Small cabin for the farm

Like I said, summer time not too bad.


Spring, not so fun.


So, more money thrown on the ground. Worth every penny though!




How long was this road and how much did it cost to put all that gravel down if you don't mind me asking.
How big is that rock 4" minus? Does it settle into the mud well?
How big is that rock 4" minus? Does it settle into the mud well?
Kind of what I was wondering. Did you add any smaller rock to the top of it?

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Maybe I missed it but what is the little structure between your awesome cabin and shed? A dog kennel?? You've done very well for yourself. Keep up the good work!

Yes, LOL, Tractor Supply had that portable kennel on sale pretty cheap. I don't put the lab in there that often but it's nice when I have to.
How long was this road and how much did it cost to put all that gravel down if you don't mind me asking.

It was just over 400 feet. I'll have to dig out the receipts for the exact tons & costs but it was around $1500.
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How big is that rock 4" minus? Does it settle into the mud well?
Kind of what I was wondering. Did you add any smaller rock to the top of it?

They call it #3, from how the guy explained it, I guess the screen for that size is 3" so your smallest stone will be at least 3" or bigger. It was dry when I did the driveway but even in the spring thaw, I haven't lost any in the mud. This stuff really locked together just driving up & down it on weekends.

No top coat of smaller gravel yet. I wanted to let it settle for at least a year. I plan on top coating with 2B or similar in the future.
Found this pic, this is about the average size.

Creature comforts & human habitat work takes a back seat to wildlife habitat, planting and hunting set up work during the spring and summer. Now that all my food plotting and stand hanging is done, I can get back to work on the homestead. Here's a few updates from this year to this point.

Never one to say no to free material, whew those rectangular patio stones are heavy!

Got a few dwarf spruce trees at super discount from the big box store, think they were $9 each. Gotta start a homestead windbreak somewhere.


Later on in the year I found a guy at the local flea market and dickered to get these arborvitaes for $8 a piece if I bought 5.


I also planted a few crabapples and oaks around the homestead.

I drive past this outdoor structure dealer while working all the time. This caught my eye one day.


I was already thinking about an equipment building for my tractor, attachments & UTV but the cheapest I could find locally was $5,500 for a 24x24 pole barn. I stopped in to see what these steel buildings were all about.


Guy asked me what size and what options I wanted. $3,700 complete & installed on my land. All I had to do was provide a level spot. I couldn't sign the contract & put my deposit down fast enough.
So I leveled a spot, tamped the dirt and put gravel down. About a month later, I got a call saying they were ready to install my building.


This Mexican crew could rival any of the local Amish crews. 6 hours later...




Plenty of room for equipment.

So the homestead continues to grow. Looks like more money for more gravel too. Not a lot went on with the cabin build this year. I did manage to get the left side overhang done and a temporary hook up on the rainwater cistern.





Should have some new updates over the next month leading up to archery season. I have some ideas in my head for an enclosed bathroom under the new overhang with an on demand propane shower unit supplied by a 12 volt on demand water pump from the rainwater cistern. A hot shower at deer camp would be amazing.
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Looking good, you have been a busy guy!
Weasel, you are handier than a pocket on a shirt. Have you considered a sauna. There are lots of people in Canada and northern Michigan whose family came from Finland and they are great. Not difficult or expensive to build.

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Weasel, you are handier than a pocket on a shirt. Have you considered a sauna. There are lots of people in Canada and northern Michigan whose family came from Finland and they are great. Not difficult or expensive to build.

I have not considered that but I will now! Getting a running water system and solar electricity in place are the priorities now.
View from the road.

Nice progress!
i really like checking in on this thread! i wish i were "handier"....i'm handy enough to be dangerous...but thankfully i have friends that are handy and will work for food and beer! lol
That looks awesome. Keep us posted on how the hunting season goes with your new place