Sand or water or water with antifreeze for your roller??

Wow broken bear that is some seriously thick grass. So the next question would be instead of walking with a hand seeder would a forward spreading titan attachments seeder on the atv be a better choice and stay away from mile's of walking. Has any tried that unit. Also what's your thoughts on food plots of 1 acre if you put straight buckwheat into your standing rye or do you believe a summer release is a better soil builder.
I’ve had nothing but success. When I think of all the things I’ve dug out with my bucket and trees I’ve grabbed and moved with my rake grapple, the crimper is the lightest work my FEL gets!

For me the extra attention I have to pay while planting using the crimper on front and drill on rear is worth only having to roll over the field once. My goal is to go over the field once in the spring and once in the fall and that’s it.

To the sorghum Sudan, the crimper would work great on it. My question is why would you want to do it? For me I have to cut it and mulch it up good, or plant with it standing. To push that over and kill it would leave a mat too thick for seed germination and would take years to break down.

As for rolling it through weeds and such, no way. It’s not meant for that. Only works with certain hollow stemmed annuals as foggy said above.
Wow broken bear that is some seriously thick grass. So the next question would be instead of walking with a hand seeder would a forward spreading titan attachments seeder on the atv be a better choice and stay away from mile's of walking. Has any tried that unit. Also what's your thoughts on food plots of 1 acre if you put straight buckwheat into your standing rye or do you believe a summer release is a better soil builder.
Foggy has done it. Yes the titan attachment is a great tool. The trailer hitch allows you to hook lots of stuff to front, and can raise it up high over the plants. I just don’t broadcast much now, but would be a perfect throw and mow tool with spreader on front and flail mower on the back.

Early I tried the straight buckwheat and had minimal success. You have to plant it super heavy to get the results you see online, and it’s not cheap. I use a summer release I mix myself. I do put 5-10lbs/acre if buckwheat in my spring and fall plantings hoping it mines up some free phos.
Wow broken bear that is some seriously thick grass. So the next question would be instead of walking with a hand seeder would a forward spreading titan attachments seeder on the atv be a better choice and stay away from mile's of walking. Has any tried that unit. Also what's your thoughts on food plots of 1 acre if you put straight buckwheat into your standing rye or do you believe a summer release is a better soil builder.
Mantic I am not qualified YET to answer your question as I am in my infancy of moving from many years of mono tilled cropping to low/notill and in my first cycle of notill at that..
But my reading of deer nutrition needs/habits and plant growth and palatable timing would indicate a diverse plant offering would address the deer’s proven needs
Also plant diversification is .. in my opinion a great insurance policy for an entire host of reasons not the least of which are plant tolerances to drought or wetness, varying times of plant desirability by the deer and in most cases weed control..
So green 24/7/365 is my goal and once I get a good thatch working for me via copious amounts of cereal rye this first year I will follow the summer and fall mix plan
I will say that I will be studying closely the first year twice a month field examinations for WHICH of the mix plants are the best contributing participants and those tha are not will be cut back and the proven producers increased in their share of the mix
So yes to the mix plan
It is fun.. it is a challenge.. it is a journey so enjoy your ride
I certainly appreciate everyone's input. This is amazing and the future is getting better. So im curious if buckwheat at 50 pounds per acre will get the job done. If not what plants n seeding rates for the summer release. I really want to build the soil n gotta believe going right back to rye around labor day is the way. I certainly can't wait to hear everyone's thoughts
Instead of water, check out the stuff that they put in tractor tires. Beet juice is what they put in them and it doesn't freeze.
Seems like allot of bother and expense to haul your crimper to have beet juice installed. I suppose it took 20 minutes or so to fill my roller with water (I dont have allot of flow) .....and I just pulled the plug and let it drain later. Not a bid deal. I know of several folks whom have never filled their rollers and they worked fine. Dunno.....I fille mine.....and will continue to add water and drain it after the season is over. Maybe I'm just cheap? (errrr frugal?).
Seems like allot of bother and expense to haul your crimper to have beet juice installed. I suppose it took 20 minutes or so to fill my roller with water (I dont have allot of flow) .....and I just pulled the plug and let it drain later. Not a bid deal. I know of several folks whom have never filled their rollers and they worked fine. Dunno.....I fille mine.....and will continue to add water and drain it after the season is over. Maybe I'm just cheap? (errrr frugal?).
The original poster was looking for something that didn't freeze as he has to haul water.9
Seems like allot of bother and expense to haul your crimper to have beet juice installed. I suppose it took 20 minutes or so to fill my roller with water (I dont have allot of flow) .....and I just pulled the plug and let it drain later. Not a bid deal. I know of several folks whom have never filled their rollers and they worked fine. Dunno.....I fille mine.....and will continue to add water and drain it after the season is over. Maybe I'm just cheap? (errrr frugal?).
A little late to report, but I didn’t put anything in my newly built crimper and it crimped the Green Cover Warm Season Soil Builder really well. That’s just one crop, so I’ve yet to try it on anything else. IMG_1984.jpegIMG_2122.jpeg
A little late to report, but I didn’t put anything in my newly built crimper and it crimped the Green Cover Warm Season Soil Builder really well. That’s just one crop, so I’ve yet to try it on anything else. View attachment 58598View attachment 58599
Looks like a good build there and I am very glad it has worked for you .. I think where the added weight is going to come to play is very thick very tall and or large stalks where the tool wants to ride the mass so to speak without proximity to the ground to make the break/interruption to the capillary action… I surely hope I have enough mass to need every pound of tool I can present the plant for the “death roll”

What was the seed combo in that field dry creek. Like that roller. That's awesome
Keep an eye out latter this year. RV antifreeze goes on clearance. Make sure your greasing your joints on your loaders, those repeated small movements do a number on the bushings.

Someone asked how much extra weight a 8 or 12 inch roller adds filled with water. 32lbs/foot and 48lbs/foot additional.