Rabbit food?

Deer Kar

5 year old buck +
I have a problem with an over abundance of rabbits. I have a live trap but not sure what to put in it. I use dog food to trap Coon in my sweet corn. Any suggestions ?
With all the abundant green food around it is hard to trap rabbits this time of year.
It will be tough to compete with fresh green leaves growing wild, but I think lettuce or possibly carrots would be a good place to start. I'm seeing a lot of rabbits feeding on dandelion leaves in my yard, but I doubt they would eat leaves that you picked. It's possible they have so much wild food that they would avoid the trap regardless of what you put in it.

I've done everything possible to increase the rabbit numbers at my place because I really enjoy rabbit hunting. Why do you want to get rid of the rabbits?

When I lived in town and rabbits were eating my shrubs every night during the winter I would use corn as a bait and take them out with a head shot from a pellet gun. Lots of rabbit stew that year.
I used to catch them in box traps with apple wedges, and I don't know of a better bait for rabbits. If you pour out a small amount of cider leading them in it works even better. And, you will catch more than just rabbits. Good luck.
Funny this thread came up. I just bought a pellet gun today and took the screen out of my upstairs window. My development is under siege by rabbits. I have never seen so many. I have an elevated garden box that they just figured out how to get into. In two nights the have eaten my parsley, eggplant, and taken bites out of our first 4 tomatoes of the year. When the wife said take them out I went directly to gander mountain and did not pass go.
Funny this thread came up. I just bought a pellet gun today and took the screen out of my upstairs window.
What did you get? I'm considering one.
Henry lever action .22LR and some sub-sonic ammo. It's louder if you have buildings or trees to bounce sound around. If you're in open air, it's amazingly quiet for a gun shot.
The rabbit problem is at my house in town. Most of my neighbors are gun people or hunters but I don't want to start blasting away and have a visit by local PD. My ground level garden got hit hard before I put Up a fence. Now they moved over to my landscaping . Some one ( 5 &7 yr olds) may have got a few shots off out of there Red Rider BB gun but I had to put the kibosh to that as I don't want to start replacing windows. I tried Carrots yesterday nothing might try the apple wedges soon.
I know a guy that lives in Eagan and would shoot rabbits and squirrels with subsonic .22 by opening his sliding door and having the end of the barrel entirely inside his house. It is in a pretty nice neighborhood and he said nobody could hear the shots outside of the house.
The rabbit problem is at my house in town. Most of my neighbors are gun people or hunters but I don't want to start blasting away and have a visit by local PD. My ground level garden got hit hard before I put Up a fence. Now they moved over to my landscaping . Some one ( 5 &7 yr olds) may have got a few shots off out of there Red Rider BB gun but I had to put the kibosh to that as I don't want to start replacing windows. I tried Carrots yesterday nothing might try the apple wedges soon.
Valid concern. Plan B: Paintball gun? Plan C: Snare? What would Marty do?
I know a guy that lives in Eagan and would shoot rabbits and squirrels with subsonic .22 by opening his sliding door and having the end of the barrel entirely inside his house. It is in a pretty nice neighborhood and he said nobody could hear the shots outside of the house.
Subsonic .22 shells I may or may not buy some today( I have a nice sliding door in the back of my house!!!). Starting to see a BUNCH of short rabbits . Man those thing populate quick . I think I need to step up my game a bit to get the population in check with the habitat. There are visible browse lines .
I live out in the country now and can shoot any type of gun legally, but I still really like the .22 short CB's since they make no noise. They don't make any more noise than a pellet guy and they can easily kill small game. If you have a solid backstop to prevent ricochet, you could shoot those and your neighbor won't hear it.

The rabbit numbers this year are unbelievable around my house in SE MN, but that makes me very happy since I really like rabbit hunting. There are multiple age classes of rabbits running around my yard every night - it should be an excellent rabbit season this fall.
What did you get? I'm considering one.
I got the Gamo 1250 fps. It was on sale for $119 from $150. Had my first two hits last night but they went in the weeds so not sure if they are dead. They jumped 2' straight up when they were hit. I am going to sight it in off a bench rest this weekend so I can start taking head shots.
First confirmed kill. I just looked out the window where I shot the rabbit last night that ran off into the weeds. It was laying dead 5' from where I shot it under a spruce tree. Reminded me of how deer circle back and die close to where they are hit. I am certain it has been living under that spruce tree, 10 yards from my garden. One down countless more to go.
Got the neighbors cat in the live trap over the weekend! I think I will need to switch to a little move productive method some thing with a trigger!!
The cat should be hunting the rabbit's.
I'd shoot either one of them! Cat's belong in the barn!
Rabbits have moved on !! Some were carried away. Last Sunday we got a little puppy . She seems to be guarding the compound well.