootstock to graft to I'll let that one go and see what develops. The other one just plain dried up and died all together so I will be replacing that one w/ a diff type of pear next year.


The native nursery crabs are growing beautifully as well. On average these are taller then the sweet crabs and a 1-3 of them are within 4 inches of the top of the tubes. Such a vibrant green on these trees can't wait for them to start feeding the deer!


Here it is the pride of my orchard so far just because of how advanced it is. This is an Ecos Crab (remember how I got 2 for the price of 1 of these, they just packed it wrong on accident) well this is the 'extra' one and it has blown out of the tube and it's brother is 2 inches from doing the same!


Success is so very rewarding to the soul especially when it's when you've gotten your hands dirty outside and there is nothing but nature leading the way.

I will update things again in 2-3 weeks when we get out food plots done up and the deer cam cards pulled for the first time. :)
My cousin got the 8 point back from the taxidermist last month, so here is the first decent deer we have taken off the property since my work here began.

Your trees are looking good, and nice buck!
Nice pics! Thanks for sharing.
Great improvements, you'll enjoy the the outcome for a long time.
Well here are the deer (and a few extras) hanging around the project behind the house so far this year.

My best 2 bucks so far, a 10 that is a 4x5 with a kicker off the left base and a 5 pt that is a stunner.








Hope ya'll enjoyed the pics, now if I could get a chance at that 10 that'd be great.
Nice pics! Good luck with that buck. Looks like you have a rugular zoo there.
Nice pics, and that wampus cat is well fed looking!
Thanks gents, it is a zoo and I do have booth setup w/ admission fees taken at the gate. :)
Well went out back and did some work last night 85 degrees, humid as all get out, what was I thinkin?!

Snapped some pics of the 2 trees that are out of the tubes both are the Wild Ecos from Oikos, guess I should have bought more of that type.


This one is deff my tallest and was the first to pop out and say hello.

My best lookin Leconte Pear here with a friend to boot!


Firstly I went and broadcast the following on the eagle plot.

10# WR
6# Oats
1# MR
1/2 # Chicory

along w/ lime & fert then used a hand tool (no motor) unless you count me and bush whacked it all down (a thresher). Goodness w/ the humidity that was brutal!


A closeup shot of what is underneath what I knocked down.


Then I went ahead and did the same process to the 2track plot.

5# WR
3# Oats
1/2 # MR
Pinch of Chicory and some lime/fert.

This one the stems of the rye were much thicker, idk what was up w/ that but they sure cracked when I flopped them over.


Pretty good Chicory stand that came from this little plot, I mean its not super thick but where it is its really green and lush.


We created a biggerish (1/4 acre, I mean the eagle is like 1/16 and the 2track is like 1/32) food plot on my cousins existing acre in Early August by just discing a spot that had been planted in WR about 2 years ago with not much volunteer going. We broadcast Lime/Fert/WR/ & Oats and this is the result of this. Looks great!


Finally the closeup of this you can see some of the rye/oats being snipped off on the ends. The critters have found this plot. :)

Nice looking BV! In a few weeks we'll be in the stand here.
Yeah won't be long and we can enjoy some deer movement while actually considering shooting some. :)
Joining the the deer we call '10' and the '5r' this year (the 5r may not be on the hit list but he's a sexy beast for a 5 pt), are the 'short brow'd 8' who is really a 7 pt but hey, this is W MI folks. Also we have a new deer recently that we have affectionately named Ol #7.

'Short Brow'd 8'

'Ol #7

I know these guys wouldn't do much for you folks with great state managements and things but here, 1 of these would make me quite happy.
Well folks, the shore brow'd 8 didn't make it through the season. He was the first deer harvested from our property this season on November 2nd. A calm Sunday night, my cousin and I were in our shake waiting out the deer movement and counting squirrel after squirrel until finally this guy stepped out of the pines. He walked right into the 2track plot which wasn't much this year and presented a clean 23 yard shot.

He let go bolt from his brand new Wicked Ridge and the deer bounded off. We rounded up our closest friends and starting tracking him about an hour later. 70 yards away from the site of the shot laid the first animal to celebrate for 2014.


My apologies for the red cardboard but just to show it was the deer we had on Camera on 9/7 earlier in the year.


That was a good day, in W MI, especially where I'm at where state land is located so closely near by that letting them live in hopes of a 5-6 old deer walking by just isn't realistic. I can however provide enough shelter for them to feel safe in tromping through our small 15 acres.

On November 18th (after harvested 4 does from bow season to rifle) we decided to try our property again. We have a different property that we focus on during rifle season, its 120 acres but it has like 5 trees & that may be a generous amount. The deer love that property though so we can fill so many doe tags that you lose count. Horrible weather moved in for rifle season though so after the first 48 hours, it all but killed deer movement in expansive areas.

So now behind the house, covered in snow, we trudged to the shack for another sit. It went from 50s to low 20s over night during rifle season, we were cold. However on 11/18 this buck chased 3 does from the creek bottoms up to our property. He is not what you'd want in Iowa but this thing tickled me pink. A 5 pt that is 16.5 inside, really, hell why not! We had no pictures of this deer at all, this isn't the same 5 pt that hung with the 10 pt earlier in the camera season by a long shot.

I used the 30-30 Winchester model 94 that my grandpa handed down to me for posterity sake I couldn't let him walk. :)



It was the best deer season of my life, we had some ups and serious downs but man what a way to end the season.

This was the first buck I've ever harvested on my land and I've been hunting since 1997. :)
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This deer showed up in Mid November but never noticed anything on the camera out of the normal until he appeared in Early December Muzzleloader camera pics. We never witnessed him in person but as you can see he is/was a main frame 6 with a forward facing eye guard off each beam. He made it through out muzzle loader season so if he survives this winter he could be an amazing specimen this next camera season.




congrats on a fine season! it sounds like a memorable one! and you have some good eating to boot!
This deer showed up (on camera before my cousin harvested shorty) but we didn't know until after we checked the camera. LOL!

One draw back of having a camera you can think, ahh damnet real fast!

This deer is BY FAR the best buck we've every had on camera out here, we never laid eyes on him. Really elusive, i'm not sure if he made it as I pulled cameras late December. However if he didn't make it, i'm sure glad we got some pics to tell the story about what 'COULD' happen on our property.





Congrats! Good luck with those others hanging around.