Scamming the scammers


so my wife's laptop got one of those pop up things saying it was infected and to call this number. I shut it down for her and assured her it was a scam. I like to call them back just to waste thier time. Figure it's less time for them to rob old ladies.

I called and spoke with my tongue sticking out just to make it harder on him. He finally caught on and hung up on me. The "nerve" he lectured me on watching porn. :)

Audio only. Only listen if you're bored.

Jake and I got a good laugh. You remind me of "Jerky Boys". I gotta try the tongue sticking out next time. Makes it more legit to sound like a fool :emoji_confounded:

Well done.
Funny stuff!
James Veitch is damn funny if you like people who toy with scammers. He has his own YouTube channel, but a couple of the funniest are TED talks. He responds to email scammers. First one of those I saw my gut hurt for an hour from laughing so hard.
Thanks for the laughs!
Kind of a different take on "scamming the scammers" -- comedian Roy D. Mercer calling a Navy recruiter with a hilarious story which in a way IS scamming a scammer. :emoji_wink:

Willie P. Richardson is another funny character. Love this call to a funeral home.... again, not too far off the subject of scamming scammers (though do know a few nice folks in the business).

Between those folks and the people that call about surveys. I LOVE screwing with those people. They try to be all serious and the like and I just make stuff up just to see how long it takes them to figure out I'm screwing with them! I really like to say one thing and then give evidence to the contrary......that confuses them.

I especially like election time. They call asking if your going to vote for their candidate. I then follow with questions as to the stance their candidate has on different topics. Every time they answer I make it sound like I am disappointed in their answer.....when I have had my fun I'm like, "Well I guess I'm voting for the other guy then, your guy sounds like a real piece of work!" and then hang up the phone!!!!

Sometimes my son even helps.....he will start shouting things you normally don't want people to hear over the be honest I am surprised we have not had the cops visit more than they have!!!!
Bill - That's damn funny !!!! I love the fact that HE couldn't understand YOU !!!!!!! Solid gold.