Season off to quick start



A very important part of my whitetail management is predator control. My area still hasn't been invaded by wolves and the bear population still seems to be growing. Coyotes are high on the list. Many know we have a group that destroys yotes all winter, but the trapping season started last week.
Yotes have huge core areas so it just isn't possible to only remove them from your property, because tomorrow's yote might be a mile away. I can't fullly commit to the trap line, but my program is a team effort.
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So that is 3 different yotes..good start Indeed
Furs any good this early?
Good enough for the garbage can. We get one or two nice furs out of 50. Lots of partial mange so the coats aren't nice and full. Almost all have portions of outter hair missing
Are the furs worth much any more?

I pop a yote from time to time, but I don;t actually hunt or trap them.

Nice to see you put a dent in them Dipper.
Nice. Does the trapping mess up your deer hunting or do you have enough land where you can trap away from your hunting area? There's a large coyote pack that roams the 40 I live on as well as the rest of the general area, but I don't want to mess up my deer hunting. Have you ever had any issues with catching turkeys or deer in the leg hold traps?
Those coyotes look big!
the traps on my property are set in the wide open field that gets little daytime movement. As I convert to praire, and get more daytime activity, I will probably stop trapping that far back.
This trap line is on multiple properties, in easy locations off the road. Landowners love us, that's why multiple large landowners have joined the coyote killing club.
At least all the neighbors are on board for getting rid of them. I'm lucky so far with yotes, only 1 cam pic in 4 years. I just wish I could do something about the Amish brown is down crew.
Are the furs worth much any more?

I pop a yote from time to time, but I don;t actually hunt or trap them.

Nice to see you put a dent in them Dipper.
Coyotes seem to be the only thing that is good this year in WI. I saw $35-50. I usually get 25-35 for them. The fur market has crashed due to China raising ranch mink now. They are poor quality, but they raise them so cheap that it drove the market down on everything.