Railroad crossing bill possibly dead


5 year old buck +

From the Clements Fishing Barge:

It would seem that the Senator from Racine, Senator Wanggaard is not going to even let the Railroad crossing bill come up for a vote. I talked with Representative Neirson's office today and they heard that he isn't going to move on it at all. This is how our political system works. One man, one politician has the power to "derail" a bill that had overwhelming support in the Assembly. He won't even LET it come to a vote in his committee so it can go to the senate floor, why, I don't know. I guess it could be because it might actually pass on the senate floor, it might be because the railroad and it's lobbyist are more important that the sportsman in this state and the ones who bring their money to this state. One person told me his office isn't even taking any calls on this issue. I am a little bit angry with politics right now, more so than I was before. If this is the process, then its broken and needs fixing. If this bothers you, go ahead and call his office and let him know. Senator Wanggaard 608-266-1832, especially if you are from Racine all the way to the Illinois border. I am disappointed for a lot of ice fishermen, bank fishermen, hunters, trappers, hikers and farmers in this state. Next session we will have to get organized much better than this. Maybe I will have to become a lobbyist for sportsman...

According to the Crawford County Independent, February 25, 2016, a Wisconsin DNR memo states: "This might well be the largest loss of public access to public waters in the history of the state."
People still cross the tracks all the time by me during ice fishing season.
The railroads hold too much sway to let this pass. They will just make nice fat donations to the Scooter cause and he will veto it anyway.
People still cross the tracks all the time by me during ice fishing season.

Guess the Railroad Police have been hiding in unmarked vehicles and handing out tickets this year. I would not cross at unmarked locations unless this is resolved. What is too bad is that many families allowed the rail line with the promise that they would always have access.
I'm sure in certain "hotspots" railroad police enforce this and its probably due to kids playing or other desirables more than hunters or fishermen. But is any of this a surprise? Rail safety and security is a major issue in today's day and age.
I'm sure in certain "hotspots" railroad police enforce this and its probably due to kids playing or other desirables more than hunters or fishermen. But is any of this a surprise? Rail safety and security is a major issue in today's day and age.

I'm hearing it mainly guys fishing getting ticketed from Genoa to Nelson along the Mississippi. Safety is an issue but when was the last time a hunter or fisherman was hit by a train in WI? At least a good compromise is in order and the Railroad should create more crossing points.
I'm hearing it mainly guys fishing getting ticketed from Genoa to Nelson along the Mississippi. Safety is an issue but when was the last time a hunter or fisherman was hit by a train in WI? At least a good compromise is in order and the Railroad should create more crossing points.
I think the "safety and security" aspect comes from possible terrorist group attacks on our infrastructure.
The government and railroads are beginning to really concern themselves with crude oil and other chemicals being transported on trains as terrorist targets. And sometimes it is not even about the product being transported, just about crippling our rail transportation system.

Hard to enforce against some on the tracks, but not others (sportsmen).
You guys didn't think the railroads were actually worried about sportsmens' / womens' safety - did you?? It's the terrorist threat they're worried about. Some of us may think about our fellow sportsmen, but the railroads and politicians don't !! It sucks being this cynical / realistic .