Safety glasses with chain saw

I try and only cut in the winter, I really enjoy it on a crisp cold day. I sweat plenty too, I don't wear safety glasses but probably should..I've sure done plenty of stuff with a saw I probably shouldn't have over the years. I've had the small stuff snap up and trees roll off stump, chain broke on me once bucking branches and luckily wrapped around heel of my boot and not around my leg. Best thing invented is the auto chain lock/stop on the new saws to help with kick back.
I use a “foresters’ helmet”. I has a mesh shield which works great in winter for me; with out safety glasses. However they do let small particles though. To each their own.

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Same here sunglasses coated with anticoag scope treatment and a husqvarna helmet with earmuffs and face shield.

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Same as tree daddy.
Love my husqvarna helmet w ear protection and mesh face shield.I don’t find glasses necessary when using the mesh face shield.

Frequently I forget the shield is down. And then i spit and it hits the shield and makes a big mess
Man I hate that like a junebug on a windshield

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You guys that don’t wear eye protection all the time may be clinically insane. I’d rather lose a finger than an eye. I used to be a sometimes I’d wear my chaps guy. Until I had this close call. I worked all night and thought I could get in a few hours behind the saw even though I was tired. The only thing that saved me was an extra pair of leather gloves I shoved in my pocket because it was wet out. They bound up in the chain and saved me from opening my thigh up
Like others, I wear a helmet with mesh shield and clear plastic safety glasses. Hearing protection in the form of ear muffs each and every time I use the Stihl. Chain saws are tools that I really respect. I like to have all my body parts that I had before the job when I am done.
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Thanks to everyone for the great replies. I've been using chaps and safety glasses for a long time. The week I made another purchase and love using it. I also ordered a bunch of headbands and will just rotate to a dry one from time to time to help with the sweating.

What is that stuff on your ground, shouldn’t it be white? :)

Looks awesome, I may need to get one. Are they light weight? How much are the Stihl ones?
What is that stuff on your ground, shouldn’t it be white? :)

Looks awesome, I may need to get one. Are they light weight? How much are the Stihl ones?
Couple times a year I find that stihl will sell the chaps and you get that same helmet free.
What is that stuff on your ground, shouldn’t it be white? :)

Looks awesome, I may need to get one. Are they light weight? How much are the Stihl ones?

They have at least 2 different models. One is around $50 and the other is around $70. I got the more expensive one and wore it all day long with no problems. It seemed very light to me. The muffs and visor both raise easily, and the knob adjustment in the back is nice.

These are probably no better than some of the cheaper ones made by other companies. The Huskvarna looks almost the same and is about half the price. However, my local dealer had these in stock when I stopped to buy a new chain, so I just bit the bullet and bought the Stihl.
What is that stuff on your ground, shouldn’t it be white? :)

Snow is so deep up here - you only get to cut half the tree and when it does hit the the ground its gone.... let alone setting your saw down. lol - well kind of lol. There is zero point in going out and cutting around here right now.

I have had stihl and husqvarna helmets with the built in muffs :emoji_thumbsup:... I use the more expensive clear 3m wrap around clear safety glasses most of the time - they have the best un block field of view and wrap around your eyes pretty good. . I do have some nicer shades for the bright days but 90% of the time I cut with just the glasses and dont use the flip down mesh screen (never use just the mesh, to often small stuff still gets behind it into my eyes). If Im tossing big chips or just in a weird spot and getting in the face I will flip down the mesh face guard too. As for sweat and Im a sweater too - head bands and trying to pick cooler days to cut is best for me... and probably another reason why I just cut with only the safety glasses on, even though its mesh, with it down I do fog up more.
They have at least 2 different models. One is around $50 and the other is around $70. I got the more expensive one and wore it all day long with no problems. It seemed very light to me. The muffs and visor both raise easily, and the knob adjustment in the back is nice.

These are probably no better than some of the cheaper ones made by other companies. The Huskvarna looks almost the same and is about half the price. However, my local dealer had these in stock when I stopped to buy a new chain, so I just bit the bullet and bought the Stihl.
I didn’t know they had 2 versions. I am sure I have the cheaper model. I will have to check out the upgraded version.
Thanks to everyone for the great replies. I've been using chaps and safety glasses for a long time. The week I made another purchase and love using it. I also ordered a bunch of headbands and will just rotate to a dry one from time to time to help with the sweating.



Its probably overkill, but i also wear that while running the DR mower

Well gents my luck just ran out.
Well gents my luck just ran out.
That has to be a top 5 thing you don’t want to hear when you are behind a saw. Hope all is well and it’s not too bad. You are still able to see and type it looks like.
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Widowmaker. Got me in the left kidney instead of the head. It was a glancing blow. I never saw it coming. It broke off a tree behind me. Had the face cut done, and was doing my back cut when the tree started to fall. Took 2 steps then got hit.20190302_162025.jpg
Widowmaker. Got me in the left kidney instead of the head. It was a glancing blow. I never saw it coming. It broke off a tree behind me. Had the face cut done, and was doing my back cut when the tree started to fall. Took 2 steps then got hit.View attachment 23063

Wow - I hope you recover soon. Best wishes.
Hope all is well!
Wow KS, glad it wasn't worse.
Few quick comments not related to above. First yes I well safety glasses as well as helmet with mesh shield, safety gloves, steel toed boots, and chaps. I've seen personally some evil chainsaw accidents. Average accident requires 100+ sutures.
Now, I've got several friends that run logging companies, a couple that are 2-3 generation old. I've learned a lot as they have taught me. First, they spend 80% of their time looking at the canopy before saw touches tree, looking for effectors of fall and widow makers in the tree being cut and the adjacent trees and their limbs and affect on fall of the tree. Then while cutting, their eyes are skyward 2/3s the time, watching what is going on above them of any danger and what the cut tree may be starting to do. The other 1/3 they are watching the type of chips coming out of the cut, wanting dry and clean, not wet or dark with which may indicate poor or rotten wood that may split unexpectedly. They know a big tree is more predictable than a smaller tree.
I watched a hinge cutting youtube by one of the nations experts the other day and it was scary the crap he taught. He might as well been teaching to drive drunk, no seat belt, with a leg out the door driving 90 mph. Guraanteed to get someone hurt or killed that he will never know about.
And while most of you will wear chaps and helmet, statistically accidents to arm and hands rank slightly higher than to the legs.
Be careful, especially while hinging and if it looks too large to hinge, then fell cut it. Deer ain't worth it.
Stihl Helmet with mesh face shield here. Also wear wrap around safety glasses with built in bifocals. Love cutting when it's cold as I mostly cut hedge and locust. Carhartt's and chaps. Sharpen saw after each tank full - makes me take a break.