
Just got hit with an unexpected Thunderstorm this morning. Sheesh. I wish I could catch a break. This is depressing. I need to sell this place and find someplace with better drained soils.
I'll trade you for a year and after dealing with these sands you will gladly accept some standing water
It looks like the heavy stuff missed us. Only 0.15" reported for Camp. I don't think our place was in dire need of any rain so I'm glad we didn't get 2" or more. I would have taken an inch though. Nice cold front right before the opener! It'd be nice to get out once this weekend but the mosquitos will be terrible w/ all the rain we've had the last 6 weeks.

I would think they would be knocked down a bit with the cold. I'll be taking the thermacell to the stand with me just in case.
The Missouri Farm got 4.5" in 12 hrs. Last night. My creek bottom I walk for access to stands is now a 8' deep river the neighbor said. With trees laying all over in it again. That makes for a lot more work I was not planning on. :mad:

WOW Thats allot of freaking rain an the scary part is it aint over yet! Should I bring a chainsaw???
The rain appears to be be done by us now. Looks like a total of 0.3-0.5" which I'll take considering what was predicted. Maybe my plots have a chance.
Here is an update from the weekend. They are wet as heck but seem to be OK. Deer are hammering them hard right now.




Here is my back plot of WR, 4010 peas. I am suprised how much groth there is considering getting flooded so soon after planting.


