Seed Treatment For Cereals: It's Here


5 year old buck +
I wonder how long it'll take for this to reach the mainstream, and how much it'll cost.

New Seed Treatment Packs Nutritious Punch

August 26, 2014

By: Ben Potter, Social Media and Innovation Editor

Plant nutrition is important all season long. Precision Laboratories has created a way to boost plant nutrition from the moment of germination by placing a belnd of seven macro- and micronutrients directly on the seed.

The seed treatment, Wuxal Terios, contains nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. It is for use on wheat, summer barley, winter barley, rye and oats. Terry Culp, vice president of seed enhancement and foliar nutrition, says the product is a good complement to soil-applied fertilizers.

"Soil-applied fertilizers enhance yields," he says. "However, only after the 3-leaf stage are the roots capable of taking advantage of that fertilizer, and then only to the extent that temperature, moisture and soil compaction allows them to be absorbed through the roots. Wuxal Terios goes to work immediately upon germination, getting the crop off to a strong start."

Culp adds that the product is formulated for excellent coverage and adhesion, and is compatible with other seed-applied insecticides and fungicides.

In-field testing by Precision Laboratories, Kansas State University, Washington State University and Agri-Tech Consulting has demonstrated several benefits, including:

• 97% seed germination rate in high-quality seed
• 4.8% increase in spring tiller density
• 26.7% increase in fall vigor
• 4.9% increase in harvest head density
• 4.3 bu. per acre average yield boost

Culp says he is hopeful that seed-applied nutrition is a trend that will catch on.

"Seed applied nutrition is relatively new, especially for cereals," he says. "Some seed corn companies have applied zinc in recent years, however it is a trend that is growing across a wide variety of seed species. Seed is a major carrier of technology to the farm, either inside or on the seed, as well as a large expense. Applying nutrition to enhance early season growth and vigor increased the likelihood that each seed will become a profitable plant."

For more information, visit
That was my first question. How much is it going to cost to treat a $14 bag of rye? Seems like it's gonna be expensive, and not produce a ton of incremental benefit for a food plotter.
Soil health didn't get screwed up over night and no amount of pixi dust is going to fix over night either.