Question for members from Iowa


5 year old buck +
At another forum where I'm a member someone started a thread about Iowa running some type of pipeline for high pressure CO2 storage for fighting forest fires. Anyone know anything about his? His complaint was about losing owners rights for the pipeline to be run. I can't imagine trying to fight a forest fire with CO2.
Never heard of that .
At another forum where I'm a member someone started a thread about Iowa running some type of pipeline for high pressure CO2 storage for fighting forest fires. Anyone know anything about his? His complaint was about losing owners rights for the pipeline to be run. I can't imagine trying to fight a forest fire with CO2.

Jerry, I’ve heard of them running CO2 through a pipeline to a central facility that attempts to inject it deep underground. The rights deal isn’t usually too bad. You get paid for an easement on most of those deals I think. You can still use the land for ag. We have a natural gas pipeline running through our place. Someone way before us got paid for the easement, but if they have to come in and do work, they still pay us damages for reseeding g or anything else they effect. Not too bad and not very common.

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