Raccoon trapping

Opossum #13 was caught this morning...that's 81 for the season starting June 1.
I have run Duke Dogproof coon traps, for a number of years and my buddy has well. I cant recall a trap being broke for any reason. If you have been running the same bait for a long time, you will probably increase your success by changing up the bait. If a coon is walking by it every night for months on end, its not likely going to peak his interest at a later time. Especially as we progress out of Winter into Spring there is will be a whole bunch of new food options. Try a big marshmallow with one of the commercial coon lures on it.
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As we transition into warmer days, I have to transition away from sweets or sardines, etc. fireants will engulf the trap.
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I have run Duke Dogproof coon traps, for a number of years and my buddy has well. I cant recall a trap being broke for any reason. If you have been running the same bait for a long time, you will probably increase your success by changing up the bait. If a coon is walking by it every night for months on end, its not likely going to peak his interest at a later time. Especially as we progress out of Winter into Spring there is will be a whole bunch of new food options. Try a big marshmallow with one of the commercial coon lures on it.
I rotate between cat food, marshmallows and peanut butter. I’ve not used any lures. I agree the Duke’s have heled up well. I‘ve lost a couple and run over one, but never had a trap failure with the Dukes.
That's great Shearwood! Keep those kids involved! Looks like she loves it!

I found a lot of dead coons while shed hunting this year. They're coons I didn't kill. Wonder if a disease came through?
That's great Shearwood! Keep those kids involved! Looks like she loves it!

I found a lot of dead coons while shed hunting this year. They're coons I didn't kill. Wonder if a disease came through?
Distemper will drop a healthy coon in a few days. Mother Nature can control a population when she needs to.
Distemper will drop a healthy coon in a few days. Mother Nature can control a population when she needs to.
She's a lot better at it than we are. I often think we are beating our heads against the wall trying to manipulate wild populations. First time I saw Mother Nature take care of business was as a kid. I grew up trapping. When Holleywood started throwing red paint on people and cancelling out fur coats the prices for yote pelts dropped. Mange immediately took over and kept the yotes in check. I would rather trap and wear fur than watch them die of freezing and starving, but to each their own.
She's a lot better at it than we are. I often think we are beating our heads against the wall trying to manipulate wild populations. First time I saw Mother Nature take care of business was as a kid. I grew up trapping. When Holleywood started throwing red paint on people and cancelling out fur coats the prices for yote pelts dropped. Mange immediately took over and kept the yotes in check. I would rather trap and wear fur than watch them die of freezing and starving, but to each their own.
I have felt that if we could get some pictures of wild animals (especially fur bearers) dying from diseases like mange and picket every anti-fur protest we could turn some heads. With the slogan "PETA Caused This" it would be money well spent. I have seen a number of hairless coyotes in my day, covered with open sores and basically starving to death from being severely infected from mange. If you are telling me that is less cruel than trapping those people are seriously F &(&^ up in the head.
I have felt that if we could get some pictures of wild animals (especially fur bearers) dying from diseases like mange and picket every anti-fur protest we could turn some heads. With the slogan "PETA Caused This" it would be money well spent. I have seen a number of hairless coyotes in my day, covered with open sores and basically starving to death from being severely infected from mange. If you are telling me that is less cruel than trapping those people are seriously F &(&^ up in the head.
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Curious. What do people do with the dead ones?
Fling them over the fence. When I lived in Florida, they would get thrown into the canal to feed the gators.
My buddy has been selling the possum and raccoon skulls also and he ended up with 76 cats this year
dying from diseases like mange
We had some mange-ridden bears in the area of our camp and surrounding areas a few years ago. The sighting of a mostly naked bear in the fall was a real eye-opener. VERY strange sight. Looked like a mutation of something out of a sci-fi movie. It would never last the winter. Called the Game warden to come shoot it. SAD sight.
Ran four dog proofs from July till November, think I caught around thirty coons and possums in the orchard last year. Dad suggested putting one back out near the bee hives, caught the first night.20230312_100329_HDR.jpg
Hopefully Kansas makes it legal for us to trap raccoons year round
Ran a trap line for a few nights in February. Great learning experience, plan on taking it more seriously next season. NC’s season ends on February 28th, would be great if we could trap through nesting season.



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I'm very thankful WI allows landowners to trap for some species year round. My "season" is about to begin.
I trapped one last raccoon on the final day of the private lands season (April 14). End of season total: 72 raccoons, 12 possums and a mouse whose pilfering of the DP was its undoing. I recently started seeing 'coons on the trail cams, but they seem to have been educated about the traps. Overall, I am very pleased with the season outcomes, and am glad to have removed so many poult predators from this small property.

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I had a picture of a hen on two cameras this week and heard my first Gobbler....that was the first gobbler I've heard on this property since we moved here six years ago. These are small steps that take time, but make a difference!
Good work!
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What are people's preferred dispatch weapon? I've just been using a 17hmr because it's always in the cabin closet for groundhogs

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