Wind Gypsy
5 year old buck +
Was just considering the effects of roller crimping over the various types of clovers (red vs white and crimson, Balnaasa, etc) and vetches and different small grains.......and came across this article that summizes some of these concerns. A good read if your learning about roller crimpers and termination and timing of such things. I feel I am getting closer to being successful with my "rotation" but another year may give other results. Fun. More discussion on types of plants that will survive or terminate is likely good for us.
I was considering moving away from white clovers to keep my cost down......and plant more crimson and Balansa, and Berseem......but that may not be such a good idea unless I plant them just prior to crimping in the spring. Some of those have a hollow stem - which are the very plants that crimping kills most easily.
Killer Tips for Rolling Your Covers
“When conditions are right, rolling cover crops and not using herbicides can work about one out of five times,” says Holtwood, Pa., no-tiller Steve Groff, who’s been rolling and crimping covers since 1995. “One out of five times it’ll be a disaster, and three out of five it’ll be in the
I would have looked at the annual clovers getting terminated as a good thing allowing the summer/fall planting to take hold without living competition.