Quick Connect for Tractor Grapple?


5 year old buck +
So Ive got the front hookup on my tractor for a grapple/puller, Ive never used it before. It is a Dixon 5000 series. Yesterday I borrowed a tree puller from a buddy to use on my tractor. The hookup appears to be the same size. His tree puller has a Parker brand quick connect.

I can get the female end of the attachment on the male end of the tractor, but the female Parker end take a hell of a lot of effort to get on and then it wont clip on. The bearings refuse to "seat" in the groove. Do you guys have any advice on some troubleshooting here? I think the size is obviously compatible. Is there a way to let off some pressure? Could the collar on the coupler be seized? Its doesnt move.

It seems so simple but im at a loss as to what to do? Im no expert in hydraulics....

I think your mixing apples and oranges here for connectors. You have some 'flat connectors" which are used on lots of skid steer products. Then you have some connectors usually found on tractors which are poppet style connections. (there are also three sizes of these connectors to further complicate things). The name of those connectors is on the tip of my tongue.....but I cannot spit it out....lol. ___________. Somebody else will have to fill in the blanks. I have the small size on my front grapple and the mid size on the back of my tractor. PARKER is that name I was looking for. grin. Those flat connectors cost much more than the Parker type connections (because skid steers work with lots of hydraulic flow). Yours look like the medium size Parker connectors to me.
I'm absolutely no expert in hydraulics. My experience is pretty limited. I rebuilt one cylinder and that is about the extent of it. However, the quick connects shown in Siffy's appear to be the exact type that are on my JD 35G excavator thumb. While working in some timber, The arm brushed against a tree enough to pop out the quick connect. I could not get it back in. I ended up removing it from the unit and taking it back to the barn. I disassembled it. I found some corrosion in it and it didn't want to slide. After cleaning it up and putting it back together, it worked fine. One thing I noticed is that this type of quick connect has a lot less travel than the quick connects on my Kioti tractor. They slide quite a bit. This type has only a small about of movement when you make the connection.


Thanks for the comments guys. Foggy are you thinking PIONEER ends. Im familiar with those. Thats pretty much whats on all AG equipment and on all the rear remotes of the tractor. These are the "flush" style so they are easier to clean. Must be what most skid loaders have. If its the wrong size, I dont know why the one would fit?

Jack, yes it appears these are a lot tighter. Im just not sure if this collar is supposed to spin free or if it doesnt until its hooked up? Corrosion could be an issue in there?
Thanks for the comments guys. Foggy are you thinking PIONEER ends. Im familiar with those. Thats pretty much whats on all AG equipment and on all the rear remotes of the tractor. These are the "flush" style so they are easier to clean. Must be what most skid loaders have. If its the wrong size, I dont know why the one would fit?

Jack, yes it appears these are a lot tighter. Im just not sure if this collar is supposed to spin free or if it doesnt until its hooked up? Corrosion could be an issue in there?
Duh! Yep....PIONEER couplers. I'm getting old. grin. (Hell....I AM old). (I believe) You cannot mix those flat connectors and Pioneer couplers. Be careful.....you can hurt yourself with a hydraulic stream.
As said there are Pioneer fittings and Flat faced fittings. They sell adapters to go from pioneer to flat face or vice versa on Amazon.