Rumor out of Wis.

Wasn't there another county in WI that wanted to go antlerless only a year or two ago, but that didn't go anywhere either if my memory is correct? I thought it was Waupaca, but I could be wrong. Anyone voting for no buck hunting in Buffalo county will have a lot of angry people to answer to, so I don't think it will go anywhere.

My opinion is that if they want to go with public opinion, let's go all the way. Get rid of the legislative oversight when law changes are needed to modify any fish and game rules. Maybe it will work, maybe not. But it seems like they want to rule by public opinion, but only part way. In Rusk County everyone wants more deer, fewer bears and no wolves. I would certainly be fine with that!

I only get to vote in MN, but Wisconsin is nice enough to let me pay taxes there. Things are even more messed up in MN than WI, so it always could be worse-
The process is controlled by the Legislature, the goal being to manage for public satisfaction rather than science.

This couldn't possibly be any more accurate. Minnesota has the exact thing going for it especially when it comes to stream trout and all the b.s. special regs. that go along with it.
Minnesota is in a league all their own! In MN dnr=DO NOTHING RIGHT. We have less tax paying citizens by the day. Casinos are making a killing and giving nothing back to the people while our dnr re-stocks the big lake every year with tax payer dollars to compensate for the excessive fish harvest by the native americans(can't say the word indian any more). Mn dnr wanted to use birth control on our deer herd a few years back---now that would be cost effective! We pay plenty of taxes to make up for all the free loaders that have never worked a day in their life and still qualify for "assistance". People that don't pay taxes should have NO VOICE in how we spend our tax dollars---jmho.