Nebraska senators propose bill to allow landowners free tags and more


5 year old buck +

Lawmakers clash over bill that would give some landowners special rifle hunting season for deer

That's the headline in the Omaha world herald tonight. Basically the bill would give landowners 5 days of rifle season prior to the regular rifle season opening up and 4 free tags per 80 acres.

What a crock of chit. I own land that would qualify me but am 100% against it as it would cause a loss of revenue for a game and parks as license sales are what builds their coffer and allows them to do their job. On top of that I, if passed it will make a lot of people think twice about getting a tag themselves and I believe it will destroy the herd health overall.

This bill is the brainchild of the same senator that made fun of our game and parks this past fall and bullied his way for a constituent of his to get 50 elk depredation tags. He was trying to make a point on several levels. The constituent allowed hunting prior but only for cash and to kill bulls. WTF

Okay, vent over.

Lawmakers clash over bill that would give some landowners special rifle hunting season for deer

That's the headline in the Omaha world herald tonight. Basically the bill would give landowners 5 days of rifle season prior to the regular rifle season opening up and 4 free tags per 80 acres.

What a crock of chit. I own land that would qualify me but am 100% against it as it would cause a loss of revenue for a game and parks as license sales are what builds their coffer and allows them to do their job. On top of that I, if passed it will make a lot of people think twice about getting a tag themselves and I believe it will destroy the herd health overall.

This bill is the brainchild of the same senator that made fun of our game and parks this past fall and bullied his way for a constituent of his to get 50 elk depredation tags. He was trying to make a point on several levels. The constituent allowed hunting prior but only for cash and to kill bulls. WTF

Okay, vent over.

This is what you get when you trust Gov't ... but oh wait, Gov't is our friend because they give u $$ :emoji_wink:

Lawmakers clash over bill that would give some landowners special rifle hunting season for deer

That's the headline in the Omaha world herald tonight. Basically the bill would give landowners 5 days of rifle season prior to the regular rifle season opening up and 4 free tags per 80 acres.

What a crock of chit. I own land that would qualify me but am 100% against it as it would cause a loss of revenue for a game and parks as license sales are what builds their coffer and allows them to do their job. On top of that I, if passed it will make a lot of people think twice about getting a tag themselves and I believe it will destroy the herd health overall.

This bill is the brainchild of the same senator that made fun of our game and parks this past fall and bullied his way for a constituent of his to get 50 elk depredation tags. He was trying to make a point on several levels. The constituent allowed hunting prior but only for cash and to kill bulls. WTF

Okay, vent over.

It really depends on what is driving it. In my state, there are a few hunting and a lot of firearm use rules codified into law by the state legislature. Blaze orange is an example. However, they have endowed our game department with control over most of the regulations like seasons and tags. Our game department is subject to some political pressure from different interest groups but much less than the politicians. The regulation changes are done on a 2 year cycle with a lot of public chats and inputs, but the biologists still carry a lot of weight.

No license is required for landowners and their immediate families here when hunting on their own land. This also applies to a lessee that resides on the land. They are still required to follow all the regs and bag limits and report harvests but simply don't have to pay for licenses and fees. This policy has worked for many years, but it may be having a more significant impact on the department budget now that hunter numbers are declining. Property owners are becoming a more significant percentage of hunters.

There are special programs that landowners can participate here that give them free antlerless only tags that don't count against bag limits (day or season) and give them all season to harvest antlerless deer where other hunters can only harvest antlerless deer on specified doe days for their area. In exchange, the property owner must collect biological data and samples from every deer harvested on their property for the game department. The game department uses this program to help them get data for management purposes.

This program works well here and is called DMAP. This is largely because it serves a management purpose as determined by our biologists.

Depending on what is driving the bill, it could have bad consequences...


States want dead deer. If there's a small herd in a field, it's too many. They're catching on.
That's a bummer if you cannot afford to own land.

The Kings Deer.
Crazy bill that allows landowners a jump start on the rifle season. I heard Wisconsin has a bill to extend the gun season as well. It is getting bad all over. Minnesota has added so many gun season days in the past 20 years we now have 29 gun days starting late October to mid-December. No wonder it is near impossible to get a buck to age 4.
The DNR here has expanded weapons choices and even added additional season in specific targeted areas as well over the past 20 years. They wanted dead deer in just about anyway they could get it. We don't have a special season for landowners.....but a landowner doesn't need a tag when hunting the land they own (I look for that to die at some point as the DNR is always complaining about funding). They do have to play by all the other rules however. I think I have bought 2 or 3 tags in the past 20 years. Play by the rules here and a person can kill over 300 deer across the state in a year if they tag out in every county! That obviously isn't realistic, but per the's possible. We also had the legislature push the use of rifles on to the DNR because some folks couldn't get the DNR to do it themselves. Simply because the DNR didn't see the need and many hunters where divided about 50/50 on doing it. Someone wanted to get their way so they stuffed enough money in the pockets of the state house and it got implemented that way. For the most part it's my thought that the state government shouldn't be telling the DNR which weapons should be used during deer season.
Crazy bill that allows landowners a jump start on the rifle season. I heard Wisconsin has a bill to extend the gun season as well. It is getting bad all over. Minnesota has added so many gun season days in the past 20 years we now have 29 gun days starting late October to mid-December. No wonder it is near impossible to get a buck to age 4.
Wow, I never knew MN had that many gun hunting days. From what I hear it seems that the deer herd and management is in worse shape than WI.

Lawmakers clash over bill that would give some landowners special rifle hunting season for deer

That's the headline in the Omaha world herald tonight. Basically the bill would give landowners 5 days of rifle season prior to the regular rifle season opening up and 4 free tags per 80 acres.

What a crock of chit. I own land that would qualify me but am 100% against it as it would cause a loss of revenue for a game and parks as license sales are what builds their coffer and allows them to do their job. On top of that I, if passed it will make a lot of people think twice about getting a tag themselves and I believe it will destroy the herd health overall.

This bill is the brainchild of the same senator that made fun of our game and parks this past fall and bullied his way for a constituent of his to get 50 elk depredation tags. He was trying to make a point on several levels. The constituent allowed hunting prior but only for cash and to kill bulls. WTF

Okay, vent over.
Crazy! Wow I can see how that would piss a lot of people off. Talk about dividing hunters. The same is happening here in WI. They have been changing everything that has to do with deer hunting. Mostly for the worse. They all have bright ideas to change everything instead of leaving it alone with what worked fine for so long.