Well now that all the snow has melted, but we still have cold temps here. Yes we did get over 7 feet of snow over Christmas (48 hours). Erie, PA. We made the world news. After about 10 days of snow (104.7" total) we then had a high of 72, then the floods started. What a mess.....I can say that has to be the most snow I have ever seen come in that short amount of time. Almost all my neighbors are retired so I snow blow all their driveways, but it was challenging with having about 4' of snow in the street. I do have a nice JD X728SE 4WD tractor with a 2 stage blower that made due, but at one point i thought we would have to drive the tractor to the store just to get supplies (milk, bread, cheese, beer, you know the essentials). We had company come over for Christmas, gift exchange and family stuff, but then they couldn't leave because no roads were plowed. So over night stay they did. My back window looks over a hill that has a medium traffic flow....we turned it into a drinking game.....what else is their to do when your snowed in and have a game show out your back window?...the game was...for every car that has to turn around because they can't make it up a hill you have to take a drink..... Well Merry Christmas to all of us.... all the adults in the house, as well as the kids had a great time...the kids didn't partake in the beverages..... I did thank my wife for buying the big ham as we made a bunch of ham-wiches.
On a side note, I would like to thank all you guys and gals for all your support, and feedback that we have received. It helps us grow our bond to each other with what we can accomplish when we put our mind to it. I love reading all the posts, seeing all the photos, and keeping in touch.
If any of you ever have an insulation question, please let me know. Like I stated before, no BS here, true straight facts.
Happy New Year, well Ground Hogs Day, oh crap that was yesterday....or was it Bill Murray??