Raccoon trapping

Why hang the from a tree?
The 'coons must be smarter than I am...nothing in the traps, and most of the bait was gone.
These two are likely telling their friends that I am giving away free food in metal cups!

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This morning I pulled all of the traps and will given them a good cleaning and redeploy in some new locations. This morning five traps had been de-baited and coon tracks from last night sprinkles clearly showed the culprits.
I know a guy that sells the skulls also
I have a target rich environment now that deer season is over. They aren’t going to know what hit them.
I boiled the traps (water/baking soda) to remove grim, dirt and rust, and they seems to be working well. I'll boil and paint before storing for the season as well, although a few will be in year round service by the chicken coop.

Trap Update: While I still like the Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Traps, two (2-17-23, now three) have issues with the setting finger, rendering them trash. Also, the “metal" label has been torn off three traps by irritated coons. I continue to NOT like the Wolf Creek Diablo's due to the U shaped ground stake and the "easy clean out bottom." The bottom floor, which opens to easily remove old bait, requires periodic tightening or loosening due to the weather and movement. These are the traps most frequently found with no bait. The Dukes are OK, but I have had two end up with with bent spring axles, which rendered them trash.

Tailfin R-Trap DP.png
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I love the challenge of trapping yotes. They aren't easy for me. Get board with coons. Just curious, why do you get burned out?
The one property I’m on the coyotes seem to be tough to catch for some reason. I do catch 4-5 every few days there but I guess with the coons I enjoy it because my son is with me and I think it maybe just seeing him having fun and the time we spend together. CJ
Ironically, now that I removed the traps for cleaning and redeployment, my cameras are exploding with pictures of raccoons and possums. My work/travel schedule is not allowing placement of the traps until the end of the month, but it appears the critters have been avoiding the areas with the traps. It also means I have a lot more trapping to do to achieve my spring habitat objectives.
The 'coons must be smarter than I am...nothing in the traps, and most of the bait was gone.
These two are likely telling their friends that I am giving away free food in metal cups!
That's funny stuff!!!
This morning I pulled all of the traps and will given them a good cleaning and redeploy in some new locations. This morning five traps had been de-baited and coon tracks from last night sprinkles clearly showed the culprits.
They're messing with you, 356!! Maybe try peanut butter down inside so they have to keep "pawing at it" to get their fill??
Even having trapped for coons in the past - I came to admire their skills and resourcefulness. Fun little monsters!
In the past five weeks I have trapped 12 days with 12 dog-proofs and 2 cage traps and caught nothing. I am still getting 'coons on camera, so they are out there, but are not hitting the traps. I also found evidence of birds emptying the traps this morning, so I will start putting tin cans over the dog proofs. With this weekend's "warm up" hopefully there will be some catches tonight.
I use a wooden box and conibear 220 does just fine on coons,caught number 15 this morning had 4 set.If it gets cold just throw beaver meat in for bait and go for bobcats
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I’ve caught 7 since deer season. Have 5 out right now to check in the am.
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After a long dry spell, I caught one raccoon and one careless squirrel last night. I still have 19 more predators to go to meet this seasons goal of 100. I was tempted to take out two coyotes on the farm next door, but I don't have his permission yet...that's something I need to add to my to-do list. Unfortunately, the owner is not a local resident, so I will need to write him.
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Raccoon 70 and 71 have been removed from the homestead. Add to this 12 opossums and there are only 17 to go to reach this season's goal. I also had another Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Traps go bad, so I am removing them from my "recommended list" as 25% (3 of 12) had gone bad since June. See post #167 for a better description of the failure point.

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Raccoon 70 and 71 have been removed from the homestead. Add to this 12 opossums and there are only 17 to go to reach this season's goal. I also had another Tailfin R-Trap Dog Proof Traps go bad, so I am removing them from my "recommended list" as 25% (3 of 12) had gone bad since June. See post #167 for a better description of the failure point.
I plan to start back up in March. Can't wait! Also going to try for some coyotes this year. Ordered traps yesterday and there are always plenty around so if I don't get any it's on me.
Your putting a stomping on them,I'm at 18 and moved to another area.The local trapper that i borrow and give back all my catches said today he had caught 80 bobcats as of today.I have no idea how many raccoons and possums.He probably had 25 possums on floor and 10 raccoons
I told my neighbor he could have he and his friend run coon dogs on me until April 1. But with one specification, no catch and release. I want to see carnage!!
First year of trapping and land ownership, been having a good time with my kids trying to help the local turkeys.

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