Safety glasses with chain saw

Thanks to everyone for the great replies. I've been using chaps and safety glasses for a long time. The week I made another purchase and love using it. I also ordered a bunch of headbands and will just rotate to a dry one from time to time to help with the sweating.

Betting your Stihl dealer loves you....(like mine does me:)
Betting your Stihl dealer loves you....(like mine does me:)

Yep, and we have 4 different dealers close by. I can alternate doing business among them, and it doesn't make me appear to have such a bad addiction...
So the tree I was cutting must have had a brnach intertwined with a tree behind it. Looks like the top broke out of the tree behind me. Part of it is still hanging which is good because it wouldve centerpunched me. Looking at my tree as I was cutting the danger was behing my back. Ill snap a picture when I am down tomorrow taking this sob down.
Glad it wasnt worse.

Question about those face shields, do they obstruct your vision at all?
I wear the orange hat with ear muffs and mesh screen. Be safe out there - a fellow hunter/habitat guy two miles away (I did not know him) was killed a month ago by a barber chair smacking him upside the head. He was able to try to make a cell phone call to his wife but it did not go through. A second call a minute later was just jibberish numbers.
Geez Redonthehead, that's terrible. Prayers to his family. I followed NH's lead, and the others on this thread, and bought a helmet. It's going to be a challenge to get in the habit of wearing it. I think I got the same model as NH. It's called the Forester. The slightly cheaper model is the Woodcutter.Here's an article talking about 7 models for '19, for anyone else looking.

Always wear safety gear including glasses or goggles if its windy, helmet, gloves and Kevlar chaps. I had a buddy get hurt really bad when a saw kicked back into his face.
